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Has Nas fucked up?


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nah the race issue is still relevant...



Ive heard white hick ass mother fuckers in boston


call the NBA, the NHB (Nigger hand ball)


and be all about ball now since the celts are looking good



and to that dude I must say fuck you and that whiskey stained mick twat you fell out of


And I've heard black people use racist ass terms myself...but do I turn around and call them derogatory terms or get on a message board to rant about it, Nope.


Cause I was taught those are ignorant fucks.

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And I've heard black people use racist ass terms myself...but do I turn around and call them derogatory terms or get on a message board to rant about it, Nope.


Cause I was taught those are ignorant fucks.



how am I an ignorant fuck???


when i just stated that the issue is still relevant and just gave some insight into a situation i had to endure as a strong powerful black man

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it sure aint.


sometimes i think black people just like to complain about shit and blame the white man. for example some people i ran into at school and other public places complaining about how they cant get a job.

if my patna who has to make up a social security number on a job application and gets hired a week later why the fuck cant you get a job?


any of you familiar with memin pinguin?

he is a black comic from mexico. he's been around for decades and a few years ago he was being honored by the mexican government by being featured on a postage and i think it was jesse jackson who was trying to get the mexican government not do it because it was "racist"

they still did it though.

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his career is in the shitter at the moment. he has never really been able to reach the heights he set with illmatic, and has followed it up with a bunch of mediocre albums.


since he can't come up with any great music anymore he is resorting to gimmicks like calling his albums "hip hop is dead" and "nigger". and this is just to get a reaction from people and to get some sales. when HHID came out everyone was arguing either that hip hop is or isnt dead, and he got the reaction he wanted. it was a good album but he can do better.


and now "nigger" and you just know this will sell purely because of the reactions to the title. there will be stories on cnn about it, jessie jackson is gonna say something about it, so is oprah, various rednecks, and so on. and kids will go buy it. i am hoping that it will be a very good album but i am not holding my breath.

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how am I an ignorant fuck???


when i just stated that the issue is still relevant and just gave some insight into a situation i had to endure as a strong powerful black man


Well I didn't and still don't see any reasoning you could of possibly had by calling anyone a derogatory term esp. since you were angry for having them used against yourself!


P.S. Just because most white people don't take the terms hick, redneck, cracker, or whatever else that serious, they are still derogatory terms.


Now for Nas, i probably won't buy the cd unless i hear it is something thats worth it cause i agree, He hasn't had anything over mediocre since illmatic.

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i don't see what the issue is, people have put the word in songs, on cd covers, and on song titles before --what's the big deal with this time? oh, is it because it's standing by it's self?


my question is this, if nas didn't turn into a pop icon (when he went all puffy in the late 90's), would this issue be at hand? if someone a little more under the radar, say Mr.Lif, put out an album of this name --would it be an issue like this?


now if this guy:



put out an album of that name, maybe i can see a reason for people to get all bent. but hip hop has been embracing "nigga" and "nigger" for years in lyrics, song titles, and album covers.


some people need to just wipe their pussies and shut up.


edit: i'm not talking about people on this thread, i'm talking about some of those in the media.

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