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Cyclists in the city.

Manute Bol

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cyclists do more for the environment than you, you ignorant cunt.


they are as much entitled to space on the road as a car.

i fucking hate people like you.

next time you fuck with a cyclist i hope they d-lock your fucking drivers side window and make you feel like an unprotected pussy.

you are in a metal box they are not, who is the little bitch ridin in they escalade. weak nigguh

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Every day these fucks signal with their hands in the middle of traffic, pissin' me off, riding all off balance and shit. Get the fuck out of the street, and you can yell "your mom!" at them, but they just make a stupid face and keep on riding. So I start taking these fucks out, every time I see a bike chained up I use my box cutter and slash the tires, if I am drunk I usually start stomping out the frame and fuckin up the spokes, all sorts of ruthless shit.


I think its an addiction.


Well, that is all.




^Somebody ban this idiot.

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I dunno what im doing FOR the environment besides not burning fossil fuels, but that's cool.

I've got a bunch of shit you could throw back in a cyclist's face if they give you that "go green" speech, but saying it all is a conflict of interest.


It was america's first bike coalition that lobbied and advocated for America's first paved city roads in the 1850's. That didn't exactly help the environment.


And to anyone upset with sharing the road: like i said, cyclists are responsible for you even having paved roads, highways, and everything else around you. If bike coalitions didnt take the measures they took two decades before the arrival of the car, auto row would be a bunch of bicycles, horses, packmules and train depots.


Also: Inner city car average speed: 10 mph.

Inner city bicycle average speed: 12 mph.

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bump hate that shit too


hate it more when there's a sidewalk



I don't know how it is in Russia or wherever you're from. But in the US you get hemmed up and ticketed for riding your bike on the sidewalk. Bikes are supposed to be ridden in the street. That's why they have those "share the road" signs to remind you idiots.




On that note, I love it when some idiot from the suburbs or Jersey feels brave and honks and yells some "get out of the street" shit, only to speed off all scarred when you crack their windsheild with your U-lock. :lol:

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Guest shai_hulud

Boy, you came to the wrong place to say THAT kind of off-the-wall shit.


I'm not a violent person. But, I was a courier for almost ten years. One time, a cabbie bumped me, so I asked him what the hell his problem was. He responded by throwing a clipboard at me and trying to get out of his cab. Notice I say TRYING, because I instantly reacted and grabbed his door and slammed it on his arm about three times. HARD.


He faded back into the cab, I broke his headlights, and left him sitting in the intersection.


I honestly feel bad about what I did, and it happened three years ago. I don't do things like that, normally.


The point I'm trying to make is that when you threaten someone's life or their livelihood, they don't have time to think about whether fucking you up is a good idea or not. They just do it.


I should add that I noticed that I was being videotaped by some guy, and had people yelling at me from the curb. I didn't care.


I realize you're probably just butt-hurt about something that happened to you in traffic. Take a deep breath. Count to ten. It will pass.


Just think about what I wrote. It's not a threat, but it is a warning.

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I've got my own reasons for riding a bike, mainly I like doing it. I usually get really pissed off when people put their own convenience before my safety. I never get pissed about stupid ass posts but this is some strait up bitch shit. I'm sure he don't do it but even thinking that shit would be cool gets me pissed.

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I don't know how it is in Russia or wherever you're from. But in the US you get hemmed up and ticketed for riding your bike on the sidewalk. Bikes are supposed to be ridden in the street. That's why they have those "share the road" signs to remind you idiots.




On that note, I love it when some idiot from the suburbs or Jersey feels brave and honks and yells some "get out of the street" shit, only to speed off all scarred when you crack their windsheild with your U-lock. :lol:



ive seen cyclists get run over for doing stupid shit like that

the only time i hate cyclists is when im walking on the footpath and they fly by at a million miles an hour with out giving a warning

that always gets me

i ride everyday to work because its about 10 minutes away

ive been yelled at, had shit thrown at me and been swerved at

but i wouldnt break someones damn windscreen

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I don't like it when these fucking faggots try to act like they are a car, but they don't obey stop signs or stop lights.


I also don't like it when they get too close to my car. It makes me nervous. All I need is a dead hipster and a long police report to top off my day.


On the way home there is always this dumb blonde hipster bitch riding her bike. Some how she is ALWAYS riding by me. The road we are on has cars parked all along it so there is NO room for her to be riding on the side of the road and the lane be able to get by. I yell shit at her all the time, cus she should be on the fucking back road that runs adjacent to the road she is on which carries far less traffic.


I don't care much about the bikes but if some fuck "smashed my window" for me saying something then shit would get grizzly. I can fit a lot more under my car seat than they can fit under a bike seat ya digggg.

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Guest shai_hulud

If you had ever seen some of the stuff I've seen, you'd be singing a completely different tune. Like watching your friend get pulled out from under a bus, and knowing he wasn't going to make it.


I don't come and fuck with you at your job at McDonald's. Don't fuck with me at mine.

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Guest shai_hulud

And Gucci, I agree. There's a lot of aggressive, stupid cyclists out there. I have had to deal with my fair share of them too. I don't feel entitled to the road, and neither should they. I pay the same taxes they do. I just happen to know what I'm doing. I'm not some drunk rookie with a chip on my shoulder.. I ride REALLY defensively.


And, if you do get to the point with a cyclist where there's really no other option than to shoot the one, at least get out of your car and do it. I shouldn't have to explain why.


Or, just relax. You'll get there eventually. Shake the haters off. I got good at it, so can you.

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Guest R@ndomH3ro

I hear ya...i hate when I am driving down the street and I see dudes biking the wrong way and all in the road.


Its like dude, you are on a bike not a 18 wheeler, you dont need the whole road.


Also you are supposed to be going the opposite direction of traffic...thats why i scared the shit out you when I came up behind you.

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This all started the day some guy made me catch a red in bumper to bumper traffic when I had some where to be, this happens often obviously, but what killed it for me is when the light turned green and he sticks out his arm, almost tipping his unbalanced ass over trying to turn while a highway exit of traffic and I are an inch behind him. Later that night I was wasted, walking back to a friends car trying to get in, but some fuck chained his bike up in between a tree and the passenger door. I will admit it wasn’t that tight of a squeeze but he handed me the cutter and it started. I felt great after, honestly, and if the asshole saw me and wanted to fight vs. calling the cops I would, even if I am the asshole in this situation.

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Guest shai_hulud

First instance, yes. You were justified. People doing dumb things in traffic deserve to get yelled at. But, that's all they deserve. Like water off a duck's back.


Second instance, you are incredibly lucky I wasn't there to see it. That was another stupid situation, but whatever. Nothing you couldn't shake your head at, and walk away from.


Remember what I said about how I react to situations? Well, there's another one I tend to "shoot first, and ask questions later" in. I would assume you're a bike thief and run up on you. Human nature has taught me that bike thieves are cowards. Any kind of man would wait, and jack the owner of the bike for his shit. Or, in your case, wait for the owner of the bike and give them a piece of your mind...but, no. You took it out on the bike. It's so much easier. Was it a big or little bike? That's usually a good indication of the size of the owner. Was it a nice bike? Do you drive a nice car? Would you want me saying, "I like breaking mirrors on cabs...but Manute's Lexus, MAN...I get a real kick out of breaking his mirrors. It's not like he worked for that car, or anything."


You should bear in mind that it's really hard to drive with two broken hands...or do much else.


Also, are you admitting you drive drunk? Somehow, that doesn't surprise me in the least.


You need to learn how to check yourself. Seriously. One day, you're going to piss off the wrong person.

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But yeah bro it's just like tagging, I'm sure if the owner of a store caught you tagging pieces he would want to kill you!



Yea Bro, it has nothing to do with tagging. There is no way a bike is gonna slow you down as much as another car in traffic. The streets are where cycles belong.

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I hear ya...i hate when I am driving down the street and I see dudes biking the wrong way and all in the road.


Its like dude, you are on a bike not a 18 wheeler, you dont need the whole road.


Also you are supposed to be going the opposite direction of traffic...thats why i scared the shit out you when I came up behind you.


Wrong, you have to go the same direction as traffic. I never ride close to parked cars

because alot of drivers are self absorbed assholes and open their car doors without looking.

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Every day these fucks signal with their hands in the middle of traffic, pissin' me off, riding all off balance and shit. Get the fuck out of the street, and you can yell "your mom!" at them, but they just make a stupid face and keep on riding. So I start taking these fucks out, every time I see a bike chained up I use my box cutter and slash the tires, if I am drunk I usually start stomping out the frame and fuckin up the spokes, all sorts of ruthless shit.


I think its an addiction.


Well, that is all.


Wow, you're a dick and this thread is retarded.

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