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Toe Cutter

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When I was in prison, most nights were pretty boring.

So I would take a pair of tweezers and sit in the bathroom.

Behind the security of the sheet "doors" on the stall, I would tweeze out hairs.

From where? you ask.

Everywhere. I say.

It is impossible to remove all bodily hair with tweezers.

I would work in sections.


Killing time in creepy ways.

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shave downwards. to prevent razor burn cause its your first time.

but when your skin is used to it you can shave up.


do prevent from it irritating you. shave it everyday.no matter what. it can be little priklies that pop out. shave them and youll be used to it in no time.



i dont know why im helping this guy.

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your family seems weird to me . but i think its just me.


cause if i had a boner in public my mom would be clowning on me so hard. laughing making fun of me.

hah what a mother huh?

but yeah.


no she doesnt make fun of me. it almost seems like that would be less emberessing, cuz my mom and dad just act like ''omg, we need to hide him''.


like its taken really seriously but they feel sorry for me so its just awkward....


i dunno...

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your family seems weird to me . but i think its just me.


cause if i had a boner in public my mom would be clowning on me so hard. laughing making fun of me.

hah what a mother huh?

but yeah.


I would just tuck it under my waistline and put my shirt over it. nobody would know unless I pushed it out. /no tight clothes

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toe cutter im sure your mum would wax yours if you make her coffee every morning.

trust me i am here to help you.


oh and blood fart why did you go to prison? please dont tell us it was child related!


Nothing too epic.

I robbed a convience store with a brick.

When I was 17.

And in a whiskey black out.


The state said that 2 1/2 years of my time was good enough payback.

They were right.

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