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The Ten Secrets towards a Personal Attractiveness


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a lot of that shit in the "10 secrets" is common sense..



sometimes you have to spell it out for people



ain't it something...common sense is lost in people. Like it's more respectable to smash a forty ounce over someone's head than to help an old lady carry her groceries on the bus.

what's up with people??

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i would say "blame the media," for portraying what's "hip" and "cool" as being hard... etcetera.


but it's not all up to that, people have brains, and can think for themselves.

blaming modern culture and society is just a crutch for people that don't have something true to follow believe in.

people have turned into robots.

that's kinda extreme though, but my opinion on it.

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its all about your environment..



but you can damn near apply those ideas toward anything..


a new job


trying to fuck some broad


your mother



i know plenty of NICE people who also make it known they ARNT to be fuxt with...

there is a fine line...


the bottom line is called "SOCIAL SKILLS" which to me is common sense but some people just dont get it and have ZERO social skills

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it's ok, cat grillz, read it anyway and toss the islam stuff out the window if you like, it's free country.


EXACTLY!!! if anyone reading this is getting caught up on the fact that it is based on islam, look past it and notice the general meaning behind it. you don't have to take it word for word, motion for motion, but take from it and try to adjust your life around it. it's hard to put into text on a graffiti forum, but if you stop and notice all the bullshit most people wrap their lives up with, you might notice it's not needed. you might also notice that focusing a little more on the positive, you can get rid of a whole lot of the negative in your life. the more positive you put out, the more positive you'll get back. just try it for a month, and see.


don't ever think you'll be able to escape all that is negative in this world. you just have to learn how to deal with it, figure it out, and get past it.

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EXACTLY!!! if anyone reading this is getting caught up on the fact that it is based on islam, look past it and notice the general meaning behind it. you don't have to take it word for word, motion for motion, but take from it and try to adjust your life around it. it's hard to put into text on a graffiti forum, but if you stop and notice all the bullshit most people wrap their lives up with, you might notice it's not needed. you might also notice that focusing a little more on the positive, you can get rid of a whole lot of the negative in your life. the more positive you put out, the more positive you'll get back. just try it for a month, and see.


don't ever think you'll be able to escape all that is negative in this world. you just have to learn how to deal with it, figure it out, and get past it.



real talk , up there......I remember common sense (the rapper) had a line on one of his old joints where he said "as I maneuver through the manure I try to stay responsible."


People want to be be like the most reckless loose cannon of a person thinking that's what makes them interesting or fun. Most of the time in the end, those people get dropped like a bad habit after everyone sucks all the fun out of them. Then. some sorry sap ends up letting that same chump sleep on his couch while he gets his life together or whatever.

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i figured it would behoove me to read this, but then I saw some shit about Islam in the first line and said FUCK THAT.




Fuck that keep your religion to yourself. Or are you going to kill all unbelievers because they are infidels..?



"Have no unbelieving friends. Kill the unbelievers wherever you find them. " 4:89




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i think some people are taking the wrong approach to this thread, it's not about islam, musslim, christian, buddhist, it's about common respect for self and others. you can take the name and structure away from most belief systems, and most have the same foundation. it's how you approach life as an individual that can make a difference in society, even if it's the smallest dent. more importantly, it's how you can make a difference in your own life. trust me, i'm not one to sit and talk or point fingers. i've only just begun my journey to freeing myself from all the bullshit. it's not a journey i expect to ever finish either. death will take me before perfection reaches me. it's what i can do between now and then that makes the difference.

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Thread here is all good and everything, but the problem with this type of instant answers is

that people are supposed to adopt these ideals blindfolded and then live their lives by them, saved, changed or just plain wiser or whatever.

In reality, they're not wiser but emotionally lazier. They're are just semi-consciously acting a certain kind of 'correct behavior',

which can easily lead into a spiritual inflation of said morals, disappointment and maybe going back to earlier set of principles, even lazier than before.


Dude says I should "smile genuinely". Let's say I'm convinced that's a good thing to do...I have some kind of idea of a genuine smile and start to intentionally flash that in every situation.

But just as rude frankness becomes a perversed version of sincerity, Genuine smile becomes bullshit version of kindness and compassion.


If you decide to accept a principle it might be phenomenal to you, but no matter how do-goody it is, it won't solve any social problems in the world.

I've come to think it might have something to do with ppl not really feeling, experiencing or 'absorbing' the appearance of the 'bad things'.

Instead of just enhancing their ego with proper behavior, and judging every opposing view as a threat, I think people should look and see what lies within the negativity, cynicism etc,

and feel their different forms in other people. Optimists for example are often really cynical towards pessimists, because they (both) have opinionated views

and are stubborn with them. Their ignorance creates tension, which I've come to realize revolves around opinions, which most people really seem to think exist as actual objects.


Anyway stone-engraved morals do seem to work for majority of people, and save them from doing dumb shit in their lives, I give em that.[/crossfire]

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I wish all terrorist used these rules, but they seem to only pick the stuff out of the koran that fits what they want to think.



As for the rules themselves, I treat people decently, because that is how I want to be treated, but sometimes people need to be told to "shut the fuck up" or something along those lines and/or a good bitch slap included when saying it.


I treat people as I want to be treated, being polite gets in the way sometimes and needs to be overlooked.

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No doubt harshness needs to be used in the right situations to get the right effect when it's needed. I'm not implying to be a doormat like Haya suggested, or to be "fake" like viperface mentioned.

These principles should be like our normal dispositions, and of course we are hard with people when we need to be like if some crackhead comes up to you and your family acting all belligerent and threatening you may need to lay him out, but you can usually kill people with kindness until someone's in your personal space acting dumb and forces you to crush em. I'm guilty of not acting on a lot of what's up there, but it's just a guideline, something to strive toward to live a better life.

People shouldn't get caught up on the religious references or start jumping to conclusions like...

"Have no unbelieving friends. Kill the unbelievers wherever you find them. " 4:89


before you try to quote religious scripture (paraphrasing even) make sure you understand it's context first because those verses are referring to particular situations during war instructing the believers not to assist their enemies. Do you really think the quran tells muslims to kill all non muslims in general? How would that make any sense?

Let's not turn this into a religious debate , anyway. Just saying.

The person who is successful at being truthful will stand up for the truth when it's made clear to him even when it's against his own self or previous beliefs.

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who cares whoes fault it is. the fact is there are to many people living in the world today. the people that dont know the difference between right or wrong or refuse to help the stability of society need to die.


by society i mean being respectful to the health and well being of others.

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