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God hates whites so much he is killing spyD...?!


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Re: God hates fags so much he is killing heterosexuals...?!


If practicing freedom of speech via protesting in the streets gets you teargassed, clubbed, tazered, and/or shot with rubber bullets and locked the fuck up.... then how are these douchebags allowed to harass and disrupt peoples funerals?

You'd think they'd at least catch disorderly conduct charges if not harassment.


You make a very good point. Unfortunately these people do not stand in


the way of the corporate machine the way most sensible protests do.


You are right though they should get some kind of charges for their


fucked up behavior.

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Re: God hates fags so much he is killing spyD...?!


who cares... spyD is already dead to me....





actually wait... no i like spyD more then i like this god fellow... we need to kill god to save spyD!

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Re: God hates fags so much he is killing spyD...?!


They have the right to protest anything they want, funerals included. Freedom of speech is a wonderful thing.


That said, if some shit like this went down at one of my boy's funerals I'd be catching a body, absolutely no doubt about it

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Re: God hates fags so much he is killing heterosexuals...?!


I am extermely pro freedom of speech, no matter how retarded it is.


Since I am a Soldier I hate these guys, but I do support that they can do this. Just because it is disrespectful and I do not understand it, does not mean they should stop doing it.


With freedom of speech, you have to take all the good and the bad that people can give.





I do hope that the bus that takes these people from point a to b does fall off a cliff though.

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Re: God hates fags so much he is killing spyD...?!


Its within their rights as an american citizen to do what theyre doing.



But to do it to the people that are dieing for them to keep that right and then turning around and using it the way they are is just fucked up shit. For real. Kill THESE people and then well pop and lock on their graves in the middle of the funeral.




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Re: God hates fags so much he is killing spyD...?!


These are not christians.


There using God and Jesus as an excuse to be bigots.


despite popular belief, there are GENUINE christians that arent bigots/fascists/complete morons.

Just as there are muslims who dont blow up non-muslims.


I'm a christian, but these guys would get punched in the face the second i saw them, i dont care if i hated the guy who's funeral it was.


Call me a hypocrite, i could care less.

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  • 3 weeks later...

why is that?


At least they are speaking some real shit dispite the mass conception of how bad they are and the mob mentality of the idea of them being hate mongers....

Nigga, They are on point... They curse bush, they curse the government and they hate fags and they quote scriptures correctly..

I dont see no preachers doing that shit..

Most of these churches and preachers are on some fagotry shit like they are on...

and the funerals....

They got a right to do so.

Plus, I dont give a hoot about ya approval ratings either home boy..

so speak ya piece, but dont sleep.

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protesting at a funeral is not "some real shit".


who's funerals? Just anyones???



They are doing those protests because of the war, and the soldiers/youngsters coming back from Iraq killed from it...


I dont blame em...

William Cooper broke that shit down back in the day in Behold a Pale horse...

But you know how yall are?


Yall some sheeple anyways. case closed.


And Yes, God Hates Fagots.

No Argument there.:o

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You are retarded sir what is wrong with homosexuals nothing. People who think differently are closed minded fools. Also people should be protesting the people at the top of the chain and leaving those people who actually doing the work out of it. They should also leave the families out of it even more families that are in mourning.


I really dont see how protesting a dead solider makes a point at all. It doesnt make a statement that will make a difference.

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