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Bloodfart Appreciation thread

Cory Feldman

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Everyone always wants to act like I have had some hard life.

It's nothing millions of others haven't been through.


I don't think I am an overly negative person.

I laugh a lot.

I make others laugh a lot.

I have things I care about.

And live a pretty normal life, in my eyes.


There are many events in my life that shaped who I am today.

Many of them were trying on me in different ways.

All of them I made it through and it didn't kill me.


I could go into some of those things.

Not to deep, though.


My mother has been in a wheelchair most of her life and all of mine.

She got polio when she was 2.

Spent the majority of her upbringing in hospitals.

Always having to get some new horrible surgery.

Who my mother is, is a large part of who I am.


My father was a heroin addict and violent whiskey drunk.

He beat my mom pretty bad.

Enough so that ten years later, her retina detached and she had to get her eye ball sewn up.


He dealt with his own issues outside of that.

Mental shit.

Which ended him up shooting himself in the head when I was 5.

I don't remember anything about that time in my life.


Growing up with no father and a cripped out mother was normal for me.

I knew I would always have to help my mom.

Do the things she could not do for herself.

Or that were just 10x easier for me to do.

I think that is what primed me for the role I play in most of my adult relationships.

Of having to be care taker.

And mother.

And maid.


I ran away a lot in my punk rock teen years.

Trying to find a different life.

And a different family.

It didn't turn out to be as I had envisioned.

Being a drug addict hobo wasn't as glamourous as I had hoped it to be.


I spent too many years wrapped up in that life.

Drugs and crime and street life.

Now that I am older, I just want an easy life.

I deal with the same shit everyone else deals with.

Everyone has deaths in their lives.

Everyone has relationship problems, at one time or another.

Everyone has money problems.

I guess you people think that I am all down on life, by the things I say on here.

But that is pretty far from the truth.


I am happy most days.



peytote--Pizza Thrash Party at your house.

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yeah youre posts make you come off as a totaly downer sometimes.

but most of the time i laugh at youre off topic posts.


If you don't know someone personally, sometimes it's hard to read tones through the internet.

I speak like a totally dudical bro.

And most things are a joke to me.


I don't walk around with my head hung low, kicking rocks about how life is shit.

Because I don't feel that way.


Life is pretty awesome.

Even when it is shitty.

It's still pretty awesome.


Everything is relative.

My life totally rules so hard compared to someone living in a war torn third-world nation.

Or someone living in America in prision.

Or Alabama.

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Vicodins and cigars?







When I had a balcony, I discovered I could somehow magically pee onto the hoods of cars parked below.

It totally blew my mind.

We talked about it and wondered how it was even possible.

And the only answer we came up with was that I am actually a dude.

A totally fabulous gay dude.


I have plans for opening up a burrito stand outside of all the metal bars in Austin.

Called Shredder's.

Home of the Burrutal.

It's a brutal burrito.

Each one will be named after metal dudes.

"I'll have two King Diamonds, one Dio, and one Grim Reaper."


It's going to be my claim to fame.

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Everyone always wants to act like I have had some hard life.

It's nothing millions of others haven't been through.


i wasn't trying to say this, i was just talking about some of the shit you've posted on here, and the fact that you've said you were trying to better yourself. i don't know you, so i can't judge you or anything like that. what i posted just came off the wrong way.

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