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Saggin pants in Dallas will make you gay...


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yo, forreal, i like Game's music, but the way he sags his pants on stage is gay as hell.


it's because the way he rocks them; below the buttcheeks, while wearing those tight boxerbriefs, so the crack of his ass is all obvious.


he needs to pull them shits up. especially since i figured sagging died out in the 90's.




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I'm not the type of cat to give a fuck if my steez makes me 'look like a damn fool.'

Everyone thinks everyone else looks stupid if they don't meet their standards of what normal attire is.

I think tucked in shirts look retarded but I'm not going to call anyone on it. "Eww pull your shirt out I can see your gut." Fuck do I care what someone else is rocking they can do them, as long as it isn't a Marilyn Manson shirt and JNCOS. But see that is all from my perspective.

Shirt in or out, Pants high or low..whatever.


P.S My underwear are never visible if that is a factor. I just don't like my shit pulled up all high like Erkle. I would have to bend over and touch my toes for my shirt to reveal my undeesz.

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They can pass as many laws as they want. The cops aren't going to actually do anything about it.

Like with the panhandling...they think its a joke and wouldn't waste their time with it.

Unfortunately thats not so much the case with graffiti. For a while Dallas cops were on a mission.

Having sekt as #2 on DFW's most wanted list and shit...give me a break.

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I see them alll the time.


I also have been seeing a lot of blacks on motorcycles and a lot of blacks with mohawks as of late.


You are not kidding. Just to reiterate... there is a new rash of blinged out "gangsters" (black guys) here in Dallas that are getting mowhawks. Since when has any more than .5% of African American people liked punk music? Oh wait, they don't like it... they're fronting... AGAIN. Yeah, you have a grill... and a car with rims... but that's ALL YOU'VE GOT.


I've been seeing a lot of black guys riding motorcycles lately too... wearing cargo shorts and sandals?:confused:


This better not be that stupid california shit spreading to over here. We really don't need anyone else's idiots over here.... or any of our idiots acting like people from Cali. Hyphy bullshit.. haha.

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I'm not the type of cat to give a fuck if my steez makes me 'look like a damn fool.'

Everyone thinks everyone else looks stupid if they don't meet their standards of what normal attire is.

I think tucked in shirts look retarded but I'm not going to call anyone on it. "Eww pull your shirt out I can see your gut." Fuck do I care what someone else is rocking they can do them, as long as it isn't a Marilyn Manson shirt and JNCOS. But see that is all from my perspective.

Shirt in or out, Pants high or low..whatever.


P.S My underwear are never visible if that is a factor. I just don't like my shit pulled up all high like Erkle. I would have to bend over and touch my toes for my shirt to reveal my undeesz.



It is generally known that tucking your shirt in and dressing NICELY is a respectable thing that respectable people do. If you cannot afford clothes that fit people can see it, because you "wear it on your sleeve" so to speak. Classical business dress attire has always been in and always will be in. No amount of stupid trends or hand me down clothes that hang off yoru ass are going to change what the general poplution considers to be nice looking. It is for this same reason of looking respectable that I will never have a tattoo or a piercing.... and no, I'm not religious. People that look like fools get treated like fools, and then they're like, "wtf, I'm just expressing myself yo." Or whatever the hip jive is at the time. Well, please... express yourself in a cave... far away from the media or people's eyes.


edit: I'm all for these people getting tickets. You know what... the other day I saw someone sagging, and they actually had pink boxers on. This pink shit has gone too far... your gay for wearing pink unless you golf or are the CEO of a business.

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Thank you sir. I really hate living in Dallas, it's becoming more and more inopportune for white people. We have small parts of town that have NOTHING BUT advertising in Spanish. Seriously, wtf, the national language is English. I don't want to see billboards in Spanish unless I'm in Spain or Mexico. Even then I do not want to see them, because I cannot read them and I do not care about learning to read them. Don't even get me started on that ebonics bullshit. Why is America becoming retarded? The answer lies in the outsiders that are gravitating here. We have people that have no desire to learn the language moving in at an alarming rate. Illegally. We have people that constantly hit up the welfare system yet they can stay high smoking blunts all day (probably bought with food stamps from the dealer). Canada/Europe is sounding more and more attractive to me.

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Dirty, me and you can be roomates in Europe.


Haha, you'd have to tolerate VAJ also... but she's not so hard to get along with in person.


I have no idea what Crossfire is besides some other section of this forum. I don't even go to any of the other sections. For the most part I could give a rats ass about graffiti other than making fun of people that completely suck at it but still walk around with their bapes or airforce 1's and their backpack and walkman... talking some bullshit about what's old school or like they know what style means. Style is sophisticated, not poor, stupid, and dirty.


Oh, and sorry Some1, no cliff notes... I would but I'm at work... pretty much I think this country is going towards the gutter because we're a bunch of consuming idiots who let people make this place a melting pot. We should close the borders and not allow any new people. It should be "invite only" but only for people that are actual citizens that are going to invite people that have intentions on becoming a citizen. I think it should be a requirement to learn English PROPERLY before citizenship is granted. If you can't talk right, take your ignorant ass back to where you came from.

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Haha, you'd have to tolerate VAJ also... but she's not so hard to get along with in person.


its just hard to fit her head through the door way...or in a small apt...





I totally agree on the style thing. There is one thing to follow a gay ass trend but then there is another thing to impress people with good taste...

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Oh, and sorry Some1, no cliff notes... I would but I'm at work... pretty much I think this country is going towards the gutter because we're a bunch of consuming idiots who let people make this place a melting pot. We should close the borders and not allow any new people. It should be "invite only" but only for people that are actual citizens that are going to invite people that have intentions on becoming a citizen. I think it should be a requirement to learn English PROPERLY before citizenship is granted. If you can't talk right, take your ignorant ass back to where you came from.


Shut your mouth I read the freakin thing because you are semi intelligent. I will co-sign your statement Ron Paul in '08

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