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i caved. (fastfood)


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girly that brings me midnight lunch is sick and i forgot to bring a lunch for myself. of course nothing is open within a reasonable distance other than a mcdonalds. i havent had mcdonalds in about 8 or 9 years. i got a quarter pounder with cheese fries and an orange soda that turned out to be just orange flavored water.


the fries were ridiculously over-salted. with how much salt was on my fries, we could take out all of hitler's germany if everyone was a snail. i put the first one in my mouth and pretty much gagged, rolled down the window and spit it out. im like fuck it, i'll just let them shits rest and move on. i get to here and start eating that quarter pounder. oh my fuck you people. how do you do it? theres this weird grease film on everything other than the bun. its not regular grease though. its like.. if plastic was heated until it was all melty and then you stretched it out like taffy and applied a super thin layer to everything. after i choked that thing down i was like cool, i got through the worst part.. now its time for some orange soda son. but no, mcdonalds strikes again. its like.. orange lemonade water. i dont know, but fuck that. if there was some carbination in that bitch it could rinse my mouth out a little and get that fucking film out of my mouth.



fucking jesus, next time im just going to be hungry as shit all night. its about time to throw up, peace.

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girly that brings me midnight lunch is sick and i forgot to bring a lunch for myself. of course nothing is open within a reasonable distance other than a mcdonalds. i havent had mcdonalds in about 8 or 9 years. i got a quarter pounder with cheese fries and an orange soda that turned out to be just orange flavored water.


the fries were ridiculously over-salted. with how much salt was on my fries, we could take out all of hitler's germany if everyone was a snail. i put the first one in my mouth and pretty much gagged, rolled down the window and spit it out. im like fuck it, i'll just let them shits rest and move on. i get to here and start eating that quarter pounder. oh my fuck you people. how do you do it? theres this weird grease film on everything other than the bun. its not regular grease though. its like.. if plastic was heated until it was all melty and then you stretched it out like taffy and applied a super thin layer to everything. after i choked that thing down i was like cool, i got through the worst part.. now its time for some orange soda son. but no, mcdonalds strikes again. its like.. orange lemonade water. i dont know, but fuck that. if there was some carbination in that bitch it could rinse my mouth out a little and get that fucking film out of my mouth.



fucking jesus, next time im just going to be hungry as shit all night. its about time to throw up, peace.



on some real shit. every time i see you on here your crying. whats wrong with you?

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shit, both times i've eaten at denny's, i've gotten food poisoning.




I ate at Dennys threw up all over the table and the floor and then my friend cussed out a bunch of messicans...


Too much tequila the coffee was good...

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mcdonalds always makes me have to shit 5 minutes after consumption.


i like fast food only for the simple fact that if im in a hurry, and i dont feel making something i can go out and get food in a matter of minutes. and burgers at that. but i always have to deal with mud butt in the end

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i cant fuck with it because it makes me piss out of my asshole all night.



AHAHAHAHAHA dude that's fuckin true i swear man if any of you ever get constipated mcdonalds double cheese burgers are the all time laxative you'll be shittin in no time. fucking disgusting. i won't even eat that shit if it's free.

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dark horse, go take that morning shot or cigarette before you come on the internet from now on.


haha you know what ... my apologies. im just sayin ... some people have to eat stuff like mcdonalds, because they dont really have any other choice. but i didnt mean to be a dickhead, i guess morning attitude really translates onto the 'net ...


on a side note, dowmagik!! do not blow up the nig mac!!! they started charging for the sauce at one of the spots around here, not cool ........

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I went to McDonald's a few weeks ago and it made me want to kill hobos.

Not that hobos did anything to me, it's just that they are easy prey when you are angry.


I don't eat meat.

So I tried to order a salad.

They didn't have any.

I tried to order apple dippers.

Out also.

Finally I gave up and asked for a yogurt parfait, even though I hate yogurt.

They were out.

This was around five in the afternoon and they were completely out of everything I attempted to order.

They said they would make me a parfait.

I said,

"Sure, it's whatevs, bro."

It took them 15 mintues to put some yogurt and fruit in a cup.

Then I noticed the fruit was still frozen.

I walked out and threw it at some pigeons.

It didn't make me feel any better.


There was also some super ghetto black lady complaining about service and the place being dirty.

That's when you know it's bad.

I guess.

Cause black people don't complain very often, do they?

It doesn't seem like they would.


I guess they figure since they put in couches, free wi-fi, and flat screen tvs..that they don't have to bother with having food anymore.

McDonald's is mad wack, son.

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