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you're a dumbass.

if you had a bank account and have ever used an ATM you'd know that 'unable to process request' means the ATM needs to be restocked with cash.

you should have just used another machine.

or hey, maybe you should have a fucking chequeing account already seeing as how you're older than 11 years old.






^^ or not fucking picked direct deposit knowing you dont have an account? id fuckin send ya a pink card too

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I got the first ever F I've ever gotten. Believe me I've come close...but still FUCK.

And I got a D...+

So far those are the classes I expected to do the worst on...I thought it'd be mroe like a C and then a D...FUCK


Now my GPA is lower than expected and lower than it already was and I don't have much room for it to be much fucking lower before financial aid stops giving me money.


No money= No college

No ambition = This fucking stress I have to deal with...

No college= I better get some fucking ambition cause I can't sit in a fucking dorm room for the next 2+ years waiting until I figure what the fuck I want to do with my life if I can no longer go to college because there is no way I can pay for it...fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck

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I'm fuckin' sick of trying to find the best pickles in the world. n/h.

I have a hometown company Topor's, which produces some extremely quality naturally fermented pickles, and I have an infatuation with getting to the bottom which is the best. I know it's all about what one likes, but I'm talking about naturally fermented fuckin' no vinegar bullshit. No fuckin' Vlasic bullshit or Claussen garbage.

I fucked with Bubbies, which tops the list.

I fucked with Don Hermann's, and Strubs which are said to be among the best, but can't fuck with Bubbies or Topor's. Some polish cucumbers in brine are phenomenal and I can't stand not pinpointing them shits 'cause I'm an American and who can't ever know what the fuck is out there that ain't bein' imported.

I hear Gus', Ba-tempte, and some fucks out of Minnesota are definitely worth a go. But, shit....try ordering a small amount of these shits, that need to be refridgerated, and I'm like...the fuck anybody REALLY knows what the best pickle is. Anybody who gets Bubbies in the local grocery store though, you fucks are golden. I gotta pay $7 a jar for them shits at one joint about 30 miles from my crib.

And fuck my local joints McClure's Detroit/Brooklyn for thinking they got good shit. I busted out $24 bones on them shits, TWO REGULAR SIZED JARS!!! ANd they was busted as fuck.


I likes them bubbies, topor's joints. ANything that relates, if better, like more hot & garlic. Please someone post me a PM so I don't come out my pocket hundreds of fuckin' dollars gettin' these shits delivered to my door on next day dry ice delivery bullshit.

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fuck these fair weather friends. i hate every single one of you niggas. you arent my homies your some leeching ass motherfuckers. only down to hang with me if i have money or paint but when i need you guys your nowhere to be found. fuck all the fools in my crew too. you duck all my calls,never want to chill or paint (unless im supplyin that shit) and when im down and out and need someone to talk to i cant even get 5 minutes of your time. its been like this my whole life. fools pretending to be my homies only to turn their backs on me in the end. i knew cats who said they were down for me but when the reward money came out you fools were writing statements like the fuckin snitch niggas you are.then i spend time in jail for my homie. caught a case for this fool,for something HE DID and youd think he would be greatful but no. i mean i took that charge becuase i thought we were cool and he had alot more to lose. he had a kid and a job and had alot more going for him than i ever did. i get out and that motherfucker is nowhere to be found. i call that motherfucker up but he keeps duckin all my calls and basicly shut me out after that. people ive known for years wont even make eye contact when they pass me. i try getting at these fools because ive got alot of drama going on in my life and it would be nice to talk to someone but instead i have to talk to a bunch of online cats. i get so lonely i talk to myself sometimes. i dont want to but id rather talk to myself and look crazy then fuck with these fools only to have them let me down in the end and hurt me even more.



fuck all yall..i hate you motherfuckers to death.

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My neighbors son is a crackhead. A dumb fucking redneck, thief, crackhead.

About two months ago, dude was living at his sisters place. She had bought

a playstation for her nephew, which is the crackheads son, so he could play

games and be a toddler. Crackhead steals that, her dvd player, and some

stereo components to pawn for crack. Real lowlife shit.


Needless to say, he gets kicked out of his sisters place so he winds up at his



His mom and his stepfather take care of his uncle who is schizophrenic. I've

talked about the schizophrenic friend of mine before on here, but not much.

He's a good guy. Nice, honest, would give you his last dollar if you needed it,

but he's schizo. So he talks to himself, God, his dead mom, and whomever

else is in his head.


The uncle gets a check every month and that goes to paying bills, etc.

So he saves cans so that he can have some spending money. Not for himself,

mind you. He had been saving for nearly a year to buy Christmas presents for

his family and friends. Myself and the other neighbor had been saving our cans

to give to him, as well. All in all, the cans that he had saved up would have been

over $150+ worth. It was a lot of cans.


A few weeks ago, crackhead steals them and cashes them in to go buy rock. His

mom obviously kicked him out and told him that he's not allowed on their property.

Somehow, this doesn't seem like a fitting punishment to me.


I want to kill this little fuck. However, I do like my freedom.


What do I do to keep my freedom and make sure this fucker suffers? For one, he stole

his own sons playstation to get some rock. Secondly, he stole from his uncle who was

doing something completely selfless.


I think about this a lot. It really bugs me that this crackhead is walking around free, much

less alive.

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beat his ass i guess.i mean he isnt gonna change any time soon but i doubt he would snitch you out if you fucked him up.if your an upstanding citizen(idk if you are but i assume you are) its your word against his really..hit him up.wear a mask or something.you might not get to kill him but you will feel a lot better about the situation imo.


crack some skulls.if he goes to the police theyll chalk it up as he got robbed buying some rocks and blamed you for it or something.

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beat his ass i guess.i mean he isnt gonna change any time soon but i doubt he would snitch you out if you fucked him up.if your an upstanding citizen(idk if you are but i assume you are) its your word against his really..hit him up.wear a mask or something.you might not get to kill him but you will feel a lot better about the situation imo.


crack some skulls.if he goes to the police theyll chalk it up as he got robbed buying some rocks and blamed you for it or something.



There lies the problem. I'd just shoot him. Crackheads aren't even human beings to me.

More like something that's taking up oxygen.


I know that's pretty wrong to feel that way. I don't feel that way about any other type

of human. Only crackheads.


As for upstanding citizen: Cops don't even know my name. I'm invisible to them. Just

another citizen.


There really has to be something that can be done about this rockhead. I know he's on

probation, but the family never called the pigs about him when he stole shit from them.

Understandable, but the wrong move in my opinion.

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the only thing i can say outside of killing him is a severe beating.it wont stop him but it will make you feel better probably.if you want him to stop his ways you gotta get him into rehab and then when he gets out force him to pay those people back.that would set things right.only thing is thats never gonna happen.so buss some skulls dude haha.

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What I'd like to do is make him slip up and get caught/shot.


Like I said, I do like my freedom so I can't frame him, shoot him, etc.

I really don't know what to do, but I don't like the idea of this faggot

getting away with shit like stealing from his handicapped uncle and his

little son.


I realize this all sounds a little immature and yes, I've thought about the

fact that there are a million other crackheads doing the same thing that

would replace this one as soon as he's gone. Thing is, those other crackheads

don't affect me directly. This one did. He stole from my friends and he stole

from his own kid.

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real talk Casek,

this dude is probably not much of a threat especially if you catch his crackhead ass slippin.

i wouldnt even be discreet about it, id catch him hittin a pipe and whip him in the face with a tree trunk.

and let him know it was you and why.


or merk the dude



Chances are I won't ever see dude hitting the pipe. I don't hang out with him or his friends.

Just some of his family.


I feel ya on the tree to the head.


One thing I do know is that I have a friend who has a friend in a high up alphabet agency

and when I told this friend about what crackhead did, he says "get me his name, dob, and ss and I'll pass it along to my friend and we'll see if he can't dig up any dirt on crackhead".


"Stop snitchin'". Yeah yeah, I know, but this is tempting.

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this is one of them situations where its not as much snitchin i just dont talk to cops whatever.

if IM mad about something I want to have it handled not watch from the sidelines as "justice" is served.



Yeah, me too. I'd rather dole out a nice baseball bat beating but I'm a grown ass man. I won't get a week in juvie. I'll be in jail with a bunch of toothless gomers trying to sleep with one eye open praying that I don't encounter some character from "Deliverance".


Justice hasn't worked on this dipshit, either. I don't really trust the system to do any sort

of real justice. I don't think "karma" is working well, either.


I really don't know. It just pisses me off to no end that this bastard could even think of doing

shit like this to his own family, much less his own son.

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i usually bitch in dear ______ no homo but this is a little more involved...... so here goes.


anybody know how i can stop thinking logically so i won't get so fucking angy at work ? i collect $$ for 8 hospitals from insurance companies. it's complicated, we aren't paid that much and we aren't trained medically. i'm like 1 of 2 people on a 12 person team that knows how to do their job properly. and our 'trainer' doesn't know how to advise on anything too involved and steers people my way to ask questions. but i digress, most denials are just a way for the insurance companies not to pay us even thought it is not contractually compliant. but i am not allowed to access contracts. and i can't get reimbursement info at my fingertips. but collect away puddles!!! if something is denied just call and argue it like you know what you are talking about. because having black and white medical billing procedures would be fucking ludicris!! oh and while you are at it puds, please figure out why a whole fucking government agency isn't paying us!! we get revenue bullshit drilled into our heads about not wasting resources and working efficiently but no fucking way does anyone important want to hear from me on how to increase revenue for a whole facility b/c i'm some fucking underling nobody. i see every denial for your hospital, but carry on with business as usual you cunts. it's cool, don't get prior auth on that $40k for ONE MONTH of chemotherapy -- but do not come at me when i write it off to your stupid ass department. oh and i am faxing the goddamn sticker off your cancer survivoring customer's breast implant so you can be super sure it was medically necessary bluecross. god i wish i could utilize my skill/problem of having to do things correctly without wanting to blow my fucking skull off..... why didn't i go to college? or why do i let my job get to me? i need to get my meds right i think.

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