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Dog a 'victim of sexual abuse'


RSPCA is investigating the cruel treatment and possible sexual abuse of a dog found abandoned beside a Queensland highway.

A passing motorist found the three-year-old, black-and-tan female rottweiler-cross on the D'Aguilar Highway, just outside Woodford on the Sunshine Coast, late on Tuesday.


He took it to a nearby vet clinic after noticing it was having difficulty walking and appeared to be suffering from malnutrition.


The vet said the dog had multiple fractures to its pelvis and a dislocated right hip but said the injuries were not consistent with being hit by a car.

The dog was also suffering tearing, bruising and bleeding from its vagina and anus, believed to have been caused by penetration.


It is believed those injuries may have occurred at the same time as the dislocation.


RSPCA inspector Julia Steley said the dog, which has been named Nessie, was still very friendly despite her injuries.


"She seems to shy away from males but any female that comes near her she seems to be quite receptive to," Ms Steley said.


Nessie is being cared for at the RSPCA's Fairfield shelter, where she is being given pain relief.


However, her long-term future is less certain and she may need to be euthanased if vets cannot treat her complicated injuries.


Ms Steley said she was investigating the dog's treatment as a case of animal cruelty, but police may become involved if it can be proven that Nessie was sexually abused.





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fiddy should know better than to wear an orange headband with all that blue/black on i mean come on srsly


Besides the blatant fashion faux pa its not a good idea if you want to live.


The orange draws the eye to his head and since 50cent doesn't wear a helmet if an attacker were to confront him he/she would most likely shoot him in the head. Which in some peoples opinions would be fine. Although its seems that he is impervious to bullets so if you do wish to kill him try a sword or knives.

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