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Oontz oontz oontz!!


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Nah, just a techno-ey Oontz oontz oontz.

Like a stereotypical one.

It has to be a .wav file too




i gotta pick up a piano from some church and put it in my kids rooms but i can upload it a little bit later tonight if i gots some time also if anybody is interested in telling what they thing of my new project i would gladly upload it although its still in the super early stages i have no idea why i just typed all that uslees information at the beginning of the runon sentence but whatever and when girls dance to trance their boobies jiggle i like minimal techno and electro more though not so much trance at all dnb is where its at and ragga jungle i have a german friend she is always like i dunna like ze new jungle i like hardcor before it was hardcore but she has bad teeth so she doesnt know what the fuck she is talking about holler!

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A sample of techno


oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz beep oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz beep ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooontz bep bep beeeep ontz ontz ontzz

A sample of Neo techno


zoont zoont zoont zoont zoont zoont zoont zoont zoont zoont zoont zoont zoont zoont zoont zoont zoont zoont zoont zoont zoont zoont zoont zoont zoont zoont zoont zoont zoont zoont zoont zoont zoont zoont zoont zoont beep beep beep beep beep beep zoont zoont zoont zoont

Another sample


oontz oontz oontz buff bam bam bam bam oontz oontz oontz ooooooontz bang buff baff oooooooooooooooooooooooontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz oontz beeeep baaaaaaang oontz oontz oontz oontz beep BOOOOOM

Another sample of techno


ALALALA OOnt oont oont boont boont "im a male but i sound female thank you computer god" oont boont lalala BUZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ tumb tumb tumb Onnnnt zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz beep boob boop boob Shizzzzleelele zam!!

Minimal Techno Sample


ClIcK ClIcK bum bum bum bum bum CLICK bum cum bum TSSSSSSSSS cum (lol, i said cum)bum bum bum CLICK CLACK CLICK, bum bum bum TSSSSSSSSSSS bum VWOOOOOOOMP bum bum bum KASH KISH KOSH KRSHSHSHSHS bum



Techno with black people


For some reason black people have yet to realize that white people stole their creation. They have yet to demand it back, and also demand an apology for removing the "Detroit" sound (guns, train wrecks, General Motors and Chinese Nation of World Domination style folk-saxophone).

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dubstep is great...


the whole ideal of diy and lack of restrictions is also great

and the sheer amount of mixes is awesome..dubstep vs dnb ,jihadcore are two faves

what kinda kills it is the pay per song movement and the large amount of people who are making tracks with no idea of the history behind the basslines and drum patterns.


i'm big on threnody's we both are lost, mala,skream, and alot of relitive unknowns that post up their work on the dubstep forum..

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dressed to kill- wave split non vocal edit version 2



needs streetfighter chunli samples ..this whole project shouldve only taken 2 weeks max but life drew it out to 7 monthts


oh by the way

all drumming was done with fruity loops by me, most if not all guitar was done by my friend andy and recorded on audacity then chopped sliced and sequenced by me..








i found this a minute ago

and its made me rethink what goes into songcrafting




bastwood.com main - records - games - aphex face - email

The Aphex Face




Some time ago, in the summer of 2001 if I recall correctly, I ran into an intriguing page at http://chaos.yerbox.org/face/ (Chaosmachine's more recent page can be found at blamcast.net). The original page, which sadly has since then disappered from the face of the earth, was all about this hidden "demon face" in one of Aphex Twin's tracks, #2 (the long formula) on "Windowlicker".


This face was supposed to be viewable with a spectrograph program, so I decided to try it myself. A spectrograph basically visualizes the sound spectrum.


First I needed to extract the track from the Windowlicker CD, which was easy with CDex. The extraction of the whole track was not really necessary because the "face" is situated at the very end of the track, starting from the 5:27 mark and lasting for about 10 seconds. There are other "audio images" on this particular track as well (and one at the end of the first track), but the face is certainly the most exciting of them all.


After I had the wav-file, I used a program called Spectrogram to visualize the file. To my amazement, it worked, and I was soon staring at the "demon" face:



the alleged demon face


I was, however, not content with this. Why would the good ol' Twin have added a "demon" face into one of his tracks? I mean, the man does have a weird sense of humor, but I always thought demons were more up BoC's alley...


While examining the image, I came to the conclusion that something was not right. So I started messing around with the settings of the spectrograph program, and after a bit of knob twiddling the mystery revealed itself: the face was supposed to be watched with a logarithmic frequency scale, not with a linear scale.


A linear scale provided the "demon face", but with a logarithmic scale the end results were quite different:




Why, it was none other than the Twin himself all the time, complete with his patented grin!


The settings which I used to get the above image were roughly the same as in the picture below (they aren't the exact same settings since I've lost them somewhere, but if you try them yourself you'll find that they are more than close enough):






spectrogram settings for reproducing the face


After this "amazing" discovery, I contacted the guy at chaos.yerbox.org and informed him of the results. He seemed interested to add this new-found info to his pages, but I suppose he's just not gotten around to it yet :)


Next, I decided to inform the good folks on the IDM mailinglist about The Face. It turned out that this "picture to audio" -thing was really not hard to do at all and there was a Windows program called Coagula that could transform any picture into soundwaves with minimum effort. Aphex Twin himself had used a Mac program called Metasynth to do his images.


I tested Coagula and found it easy enough to use. Now this new discovery raised a new question: Were there more examples of this audio imaging available?


Luckily the soundscapes that Coagula spits out are quite easy to notice in their aural form, so I didn't have to look for long before I found another example: On Plaid's "Rest Proof Clockwork", the track "3recurring" contains a continuous stream of "threes" (as seen on the cover art of their previous album, "Not For Threes").


Besides the Plaid discovery I couldn't find any more examples of audio imaging on any of the CD's I own, but I didn't bother to look that hard either. However it is clear that this audio/image stuff was "hip" at 1999, since both of the aforementioned records were released around that time.


After going public with my pages, I've had several people contact me to offer more information on the subject or wanting to get an interview. The most prominent one was the story run on Wired Magazine (a well-researched story, but they got my age wrong by 6 years :)


So here is a list of other records possibly containing audio images suggested by the good folks on the net. You know who you are! I haven't personally checked all of these CD's out, so I can't confirm the following info to be 100% correct:


Artist: Interlace Record: Innuendo (or possibly some other record of theirs?) Content: Text sequences, picture of their their symbol and a picture of an embryo. Possibly a DNA molecular sequence on the final track. [/url]


Artist: Venetian Snares Record: Songs about my Cats [ZIQ032] released on Planet Mu Content: The final track, "Look", contains pictures of Mr. Snares' cats. This one is confirmed, look for the pictures below.

As a nice finish, here are is a small gallery of some audio images:



spiral at the end of track #1 on Aphex Twin's "Windowlicker"



extract of Plaid's "3recurring" from "Rest Proof Clockwork"



extract of Venetian Snares' "Look" from "Songs about my Cats"

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