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deadlifts + squats, that's the answer to everything


started my regime after 1.5 yrs off today


I'm pretty humbled by the weight i'm lifting - it's amusing. I also almost slipped and killed myself in the shower after legs and chest today.


contemplating creatine, but i feel like that's kinda a krink question in this thread, i'll figure it out.

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i stopped taking it.

will start creatine loading again soon.


as for mid-traps, I guess youre right about deadlifts, but i was looking for more isolation.


incline shrugs are definitely a good idea, but im already doing bent over rows...feels redundant...i miss the old t-bar row machine at the other gym that im no longer a member of.

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Went to the gym yesterday for the first time in like 8 months. Packed on a fair amount of fat, thank you fast food, beer and a slow metabolism.


I was with my buddy and his frat bro friends and they were all doing arms/chest shit. I went straight to the squat rack and did my thing, then did some split squats and stiff leg deadlifts. I overheard them talking about not really needing to work legs because of cycling blah blah. I walked over to them and was like yeah, but cycling won't get you this and flexed my quads. Their faces were priceless and I laughed while they all shut up.


I'm glad I didn't lose much size over my hiatus. Gonna start taking it seriously again. Jello legs today tho.

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think we found our answer ^


I've run into two people that i know at the gym i go to. both asked "what did i do to squat 3 plates?" replied with one word. Consistency. I am not the most aesthetic person nor do i want to be. these people thought you have to look ripped to lift heavy. referred them both to the 5x5 program i started with.


leg press nearly killed my ass last week. hit 720 for 1 rep and almost didnt make it back up.


i know that feeling about working out before work bed framed. no bueno. gotta go light too.

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Yeah I know exactly who you're taking about. Same shit with leg presses. Or the dudes who don't touch the bar against their Chest on bench press.


The other day I saw someone dead lifting with the worst fucking form ever. I actually spoke with him for a few. Told him I ain't trying to tell him how I lift but that he was going to hurt himself if he kept doing t that way. Arching his back and stretching his neck all the way back I was like WTF

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a homie of mine has been getting into lifting, and he's always been kind of a fat dude, especially within the past couple years. He is slimming down for sure, through dieting and getting to the gym but he's still in that beginner lifting phase where he doesn't really know what the fuck he's doing. He gets way too stoked on wrist curls and useless bullshit like that, at least for a beginner.


Tomorrow I'm meeting up with him at his gym to run him through some basic exercises and show him form and what not. I haven't been to the gym consistently in months, not to mention even stepped foot in my gym in over a month now, so I feel pretty outta practice. But, I feel like i gotta show him the ropes. hopefully this will get me into the swing of things again.

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The only bad thing about people like your friend being in the gym doing bullshit like wrist curls aside from wasting his own time is that people like that get in the fucking way.


If he doesn't already have it, do us all a favor and be sure to teach that nig gym etiquette.


Then make him do shit that counts.

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If he doesn't already have it, do us all a favor and be sure to teach that nig gym etiquette.





they should make everyone take a mandatory gym etiquette class when they first sign up at a gym...rerack your weights, wipe down machines, try to limit your time on benches, squat racks etc by not doing 30 sets or supersetting with equipment on the other side of the gym etc etc


on Monday I had to wait 25 minutes for a flat bench to open up...one had this huge brotha supersetting with like 4 other workouts and just left his shit on the bench...the other had 2 fat hmong dudes doing like 15 sets each..the third bench was 2 scrawny high school kids benching with 2 10's on each side but alternating back and forth until failure.:(


kinda hard to work through when u go to a ghetto ass gym with no gym etiquette...i miss my old gym, but cant afford it anymore so now I just go to this ghetto gym with gang members on this inside and hookers working the parking lot outside.


/end rant lol

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I had to wait for this dude doing endless sets on the leg press with 2 inch range of motion thinking he was actually doing something for his legs. I can't get mad at most of the retards at my gym tho because they are all so chipper and polite.


i know exactly what you mean.


same thing what CALI said about waiting for benches and squat racks. A lot of the time you see people just wandering around waiting for that person to leave.

I just hit them up between sets, ask them how many more. Sometimes i just jump in rotation and end up getting a spotter. met some cool people doing that too.

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A lot of the time you see people just wandering around waiting for that person to leave.


i was wandering...it sucks too when they pull out there phone and get on it between sets...but i cant call them on it...they might not be texting..they might be changing their music, looking up form, or using a fitness app...i use my ipod touch to keep track of weight/reps/sets.

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If someone is doing something I don't consider to be bullshit I don't even get annoyed that they are occupying shit I want to use.

Heavy loads or widowmaker sets could leave someone needing 5+ minutes between sets sometimes.

LOL, I'm constantly changing music on my Ipod between sets.

That doesn't bother me.


THINGS I DON'T CONSIDER TO BE BULLSHIT: Anything programmed with a clear cut goal and within fair use standards of the equipment being occupied.


THINGS I CONSIDER TO BE BULLSHIT: MMA punching bullshit with dumbbells, bands or cable resistance, etc...

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