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I will drink tonight.. Maybe there will be pictures later.. Maybe not..


Maybe I will get drunk and forget about Team Alco.. Then I will look at my shirt that says:



And the world will make sense again..




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It took you 4 people to kill a 30 pack?




no no your seeing it all wrong. i mean its no fun to play beer pong by yo selfs... its all we had... and yea unless you wanna do beer pong with grand marnier and drambuie thats all we had left... was a sad day

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Tried this last night.. Fucking awesome whiskey...



Unique among whiskeys Redbreast is a 'Single' unblended, pure pot still Irish whiskey which has been triple distilled in oak casks for not less than twelve years. This uncompromising dedication to authenticity and quality gives Redbreast a traditional smooth mellow character and a taste which is full flavoured and assertive but not over robust
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My girls dad onc e said that when I turned 18 he was gunna fuck me up....a few months after I turned 18 I went to her crib in an effort to talk some sense into him about letting me see her, when he wansered the door he was absolutely horrified, and this dude is a GIANT.


It's mad funny how her whole town is fuckin terrfieid of me


Time for durbnk sleep


Your life sounds so fucking similar to mine when I was your age. Damn.:lol:

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I don't really know what the fuck happened last night....I know I drank a pint and a half of vodka in like 45 minutes, I know I fought with the ex (nightly occurance now), and I know at one point her boyfriend called her and started yellin at her that she was on the phone with me


After that everything is kind of a drunken blur, but I do rememebr talking to him at one point and screaming like a fuckin maniac. He hung up, I called back a buncha times, he wouldn't answer, so I remember getting into my car and somehow managing to drive myself over to his crib, but I don't think anything happened...my hand is all busted open but that apears to be from my textured ceiling since theres lil blood spots on it


Fuckin christ man, I need a vacation

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so bout tuesday night i started this drinking binge lasted till 7am thursday. 3 fifs in 36 hous or somthing. started wit the blood puking thurs morring. bout 4 pm the same day i said fuck it i need some medical help. they said i had alcohol posining the night befor. now your gong through withdarw. gave me a scrip for xanex but i cant swallow them cuse i burt my insides to shit drinking 100 proof and yaking stomoch juice. shit sucks cause now my probation wants a note from the e.r. stating why i was there. cant tell em alcohol withdraw. man i my head hasnt been right for the last couple days........

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so bout tuesday night i started this drinking binge lasted till 7am thursday. 3 fifs in 36 hous or somthing. started wit the blood puking thurs morring. bout 4 pm the same day i said fuck it i need some medical help. they said i had alcohol posining the night befor. now your gong through withdarw. gave me a scrip for xanex but i cant swallow them cuse i burt my insides to shit drinking 100 proof and yaking stomoch juice. shit sucks cause now my probation wants a note from the e.r. stating why i was there. cant tell em alcohol withdraw. man i my head hasnt been right for the last couple days........



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