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Haha, matches my mood, fuck studying I can't be fucked.

Just got back from Nandos, that shit is good.

I am kinda pissed off that my brother and Dad have gone to play golf, while I am stuck studying. Not that I really like golf or anything, just that anything is better than this shit I am reading.

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Ouzo's great haven't had it in a while

Last time i had it a light weight was with me and he started busting out ninja moves.

Jumping over street gates near tompkins sq and started talking about a lot of shit i didn't want to hear.


Light weights are entertaining


but yeah back to Ouzo, it goes down nice and taste 100x better than jagermeister

ack licorice. I haven't gotten to the point of hallucinations yet

(i know greeks that have the real thing) but then again maybe i have? Well I did blackout


I don't know what i'll drink for my birthday, I'm big on 151, patron, top shelf shit i rarely touch

meh I need something fancy/hard

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Ouzo's great haven't had it in a while

Last time i had it a light weight was with me and he started busting out ninja moves.

Jumping over street gates near tompkins sq and started talking about a lot of shit i didn't want to hear.


Light weights are entertaining


but yeah back to Ouzo, it goes down nice and taste 100x better than jagermeister

ack licorice. I haven't gotten to the point of hallucinations yet

(i know greeks that have the real thing) but then again maybe i have? Well I did blackout


I don't know what i'll drink for my birthday, I'm big on 151, patron, top shelf shit i rarely touch

meh I need something fancy/hard

Can't go past the Hennessy XO in my book, as that stuff ruins you and is quite fancy, plus you can use the bottle as a vase afterwards if you so desire.


Other than that, go for Bookers if you like your bourbon, as it is potent as shit but damn smooth.


And I am glad to see I am not the only one who thinks Jager is over-rated. The amount of people I have heard get sick from mixing it with redbull is unbelievable.

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I have never been sick your friends are just pussai's. I am also addicted hardcore to caffine and jbc's so...


Anyways this Ouzo shit so they dont sell the real stuff in the US kinda like Absinth...Real absinth is the shit my boy in the military brought home 2 cases @ $70 per bottle home when he was leaving iraq coming through germany. Shit was amazing never halucinated but I did win many games of beer pong, win a poker game, and get head from a mom in the bathroom at a party all in one night after drinking a half a bottle of absinth.


We tried the whole sugar deally and some otherways couldnt trip off of it. The drunk off a couple shots is crazy. Then drinking a half bottle is amazing fucking best drunk ever...


I gotta get some real ouzo mauler you get the real shit?

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Nah, we don't get the real shit over here.

I have seen one called Green Fairy or something at the bottlo down the road.

I have have some pretty nasty tasting ouzos, but I don't know what this tripping stuff is.

These aren't my friends who have gotten sick from Jagerbombs, just customers, and my Dad at Xmas (mind you he had wine and beer too), but yeah, the last person was some hot chick I know but can't remember the name of who came in and I talked her out of buying a bottle and when I told her it makes you sick, her sister goes "Yeah, last time we had it she was real sick" and I have heard of a few other cases like my (former) friend who had a heap of em when he watched Pearl Jam and was crook for 3 days (and he can drink), so it sin't just an isolated case I am referring to.

Personally I think they are over-rated and they churn your stomach if you have enough of them. Give me a shot of Chartreuse any day to get fucked up on over Jager bombs. Jager bombs are cliche here I reckon, like this thing everyone thinks is 'new' and 'cool'. Fuck it I say!


Oh yeah, while talking about chartreuse, I remember seeing a girl I used to take out a club in town a few years ago, and since I hadn't seen her in a few months I offered her a drink. She was already a little boozy, so I asked her what she wanted and she goes whatever you are having, and I get us all some chartreuse and it made her fucked up. She ended up being sick in the clubs toilets and when she came out I said, sorry I didn't realize, but that is what happens when you drink with the big boys! She doesn't say anythign but 'hello' if she sees e out these days and she actually hated me for a while for buying her that.

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Yea thats what the whole deal is over here now too before no one knew what they were a year ago. The bartenders where I play just make me big glasses of Jagerbombs for free half jager half redbull that shit is totally worth it. Fucking drunk going a mile a min but now everybody drinks it. It is cliche' so I dont any more really unless I am with my high school friends. You know what is also Cliche' Southern Comfort and lime juice/Snakebites/Soco&lime everybody drinks that like 2 years ago I am in bars explaining how to make the shit to bartenders...now the shit is gay...

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Yea thats what the whole deal is over here now too before no one knew what they were a year ago. The bartenders where I play just make me big glasses of Jagerbombs for free half jager half redbull that shit is totally worth it. Fucking drunk going a mile a min but now everybody drinks it. It is cliche' so I dont any more really unless I am with my high school friends. You know what is also Cliche' Southern Comfort and lime juice/Snakebites/Soco&lime everybody drinks that like 2 years ago I am in bars explaining how to make the shit to bartenders...now the shit is gay...
They call those SOCo and limes snakebites where you are? that shit is the new cliche, I have one of those glow in the daark wristbands on my bedrom floor from some beezy I smashed a while back she got from drinking that shit.


Snakebites where I am from is beer with alcoholic cider (strongbow) with grendadine.


And word up on the AyeBee, that is the killer name for it!!:lol::lol:

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JAGERBOMBS are okay.......heres a Jager like substance...sometimes called the rich mans jager






Fernet Branca is a bitter, aromatic spirit made from over 40 herbs and spices, including myrrh, rhubarb, chamomile, cardamom, aloe, and saffron, with a base of grape alcohol. The recipe is a secret, and was created by the young Maria Scala in 1845 in Milan as a medicine. Scala's name became Maria Branca through marriage, and the product's name was born. The Fernet Branca is still produced in Milan by the company Fratelli Branca, overseen by the Branca family, though the recipe of the Italian product differs slightly from that of American bottles due to restrictions on opiates.[citation needed]

Fernet Branca is usually served as a digestif after a meal, but may also be enjoyed with coffee and espresso, or mixed into coffee and espresso drinks. It may be enjoyed neat at room temperature or on the rocks (with ice). In America it might be served as a shot, followed by a ginger ale back (also known as a chaser).


Widely popular in Argentina, it is often mistaken as a national beverage. The most common preparation is with Coca-Cola. To make a Fernet and Coke, use a tall glass filled with ice (tubo), then pour the Fernet up to 1/3 of the glass, top off with Coke. Serve with the can of Coke and a straw. More recently, it has become very popular in San Francisco, which now consumes more Fernet per capita than any other locale in the world.[1]


Because of its mysterious list of ingredients, there are a number of home remedies that call for Fernet Branca, including treatment of menstrual and gastro-intestinal discomfort, hangovers, baby colic, and (once upon a time) cholera.


A mint-flavored version of Fernet Branca, Brancamenta, is also available.




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