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I ahvwnrt' talked about this is a long time, but November 17th is what would have been my official 2 years with my ex girl


I went today and ste up a dleivery for flowers for her tomorrow night, then went about my shit...hugn out with another chick asll day (the girlf rom my famous "SO there's this girl..." thread) fucked her like 3 times, then got durbnk with all the homies, usual shit


Once I realized it ha dpasse dmidnight and it was officially what would have been our anniversary my whole shit changed...i got in a reallll bad mood and got realllll durnk, then we went out and i jsut didnt tlak to noone, just sat bakc and waited for someone to star some shit. Sure enough, a group of 3 college kids said somethin and shit got fuckin BRUTAL....all imma say is they werent gettin up after w elef,t and now im home with my hand swole the fuck up, but real contegnt


I'm goin to bed now....tomorrow night we're havin an insane party at my crib, if you're in the Rude Island area at all yodel at me!

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Yeah o yeah you seen me walk

On burning bridges

Yeah o yeah you seen me fall

In love with witches

And you know my brain is held

Inside by stitches

Yet you know I did survive

All of your lovely sieges


And you know that I'll pick up

Every time you call

Just to thank you one more time


And you know that I'll survive

Every time you come

Just to thank you one more time

For everything you've done





And I'm sorry some of us

Given you bad name

yeah o yeah, cause without you

Nothing is the same

Yeah o yeah I miss you so

Every time we break up

Just to hit a higher note

Every time we make up


Who's crawlin' up my spine - alcohol

I've been waiting long long time - alcohol

Now you teach me how to rhyme - alcohol

Just don't stab me in the back with cartisol


Now we reunite - alcohol

And forever be divine - alcohol

Screw a light bulb in my head - alcohol

may that ceremony be happy or sad...


Heart breaker, booty taker.. I never sweat a bitch..


That's the alcohol talking.

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gross. i hate fatties. this place is full of them.

i hate when they smile at me. i fucking hate them. do i look 1/3 your size? yes, why the fuck would i want to see your lips turn upwards at me? the ripples in your fat fucking cheeks is unnerving. you fat fuck. i hope you die soon. goddamnit.

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No flciks way too durnk


A brfief synopsis of the night is Manute Bol fuciking this girl in front of everyone for 15-20 minutes. there was almost a fight between my Blood niggas and a buncha preppy girls cua they started spitting/breaing glasses and shit. I ahd 3 diff girls I fuck with at the party atr onc,e ignoring 2 of em and tkaing care of the one that was throwing up everywhere because she was the one sleeping there with me so I guess that made her "girlfriend" of the night. At one point me and my boy who's goin awy party it was beat the fuck outta some kid outside for sayin some slick shit, then I threw Maute Bol into a wall cuz I thought he was tyrin tor ape some drunk bitch haha...SORR HOMIE!


After that shuit was pretyt much regular, party wen ttil about 4 then everyone finally wenty home,. then today after my girl left for work I fucked her frine, who's also a friend of another girl I fuck with haha...SCUM LIVIN@!

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