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God I haven't been drunk in a while.


Someone fell off.


Also, it's funny I posted that mix tape shit. I was drunk at the time and while the whole thing is restarded so I'm glad it died.


I'm so hung over, I got the girl to pick up two Sparks for me. I drank a few shots and those with her before she left to go to a party.

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Fuckinw atsed a sufkc, gigantic riot jus almost popped off, we had the whole crowd chantging thta the other dudes were pussies haha


Manute bol hasta figure out how tou pload the vidoes off his phone, he has a bunmhcchhhhhh oif me actin wild as fuck, theyre hilairosu

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you want bad beer?

try VB

it is the most vile, harsh bottle of piss you will ever drink

mauler will back me up on that

if he gets his lazy, bed ridden ass out of bed to check teh ounce




Man I have been surviving on 4 or 5 hours sleep a night.


Umm the only thing worse than VB is EB.


I have fell off, yet I still post in this thread amazingly.


Funny stuff.

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bootleg of American Gangster is playing at the local watering hole tonight...pretty dope to see it for free considering I've heard mixed reviews. Somewhere were I can drink and smoke and piss and the like too...added bonus.


then the homies start djing said bar after the movie.


looks like I will be getting drunk on a Monday night.

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damn it man. well after painting a piece inside at a skatepark i was invited to go to a keg party in some field, got so fucked up i dont know how i got home. woke up to my kid and her mom making breakfast. so i did a lil investgation. turns up i told every one to eat shit and fuck off, im going home. no one was going to take me either. i dont have a car so i call babys mom to come swoop, she wasnt going to wake up baby so five to ten min.s later i came home and passed out. but when i go to put my shoes on the next day they are all bloody. wtf? im not fucked up, my shirts clean, just bloody shoes. and it wasnt paint because it washed off fairly easy. whatd i do?

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^ speaking of rich people, me and my friends met some millionaire real estate agent from the East Coast at some lake in So Cal ( cant remember name ). Anyways he bought a fuck load of hekinkens and stellas and his body gaurd just chilled in the car the whole time we drank at the lake.


Also tonight 2 32's of heiniken and tall boy of Budwieser, only bad thing was homies smoked weed and im trying to stay clean so i can get a job so i didnt smoke, which sucks i wanted to get faddddeeeddd.

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I'm fuckinw atsed a sfuck, my boy just betavspme kids face in for rpetyt much no reaosn, and my durnk ass omehow managed to get awya from a cpa in a car chjase. I didnt thinkl that shit was actually possible in rela life haha


damn kid does your whole life consist of beating people up every day and getting wasted?

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Me and the homies get fucked up more or less every night, and prolly 60-75% of the time some type of violence occurs


Last night I wasn't really cool with what happened cuz my boy was just in a bad mood and walked up to some random kid and pieced him up...I love to fight, but for at least SOME type of reason

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