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Coffee Connoisseur Thread

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Living in Portland, I'm kind of predisposed to being one. But who really enjoys a good cup of coffee and goes out of their way to get one? Who shuns Starbucks and all who go there for overpriced crap? Who orders fresh beans (or roasts their own)? I know 12oz people love their java... so let's discuss what's good about coffee, good brands and good country of origin, good local coffee shops, anything coffee related.


I'll start it out. If anyone knows anything about Stumptown, they know it's some damned fine coffee. Guatamela El Injerto is the stuff to get, so damn delicious and smooth. I don't get into the overly Connoisseur terms of saying things like "hint of blackberry with a bite of tobacco, molasses undertones" but it's the shit, as is most single origin coffee from Stumptown in it's own way.



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Yeah, that stuff is expensive... and I'm used to paying more 10-15 for a half pound.


Once you go to good coffee, it's hard to go back to shit. You can immediately tell if something is that pre-ground, low quality blended shit that sells for giant canisters for 3.95 at GenericStoreUSA, and you don't want any of it unless you're in the mood to grow some serious bush on your chest...


It's all about going no creamer, by the way.

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I like to get some good beans and make some serious coffee but I usually stick to regular Folgers or Maxwell House for daily drinking. I go through way too much to always get the real good shit.


You won't see me in a Starbucks.

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i love coffee, flat whites and cappucinos when im out and about. at home i use a stovetop percolator, i never drink coffee with sugar, i like coffee to be strong but not bitter.



i buy my coffee from these guys, it is the best coffee that i have ever drunk...

they make a big range of styles. i usually buy their dark roast espresso blend.

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I like good coffee, but I like good espresso based drinks even more.


I didn't realize this until I got back from Australia and I ate at a Dennys with some friends (it's what we do any time after 11 PM in the burbs). I ordered a coffee, had one sip and said "Fuck this" and pushed it away from me.


I don't really go out of my way to get good coffee because there isn't any within a practical driving distance of my home. I usually stick to making my own, but I haven't bought any beans in a while.


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has anyone tried organic/shade grown/free trade coffee? i have been looking for a good one, the best one that i have found is from a collective in east timor.

i am trying to make the conscientious choice to drink free trade stuff that is farmed responsibly (lots of coffee farms in south america and elsewhere use slave labour, no shit). To stop supporting that industry, I am trying to find a good tree trade coffee but the quality of some that i have tried are pretty iffy.


Anyone have suggestions for some good ones?

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I buy coffee beans from a little Itailian store and make my own, or I get it from gas stations and if I feel like paying for atmosphere and a slightly better drink, I go to independent places. No starbucks, they have union issues. But I also have options.

Iv'e been drinking black coffee since 5th grade by the way, and really can't go a day without it, it's a worse addiction for me than smoking. A few years ago I was drinking so much that I reached a level of caffiene toxicity in my body and would occasionally pass out. Do not drink more than 32 oz a day, thats what doc said.



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has anyone tried organic/shade grown/free trade coffee? i have been looking for a good one, the best one that i have found is from a collective in east timor.

i am trying to make the conscientious choice to drink free trade stuff that is farmed responsibly (lots of coffee farms in south america and elsewhere use slave labour, no shit). To stop supporting that industry, I am trying to find a good tree trade coffee but the quality of some that i have tried are pretty iffy.


Anyone have suggestions for some good ones?




good coffee.

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i don't need you to tell me how good my fucking coffee is, okaaayyy?

i'm the one who buys it. i know how good it is. *lipsmack*

when bonnie goes shopping she buys SHIT. *lipsmack*

me, i buy the gourmet expensive stuff because when i drink it i want to taste it.

but you know what's on my mind right now?

it AIN'T the coffee in my kitchen, it's the dead nigger in my garage! *lipsmack*

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That's cool, which one you live by? I like the downtown one the best but the Belmont one is pretty nice too. Fuck, I've probably seen you at either unless you live by the Division one, I'm never over there...


But fuck, yeah, with a different country of origin coffee everyday it's impossible NOT to pick up the similarites, differences and defining characteristics of each one, figure out what you like and don't like, become picky and snobbish, instantly recognize drip coffee / pre ground coffee from Folgers, etc... Whatever, I love it and a dollar for 1 cup plus a refill is a deal if there ever was one when the coffee is that good and is made correctly (in most cases better then what I can do at home with a french press, for some reason).

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that's cool, good neighborhood and good street. my boss doesn't live too far from there in one direction and i don't either in the opposite.


i've found that generally the more coffee i put in a french press, the better the results get each time. man, stumptown is delicious. you can tell a good, fresh coffee when there's a nice foamy layer of crema on the top of that french press.

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  • 4 weeks later...
i see people with these cups downtown - but have no idea where they are getting it. am i missing something??



the one I go to all the time is on randolph/wabash, but there's another one near dearborn or something?


The coffee is just really really good, and simple.

It also doesn't leave that nasty aftertaste that starbucks does.


Try it sometime. It's like heaven, in latte form.

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