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so i ended my 3 day sobriety tonight


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I ate too many Vicodin.

No self-control.

My stomach hurts.

And I want to go home and lay on the floor with cats.

Possibly have someone feed me nachos.

I don't know if I even have it in me to chew tonight though.


No drank for two more nights.

I haven't indulged in the drink since last weekend.

Sad times for me.


Vicodin are the satan.


My new neighbors woke me up yesterday to borrow my phone book.

I don't trust them.

And don't want them to see inside our apartment.

They finally returned our phone book today.

I was not there.

But was told that his name is Spider.

And he wants to give me weed.

I will kindly refuse.

Don't want the neighborhood trash thinking I want to befriend them.

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I typically try not to watch movies based on drugs.

Mainly because I spent ten years of my life living it.

And it always annoys me how Hollywood portrays the addict and addict lifestyle.

It is as if something is always lacking.

They never get it 100%.


I don't trust anyone with a stupid nickname.

Whether it be to make themselves seem more gangster, or more punk.


I refuse to call any grown-ass-man Spider, or Roach, or Bile, or C Money.

They need to stop fronting and let me call them they real name.

Which is usually Chris.

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