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Dear ________,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear motherfuckers,


why must i do shit for you other people, if you forget shit in my car thats your fault, and i dont care if you are my girlfriend i dont want to pick up your phone charger at your friends house. fuckin jesus christ, i better get some supersome for this.



FATRALPH aka tiredofdrivingaroundoner

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Deer "insert famous recording studio hear"


I need a job, cuz need money now. I will do an awesome job, will record, and mixes well. Please hire me or I will kill u. all day. Every day bitch. So do it or else. In addition, I will not try to steel and of your mics. And out board gear. I promise..to a point. Im not trying to be funny jut a little annoying like my mother taught me in the back of our two-bedroom car that we found in the Bronx. The mechanilk told us Santa clause was his gay lover but only for the christamas season. I almost died laughing when he said that though because I asked myself why would you want tot date a seasonal lover...what a fag. But then I thought that would be good, id have a bithc on Easter then one on Christmas and one on thanksgiving,.. Here bitch give thanks to my nuts in your mouth..Slapppp cross the grill and shove a turkey leg and some stuffin in her mouth in a very aggressive manner that is befitting a seasonal hoe. Believe my neeegrooo I do that when im dreaming on in church on Sundays wondering how I can possibly bang the hot Spanish milfs that infest that shit ...real American shit so please give me the job so I can get away from all this buulllshit you bringing me, you slack jawed hick watching your legends of the hidden temple on DVD and then masturbating furiously to that one cute bitch from salute your shorts and wondering in the back of your mind if this isn’t creepy and almost illegal. And it prolly cuz you have the TV blazing to 35 dB's above the legal limit and have your windows open and shades up while wearing some get up your found dumpster diving behind the local haunt where the hookers sell themselves. Yeah you know you’ve done it we all have nothing to be a shamed of till you get caught of course. I know you like how I tided this story in with my audio engineering expreience..You saw it up there 35 db's....dB's stands for that there decibels...OOOOOHHHH you like that shit huh yeah bitch I will run your studio to the ground faggot believe e it!!! LA2A'a and 1176's will be missing and inthe back of my car waiting to divulge there awesome sound on my two bit shitty mixes and beats!!! Punk bitch..So just let me get the job and all will be well…stupid rent and food cost me money and money is apparently hard to come by..Dnt you hate that, I don’t I love being in horrible crippling debt…cuz im _______. Fill in those blanks you acehole.


Love in Christ,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear co-worker bitch whom I think is secretly jerking off clients on the downlow..,


No, I will NOT come in to cover your shift on my day off, for the MILLIONTH time.

Figure it out yourself, or just do us all a favor and quit.



^ . ^

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