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Dear ________,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear day off,


I'm soooo glad you are here. I've been needing a day off for some time now.

I also hope that the halloween stores have my costume I plan on buying when I go out this afternoon. Time for coffees!


love always,

the face

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear iou,

well you know those crazy japanese...

its a rice cooker, cd player, coffee maker, vacuum cleaner all in one!



p.s. lose the morning attitude


Dear SSN,


Send me one ASAP...




P.S. It is now 12:02pm.. It's a whole new attitude..

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear cali-g

The menstrual cycle happens. Its a monthly experience for the female gender...be thankful that you only have to hear about it and not experience it.

periods get no love (from anyone)- B. Fish





Dear unemployment-


So I realized I am doing nothing with my life at this point in time and a lot of that is because of you. I also realize we have this love hate relationship going on. I love you because of the freedom to do whatever I please and I hate you because I am limited due to lack of funds. All that seems to be enjoyable and free is sleeping. So basically for the past week I have been dreaming my life away. Not good. It’s been fun while it lasted unemployment but I gots bills to pay and real life dreams to pursue that involve cash.

I am out now looking to become a productive member of society and you will soon be a thing of the past.Thanks for the memories-

-no good rotten and jobless Banana

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear cali-g

The menstrual cycle happens. Its a monthly experience for the female gender...be thankful that you only have to hear about it and not experience it.

periods get no love (from anyone)- B. Fish


Dear Banana,


good point....it would suck to bleed from a hole for a few days every month.


glad im a guy,


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