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Guest R@ndomH3ro

Dear Flake Girl,


Why are you such a flake? Did you not enjoy the time we had together? I really hate that you are making excuses not to come out with me and drink beer. I really hate the games you play.



- Sneak "Not in the mood" Creep

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Dear Sleeping Pills,


Total Posts: 1,813 (32.79 posts per day)

Join Date: Jun 2007





Dear Sleeping,


I dont even post that much freakin loser...


Total Posts: 10,958 (5.15 posts per day)


Sucker I beat the system.


Sincerly-the hatin'est nigga evah....



Dear Catface,


I got eggs in mah fridge brown and white (me and my roomate dont discriminate...) Just go in grab some but dont touch my bacon. Lock up too because I think that jamaican on the floor under me is tryna steal shit...


Signed...Lonely in Northern Idaho...

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Guest R@ndomH3ro

Dear work,


Thanks for giving me a free day off. Now I got my windows tinted, and that is awesome. Its fucking hot out here in South Florida.


- Sneak "Not so hot anymore" Creep



Dear Cthulu,


Please have more hot Latina bitches outside wearing almost absolutely nothing. Your faithful servant could use more eye candy to oogle at. Thanks, I will leave you some pancakes as a offering.



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Guest R@ndomH3ro
Dear, EX


stop calling my house phone, fuck your life

suck and dick and die


yours truly






Dear, Sneak


Hitman for hire





Dear ICB,


I will fax you the paper work, we are having a back to school special. half off every clip and two for one stabbings.


- Sneak "Hire Me for all your Wetwork" Creep

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