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Dear ________,


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Dear New Girl,


Reveal your breasts.




Dear Realism,


You seem pretty sensible judging by your name. I would like to invite you to check out my thread in the metal head section titled " North Carolina Raise Up", there you will see that I am in desperate need of a new camera. So like I told Red when he told me to show my tit's or GTFO! Buy my new camera see some tit's! There nice and big too! Soooo if you want to discuss this more let me know. LOL





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Dear MC,

Lol Na son don't back out now! But seriously though, you got me doing the head scratch cuz I was to old for ICarly. So I'm confused, plus I smoke mad weed but I'm not the offensive type it's all in good fun. Definitely not your average white girl I can promise you that lol.





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dear newgirl,


wuz jus being stupid. just said jk to be less than offensive. unless youre into icarly roleplay




Dear MC,


What I'm saying is Idk wtf Icarly role play is! Lol. I'm guessing you want some form of tit pics as well, am I right? How about you boys start throwing me some pics in PM's to peak my interest and maybe I'd be willing to play! Sorry Idk all these internet terms bare with me, this is my first time being addicted to a forum.

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Dear NG and TDB,


Please follow the rules of the thread and include a signoff after each message. kthxbye. ;)




Dear Red,


Thank you for informing me of the formal rules of the thread. Us rookies need all the help we can get. ;)





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Dear newgirl


I have lived out the most stressful and drunken two months of my life on this forum


These peeps are aiit ;)


Dear TDB,


Good to know I'm among cool peeps. It might be a rocky few months ahead and since I don't have cable anymore y'all just might become my main source of entertainment after work everyday.





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Deer NewGirl,


Lets see some cans




Dear VFOR,


I really like your name it made me LOL and its fitting. Buy me a new camera, see some tits! Please, I really need a camera. You'll be getting to enjoy it as much as me is the way I figure it. :huh:





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Dear VFOR,


I really like your name it made me LOL and its fitting. Buy me a new camera, see some tits! Please, I really need a camera. You'll be getting to enjoy it as much as me is the way I figure it. :huh:






New Girl,


Do you know if they still make those disposable cameras? Those were great. I'll mail you one of those if they're still around. Or I'll just come visit and you can show me your boobies that way. One or the other, doesn't matter.



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Dear NewGirl,


I recommend asking for pay-pal donations for a camera, then what ever is left over can be spent on Coogi sweaters and Suboxone.




Dear Eviltrailer,


HAHAHA very funny! Definitely not a Coogi fan, more an American Eagle girl. Also, opioid's never have been my drug of choice definitely more of a weed smoker. But I can always appreciate a joke unlike you.





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New Girl,


Do you know if they still make those disposable cameras? Those were great. I'll mail you one of those if they're still around. Or I'll just come visit and you can show me your boobies that way. One or the other, doesn't matter.




Dear VFOR,


WOW haven't seen those in year! I'm pretty sure they are extinct and not very practical for shooting freighters. But nice try, A for effort with that one. As for visiting, well I think your putting the horse before the cart my friend. It would be pretty scary to have some stranger I've never seen show up expecting to see my boobies, and I'm concerned your willing to travel so far just to see random boobies. What's up with that? As for your question about size, keep going.




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New Girl,


Holy shit! They DO still make disposables....

http://www.amazon.com/Fujifilm-Quicksnap-Flash-Single-Use-Camera/dp/B00012YIA0/ref=sr_1_4?s=photo&ie=UTF8&qid=1374621167&sr=1-4 As far as visiting, yeah I was kidding. I'd never drive somewhere to see a chick without getting some pics first. I will be PM'ing you about this camera situation.




PS... You're over 18, right?

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Dear dear _____ thread,


Please take nonsense to PM, and allow this thread to be as it were intended.





Dear EmployeeA,


I'm sure you're going to have some amazingly fanciful stories about me when I sack you this morning, I just hope, for your sake, I don't have to bring out the camera footage of you stealing from me. I'm not even going to bring it up, unless you try to have a go at me.




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New Girl,


Holy shit! They DO still make disposables....

http://www.amazon.com/Fujifilm-Quicksnap-Flash-Single-Use-Camera/dp/B00012YIA0/ref=sr_1_4?s=photo&ie=UTF8&qid=1374621167&sr=1-4 As far as visiting, yeah I was kidding. I'd never drive somewhere to see a chick without getting some pics first. I will be PM'ing you about this camera situation.




PS... You're over 18, right?


Dear VFOR,


I think were being kicked off the thread :laugh1: but please don't send me a disposable camera. I would just display it in my apartment for people to marvel at in disbelief that those still exist. Thank you for the thought though, again you get an A for effort. Also, smh I am definitely over 18.





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