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Dear ________,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Cali,


Thanks. Got antibiotics Monday. Was feeling good by Wednesday. Then I spent six hours working in 40-50 degree weather. By the time I got home I was fucking coughing nonstop and completely winded from walking a little over a mile. Frustrating.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear iou,


you probably already know this, but its really important to take ALL of the antibiotics prescribed to you...even if you feel a lot better a few days later....but yeah working in that weather and not resting and not getting fluids is going to make it worse. you should take a couple days off if you can.


dr. gula

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Cali,


I took the last one yesterday(Z-pack). I was fine when I went into to work, but by the end of the night it didn't matter. Technically I was in cool/cold weather from 7pm-4am give or take. I think my body is trying to make a point. Haha..



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear All you can drink Sake and Beer deal,


Thanks for making me so drunk I don't remember how I got home and passed out on the couch.





Dear Animal Cops in Phoenix,


I'm watching your show right now and if you ever find the person who cut that cat's paws off, give me a call. I would gladly take a red eye out there and cut that person's hands off.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear "We are the world" 2010 version,


You are the most annoying convoluted piece of shit song. I wish they'd stop showing the video footage because it makes me want to kill people instead of save them.


And all the people in that video --YOU SUCK! Shoot yourself in the face, chop your hands off, fall into a volcano! You corney fucking bags of shit.


Fuck you,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear cold


i thought i made myself clear- you are not welcome here. i do not want to fucking up my weekend, i got things to do and people to see. or is it the other way around... i dont remember. moral of the story is, FUCK OFF. i am armed with dayquill, nyquill, tea, pho, and a whole lot of FUCK YOU so be ready. you. will. not. win.




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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear dude from the bar


stop blowing me up. im sorry i gave you my number, i was drunk. im spoken for and youre not good looking enough to jeopardize that. even if you were, im not that kind of woman. sorry. youre shit outta luck.

leave me alone.




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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear zebra,


damn...i wish i could help...i will try.




dear earl,


co-signed on the we are the world....terrible...they shouldnt have put in kanye, lil wayne, will.i.am, justin beiber, etc. etc. etc.




dear 2 girls i asked out on a date for tonight,


i hope one of you two cancels tonight, or i need to figure out a way to be at two places on one time.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear 12oz,


Understand that CALI has got the big girls on lock. It is his time. He lives in a country that is mad overweight. Caligula fucking part two and shit. FATigula.. Get mad.




Dear 12oz,


For those who have met other members of the board.. When you read their posts after you meet them, can you hear their voice in your head?


I do. Every fucking time.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear chipped tooth filling or visible cavity,

I hope you're nothing too serious. You're not painful or anything...

you're just bothering me.

I don't want another root canal or painful ass procedure...

Plus I need to get my wisdom teeth pulled on my next vacation..



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear milk,


Didnt think I could one up you on that one huh? I did.

Now I will demolish you with my stomach organs.

ya me despido(*twists clark gable pretend mustache)-B. fish



Dear life,

You gave me the coolest dude ever.

I feel pretty lucky to be romantically inclined to someone

who feels it their personal business to make chocalate covered

stuffs instead of buying it (thats sweet right? Not cheap?).

Or someone who breaks apart someone elses puzzle then feels bad

about this (said but not described) puzzle and then spends a good amount of a romantic date putting it back together because he feels like a doosh bag for breaking crap.

Two things that make him a nice guy to be with

1. grey hair. 2. heart.

Thanks a kitten caboodle.

*adhsjahda puke- Big fish little fish.


Dear IOU,

Whenever I read your posts I picture you yelling or



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