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Dear ________,


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Guest shai_hulud

Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear SF tourists-


The House of Nanking on Kearny is okay, but that's IT. Overpriced and crowded come to mind, as well.


But the place next door called Chef Jia hooks it up for a lot less money. The food is excellent, and I have never seen the place more than half full.


Just because your "Best of the Bay" guide recommends it, doesn't mean it's the best Chinese joint in the City.


Tired of wading through crowds to eat,


A Local Who Knows

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


haha....i bought a fake rolex for $20 off some jamaican out of his briefcase by the sbarros in times square.


I bought a pipe in the shape of a horse from a jamaican man for what he said was a discount of 5 dollars. He also threw in a I LOVE NEWYORK canvas bag...made my day.

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Slick Rick,

I'll be seeing you on Sunday.

I am stoked to the max.

And will be styling and/or profiling.

I hope I don't drink too many dranks and not remember the night.

That would be nothing short of tragedy.

You are the man.


Thank you for playing a free show, that leaves my poor ass with more money to spend on cheap beer.




Dear dude,

Stop being the way you are being.

It confuses me.

And makes me an emotional wreck of a little girl.




Dear weather,

Go suck a fuck.

I hate you.

You are making my life unbearable.


Three days of rain?

Get the fuk outta here.

No Love,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Bruce_1nR,

I don't so much care about money and riches.

It has never been important to me.

But if you want to buy me a Greyhound bus ticket to come visit your city, I am more than willing to come hang out with you.

I will let you buy me High Life and bean burritos from Taco Bell.




Dear other dude,

I know I said we would hang out tonight, but I forgot that I always babysit my niece on Saturday mornings.

You don't need to keep calling me.

You are slurring your words.

Stop eating so many xanax, I can't understand a word you say.

And you aren't remembering that I told you that I would stop by the bar when you are working tomorrow night.

It's cute you want to call yourself my "cuddle rhino".

It makes me laugh.

Because you are grind.

And probably won't remember trying to be romantic and sweet.

Tell your roommate to get off my case.

He has known me for 12 years, he should know I am not going to steal any of his records or dirty clothes.

Really though, don't call me again tonight.

I know you just want to hear my voice, but seriously dude, you are messed up.

Go to sleep.

Call me in the morning.


The Sober One.

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Bloodfart,


I think you misunderstand.


Instead of me giving you money, you give me money.


Sugar is sweet, salt is not.


However, I'll greyhound you to where I might be currently be residing in a couple years....when I'm old enough to legally buy you a miller.


In a couple years,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Bruce,

I still don't care about money.

Which means that I don't have money.

The money I do make is spent immediately.

Also, not to sound like a shit, but really, why would I give you my money?

That would never happen.

I spend my money on dudes and booze as it is.

I don't need to add another dude to the list of dudes already taking up all my time and dollars.

Sorry to kill your dream of meeting someone on 12oz that will support you.


Broke And Caustic

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear bed upstairs,



You are twice the size of my bed at school.


Do you know what that means?


I do,


I can stretch out without hitting the edge of the bed.



Hell, I could even sprawl out such that my extremities are far away from eachother like atoms in a molecular bond.


In fact, I am going to go jump on you now.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear love of my life

why are you in Mexico?

I know you enjoy following your dreams and helping people,

but I need you here tonight,

All I have is a shitty pb&j sammich and no substances to abuse in hopes of making the time apart less painful and of a shorter duration.

the ounce is providing no solace and I can't stand sleeping in the bad without you.

I miss you





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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear breakfast,



you were good, don't get me wrong. but due to circumstances beyond my control i must go to the cheesecake factory. mainly cuz i want some dessert, but now the option to eat another meal is too good to resist.



dear stomach,


you will probably be bloated tonite.





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Guest R@ndomH3ro

Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Night,


You better be rockin....cause shit lately has been weak.


- Sneak "NightOwl" Creep



Dear bike,


Again you are awesome, taking me on far adventures. It was nice that you took me to that fine girl walking her dog. She was nice to talk to and dug my sweaty style.


- Sneak "Road Warrior" Creep

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Bruce,


Dear BloodFart,


Why you jockin me son? I know you've got money hidden away somewhere.



Either or, eventually, I'll get my own house, and then I'll invite friends from 12oz up to come party and paint and "Bring the ruckus"


You're invited.



Promises that will hopefully be kept,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Friend,


Thanks for getting me dubbed out last night. It was good times talking about the crazy shit we used to do and listening to wicked tunes and discovering a lost mix of mine. Also thanks for letting me borrow all those CDs. Oh, almost forgot about hanging with the porno cats:


YinYang like what!!!!



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