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this shit means nothing because just a few months ago i remember scientists released evidence that men are more intelligent than women. which women of course were pissed about. they're always coming up with intelligence "studies" that go back and forth between the genders. nothing new.


i remember they released a study that women were better drivers than men. i looked into it and found out they didn't even conduct the study by having the subjects driving cars, they just had the men and women fill out surveys :rolleyes:

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I heard on the radio that women talk 3 times more per day than men.


Now I have noticed some chicks who like like to hear the sound of their own voice but I dunno about 3 times more - I can see it when they crap on about absolute bullshit and my brain switches off, I don't care what the fuck you did at work today or what happened to you at the shopping mall, I care about gettin my dick in you and your girlfriends pussy and drinkin my beers THE END

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Girls have longer attention spans yet they use them to pay attention to stupid shit that doesnt matter and then they use it against us...


Like 8 years down the road your married 2 kids happy ass hell big house nice car the whole 9. Then she whips out some bullshit at the dinner table like "Gosh, I remember our first date... do you remember what I was wearing?" You sit there in your dome like "What the fuck? Was this in the manual? That was fucking 8 years ago! I have to pay a fucking morgatge and she whips this shit out!?" So very humbly you go "Baby I am not sure exactly what it was but I knew from the moment I saw you that you were the one." Then you hear the "KAAACHINK!" of the pussy being put on lock as she lunges towards you with a butter knife! "YOU DONT REMEMBER YOUR A FUCKING ASSHOLE I WANT A DIVORCE AND I AM TAKING THE KIDS!!!!"


and the only thing you can answer with is "HOW THE FUCK SHOULD I KNOW THE ONLY THING I REMEMBER ABOUT YOUR CLOTHES WAS THAT THEY WERE OFF 2 HOURS INTO THE DATE!!!...FUCK THAT'S HOUSE LITTLE JIMMY WAS BORN..." Then you look at your son realizing that you just ruined his life and that he is going to need years of therapy...


See its the womans fault for everything...;

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