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The Sorry State of Comics Today (a rant by Lens)


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Mostly mainstream comics are what i am here to bitch about.....


Let's use X-Men as an example....



Back in the day Marc Silvestri was THE MAN when it came to illustrating the x-men comics. It was a real choppy style by it was teh hotness.


You could get a nice, straightforward story, good continuation and characters you could really like...it was all presented in a real life way that made you think...huh, maybe mutants really DO exist somewhere....


As for ads, yeah, okay, there was a crappy ad for the latest NES offering, something about oreos and maybe a 7-11 promo.....that's it. The rest was 24 uninterrupted pages of dazzler, Rogues tits, storms mohawk, longshot being clueless and wolverine catching yellow fever and dipping out to the orient every twenty or so issues.



fast forward to today....


NOTHING but glittering weapons, retarded secret bases right out in the open, huge biceps, big tittites, big belts of ammo and ridiculously big guns that serve as ridiculous penis symbols. Constant bullshit standoffs where no one ever dies. Some of the most ridiculous powers like a guy that turn his body to tar? wtf?!? A guy named "The SugarMan?"


Overtly slick artwork that's pretty much done all in photoshop. No soul. Stick your pencil up your ass my cartoonist buddy, you won;t need it anymore. Get down with that keyboard bitch! You'll let go of that mouse once we get ALLLLLL the blood on Wolverines claws!!!!!!


Storylines blow...to make sense of anything you have to buy something like 4 additional "X" titles to string together anything that makes sense and when you do......holy crap, it wasn't worth my $16 dollars!


ADS ADS AND MORE ADS. i picked up an issue of x-men recently....every other page is a crappy advertisment for kiddie cell hpones, candy, video games, glue huffing kits, mail order nazi paraphenalia, etc......maybe 7 pages of art for another twenty making a gun for your allowance!


Whatever happened to buying a comic alongside your slurpee, getting sticky fingerprints all over the mo' fo' then folding it in half and jamming it into your back pocket on the way to meet your buddies? No, vaccum seal that shit! It's the issue where wolverine takes a walk! Oh shit! Ultra clear mylar seal, anti staple rust fixative! Fuck, don't forget humidty control! AGGGH!!! Oh god, it's depreciating! THE HORROR, THE HORROR! fuck, now it's just "near mint!"


::gun cocks:: KA-BLAM!!!!!!


Shit, that's why Frank Miller is the man in my opinion.

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i'm not going to disagree w/ any of your points. however, there are some fucking excellent rags out right now that are very much worth reading (inspite of ads).


at the moment:



(and of course, my namesake) THE GOON


POWERS has simple, yet excellent art. awesome capture of form and light. absolutely amazing storylines.


CONAN has been awesome since issue 0 w/ consistently great art and solid story lines. a couple of the side-issues have been less great on the story line, but of the 45 or so books released in the last 2.5 years its 90% off the heezy, yo!


THE GOON is eric powell's creation. a couple so/so issues, but the art has never been short of amazing. majority of storylines are incredible. dark and hilarious. zombies, mafia, mad scientists, slapstick, dead pan, action. the best of everything you'd ever want.


but yeah, i haven't been interested in a Marvel book in a serious minute.

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THE GOON is eric powell's creation. a couple so/so issues, but the art has never been short of amazing. majority of storylines are incredible. dark and hilarious. zombies, mafia, mad scientists, slapstick, dead pan, action. the best of everything you'd ever want.


but yeah, i haven't been interested in a Marvel book in a serious minute.



the goon is awesome.


and marvel is teh boring.


lucifer is the hot shit.

i'm on book 8 right now.


*also DMZ and supermarket are pretty bad ass as well

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I agree with a lot of what you say, somewhat, lens. But you're wrong, too, know what I mean?


There are some really good writers out there working for the big two, and there are some very good artists, too. Not every Marvel or DC comic is published for ten year olds. That's Manga's job.



And Mister Incognito - you obviously never read any of the Punisher books by Garth Ennis.

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i dont know shit about the comic industry but i'd say their downfall started with those nice laser jet printers. although the art is nice to look at id rather get shitty ass ink on recycled tree bark paper and a comic that has some bulk to it. like 50 pages for a $1.00. not $5.00 for 10 pages of expensive paper.


so i only read the japanese stuff now. $5.00 for 100 +pages

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I stopped reading a couple of the X-Men books because they went horribly downhill. But Grant Morrison's run on X-Men from 2001-2003 or so was fucking awesome and Joss Whedon's Astonishing X-Men is great, also. Plus the House of M was incredible and fairly groundbreaking for a superhero book since it basically made 90% of the superheroes and villians lose their powers completely, including Magneto and Professor X. But Uncanny X-Men has been shit for a while now and X-Men lost my interest, also. I don't know what you're talking about with "weapons and tits" because there is waaaaaaaaaaay less of that than there was in the 90's.


As for the ads, how the hell do you expect them to make their money?

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