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Banksy sexchange


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LONDON, Sept. 3 (UPI) -- Infamous "guerrilla graffiti" artist Banksy has replaced 500 British copies of Paris Hilton's debut album with his own mock renditions of the heiress' work.


The doctored albums found their way into music stores across Britain and offered listeners one 40-minute song featuring many of the heiress' catch phrases. An accompanying booklet listed tracks like "Why am I famous?" and offered digitally altered photos of Hilton, The Independent reported.


Prior to taking on one of the world's more notorious celebrities, Banksy had focused his attention on the world's art museums. In 2003, the artist glued one of his original paintings up in the Tate Britain and later smuggled bogus exhibits into both the National History Museum and New York's Museum of Modern Art.


While Banksy's newest offering focused on Hilton by labeling her photo with lines like "Thou Shalt Not Worship False Icons," the secretive artist did find time to re-edit the record credits to thank himself for his "wonderful work."









Pretty damned funny. Apparently HMV recovered 7 and are going to Auction them off.

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Re: Banksy sticks it to Paris


This screams don't buy paris's cd! buy my book!


sorry not feelin it.


anyone with half a brain knows that his motivation is to be accepted by the same institution he's rebelling against. the man would give his right arm to be legitimately hung in the tate or the nymoma. he's not fooling me.



still, this was funny, and she deserves it

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Re: Banksy sticks it to Paris


Well, i agree with abcman but i'm def dissapointed with Banksy on this one. In my mind, rebelling against the goverment of uk, social ish and israelis is worthy (even if you're after

being hung in the tate or moma). Rebelling against Paris Hilton is plain cheap (and it will only get you hung on some Mtv show or something).


in any way, lose lose, crap

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Re: Banksy sticks it to Paris


wow did the hateraid truck stop outside your houses or what?!


Shits dope I think anything that trys to take paris hilton down a peg or two is good...I hate her she isn't even good looking...she looks like she has down syndrome for christ sakes!

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