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Fruits n Veggies!

Issac Brock

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Recently I have been eating way more fruits and veggies in cooperation with my running 3 miles a day. Namely, I have enjoyed baby carrots. Crunchy, delicious, ridiculously healthy. Also I have eaten 2 apples every day for the past 3 days. Anybody have some favorite healthy snacks? I read that the #1 healthiest fruit is the "guava," which I haven't heard of or tried, but the watermelon is #2, which I love but its a lot of work to prepare. Post your healthy delicious snacks!

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Yo, I discovered the dopest combo of fruits and veggies. Sit down and grab a pen: cherries and mustard greens. No kidding, just chow on them both raw. It's great because the mustard has a little burn, but the cherry sweet makes it go away. And the cherries get to be a little saccharine so you munch on the greens for a while. Best snack ever.

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^^Sounds good

Baby spinach with mandarin oranges and almonds.

Watermelon is hard to prepare? Come on, man.

MANGOSTEEN. Fuck around. If you can find them fresh you are lucky. Like a mandarin orange with white flesh.

Celery. Actually has negative calories due to the indigestability of the fibers in it.


Disney has recently produced "nectarine mangos" which aren't bad (but suspect as fuck)

Also newly debuted fruit would be plum/ apricot mixes which are fucking off the chain.

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Why are banannas going extinct?

Shit! That reminds me, go to the local Asian supermarket and roll around in the produce section. Mine has these tiny little bananna wreaths that are realllllllllly good. They almost have a creamy strawberry taste to them. Things are like three inches long. Some shit called "champagne" mangos are there as well. No fibers getting stuck in your teeth, just delicious mango flesh.


Yeah, they are harder than carrots and apples. But man, neither of those things really has any prep at all. Just smoke weed after you cut it up.

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Guest spectr
how about a cheeseburger with lettuce and tomato

to many veggies, maybe just lettuce or tomato, wait are you putting ketchup on it? ketchup is a veggie..

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not really.

I hate those damn things, they smell like gasoline and garbage, and they dont taste all that great either. imagine if one of those fell out of a tree onto your head, that is a fruit that was not meant to be touched by man:shakehead:
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Actually durian is mighty good, it's like nature's creme brulee, minus the brulee part, no cooking involved. And except for the stringy bit and the pits. Damn good stuff.


Celery gets a minus for being one of the most pesticide laced veggies however, buy organic celery, broccoli, strawberries, potatoes, well everything really.

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it's so dope knowing old folks w/ gardens that make way too much food for them


baked beets and spinach greens is a prett good combo. This time of year, I pretty much stick to anything tomato, peach, and eggplant.


yams are supposed to be one of the more nutricious foodstuffs.

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I have a guava tree growing in the backyard right now. I used to have sugar cane growing back here too. I usually make my own salads that has the following:


Romaine lettuce

Cherry tomatoes

Baby carrots



with no salad dressing


I'm eating some watermelon as I type this.


There's a few more I'd list but I don't know their English name so I'll have to ask my moms sometime.

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Yeah, I'ma one of those old folks Vanity, you should see all what's going to seed back there. Beets are my thing, I call them roasted however, not baked, it might just sound better, making it more nutritious, and with arugula, not spinach, though that's good too, arugula sounds better, making it more nutritious.

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^damn did you the price on that dorian that was posted?

7000yen! thats about $65 US i bought one in laos for like a 10th of a cent.


im really diggin nashi right now. ive never had it in the states so i dont know if that translates into something else but its basically its an apple that tastes like a pear. really juicy though so if you put them in the fridge = mahfucking oishii


edit^ i thought that read kettie's chips.

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I HATE DURIAN.. when i stayed in thailand for a couple weeks.. i ended up getting sick when i went back home..and everytime i thought of the smell of durian when i was sick i would start puking all over the place..i swore when was feverish that i kept getting whiffs of the smell of durian ... ughh it still makes me sick just thinking about it.


BUT i do love..


strawberries..rasberries...mmmmm..watermelon.. fuck EVERY FRUIT except durian.. have you ever had lychee?? mmm that shits good..


anddd... i love me some vegatables too.. EVERYTHING..


my mom and i are vegatable fruit freaks.. forreal..and so is my son..

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