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I avoid stepping on cracks as I walk on a sidewalk or having my foot parallel to an invisible line caused by a pole or the edge of something. I dont do this constantly just usually when I walk alone.


I wipe my face on my shoulder often and I unbutton my pants before I get to the toilet or even to the restroom

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i like evenness


symmetry is my friend


when i was a kid id so crazy shit like if i walked off a curb with my left foot id have to make the right foot even by walking back off a curb with that. Same with anything, shit could go on for hours. .

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Well, i set all my clothes out the night before so when i wake up i can get ready straight away, and i have a thing about showering in the morning and at night. when im walking i have a thing about stepping on cracks, it absolutely shits me, so i try to avoid cracks. i constantly whipe my my mouth weith my shoulder for no particular reason, and i hate the smell of old books. i constantly play with my hair (mostly the bottom at the back) i have a thing about keeping my mobile phone in my left pocket and my mp3 player in my right. when reading soemthing really long on the computer i click the leeft mouse button constantly so that the text gets highlighted and then doesnt, and i have a thing about sleeping on my chest, in a kind of sprawled out position on the bed.


Asian girls seem so much cleaner then other girls. i dont know theres just something about them.

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i'm massively down with the symmetry thing. body parts have to be "parallel" with objects, i had the same thing cool water did, recently i used to click my teeth (or just count) phrases i say, and if they didn't have an even number of syllables, i'd add something to them (like "yo"), had to do things in even sets, shit's insane. most of them are gone now, but a couple of them pop up every now and then to fuck me up a bit.


also, i have this really wierd things thats hard to explain. kinda like the "have to touch certain object" but i have to touch a certain part of my body. could be anything, hands, ankle, neck, dick, whatever. and i'll go a long way out of my way to put pressure on it. but if i put to much pressure on way i have to put pressure on the other way to even it out.


oh, and finally, i have this perfection thing where something (some random thing) has to be in its place, even or i'll have to correct it.

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i also bite my finger nails, and i used to peel my skin on my fingers whenever i was nervous, like the skin behind the nail, i used to peel that till it was halfway down my finger on that marked up line on the inside of my hand, and that was on every single finger of my hand. i stoppped that habbit now though. and i make weird noises out of the blue. fuck im weird

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I avoid stepping on cracks as I walk on a sidewalk

I unbutton my pants before I get to the toilet or even to the restroom




I also: Have to smell anything and everything..Especially if it's food.

I have to put my shoes on a certain way..right foot first..if I forget, then I remember later and have to do it over.

I also have the bad habit of checking the bowl out before I flush.

I'm sure there are more, but I can't recall at the moment.

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Everytime i get a glass to drink from i always smell it before putting the beverage into it. If I set my drink down and leave the room' date=' even for 10 seconds, i will pick it up and smell it before i continue to drink it.[/quote']



i do that too.


im not sure why i started doing this..but i have to arrange my money in my wallet largest bill to smallest and if i have more than 1 of the same bill i put them in alphabetical order.

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sometimes if i brush past a wall with one arm or something (not in public), i'll have to do it to the other arm to try to make it feel the same way. or if i touch something that feels a certain way on one hand, i'll have to do it on the other hand. and it never feels quite the same on the other side so i'd end up trying to get it right for a while and just give up. it was worse when i was little, i don't notice it much anymore.



i also think i play with my hair more than i realize (it's long) and it might be breaking and maybe even thinning a little because of it.

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I used to cop it pretty bad when I was a kid like touching something a certain amount of times, saying the same shit over again to make it feel "right" to me & random bullshit like that.

I have forced myself to stop that shit & it has worked I basically have very few physical quirks anymore, though sometimes I cop a minor attack in my head like negative thoughts & weird shit like that but I just tell myself to stop it and it works.

It's about self-control you have to force yourself to break the habit it can be hard but if you keep persisting it will work and you'll break the habit.

You discover nothing bad happens and thouse uncomfortable feelings you get whaen you don't touch a thing a certain amount of times or touch it so it feels the same go away.

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I always need to smoke a cigarette before and after something, like: taking a shit, eating dinner, smoking a blunt.


I pick my belly button. I have done this since I was 1 year old, laying on my grandmoms floor watching tv.

I noticed around the time I was like 12 that if you smell it, it smells like Velveeta Cheese.

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I also have the problem with locking things i always have to double check and either pull or twist the handle. When i do this and walk away i find myself alot of the time going make to minutes later and checking if its locked same goes for heaters and general fire hazards.


Alot of the time in awkward situations i find ill sniff once or yawn, i believe it's the silence of the situation i feel like i have to break in some small way.


I wash my hands way to often.


I often get anoyed when things look out of place, for example i drove past a post the other day that had a pinecone sitting on top of it as i drove a further kilometer down the road i found myself thinking about how much it was pissing me off because it was so out of place my course of action was then to do a u-turn gettout of the car pick it off the post and smash it on the ground.

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