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Heart Break on my Birthday


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wait remember that song..


The problem with love is that it lives in a book now

the problem with drugs is that they're too fucking good now

The problem with logic is that they're too many loopholes

the problem with the truth is that it's usually brutal

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haha, i can feel dudes getting their hopes up


love is a wierd thing. from my experience, when things are right, they're right. and when they're wrong, you'll know they're wrong, even though you don't want to trust yourself.


but like they said, if you want to get back together, make it known. and if you want to stay apart make it as hard as possible to keep in contact with each other. just be prepared for the results either way.


everyone has their story about the person that they were completely sprung over, so we all can relate.

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Love sucks...my ex called me for the first time in a week today, conversaiton was goin great for bout an hour then yeah. It ended with me tellin her to die then going and fucking someone else. I Just saw she deleted me off her MySpace, so you KNOW it's serious haha

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I might have been wrong.


I might be wrong about that.


But, the way I see it, if I keep up on this writing project, I'll prove myself, either way.


It's not like I'm running out of subject material...

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By the way...


Weren't you gonna come round these parts soon?









ive been in the same situation except flipped, and i didnt give the guy shit until we got back together(very on again off again). in fact, i had hidden the gift in his room, and told him i was coming over to pick that shit up because he didnt deserve it and we werent together.

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if people dont act like they care, it's because they dont, end of story. as fucking hard as it is to accept, it's the truth. fuck any 'i dont know how'/'its not who i am' bullshit, it's all fucking lies. if someone cares about you, they will go out of their way to express it. if they don't, they're a selfish piece of shit who doesn't deserve you.



this is not true all the time. i've been with my girl for several years now. in the beginning when we were just friends she knew i was madly in love with her and she kept telling me straight up she did not feel the same. then she just came to me one day and told me she couldn't hold back her feelings anymore and that she had been in love with me the whole time, but she just couldn't let herself love anyone again because her first love crushed her and she couldn't go through that again. but she got over it, it took over a year of me "waiting around." because do sometimes care they just don't know what to do or how to handle it. my girl and i are just as much in love as we were 2 years ago.

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The best advice I've gotten about men from men is "men are very simple."


Don't complicate the situation by reading too much into it.


I cracked the secret of women. Its kinda simple all you have to do is balance attention and space.


Attention-Space= Happy Girlfriend.

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