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Dallas or Houston


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I live in Houston. The people suck and can't drive. I've been to Austin to see family and Placebo play and I loved it. Austin's the place to be. It's so much nicer and there's more to do. I went to Dallas and it was boring and reminded me of Houston.

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ive only read the first and last pages but here are my two cents..


its between dallas and houston..


i lived in houston for 20 something years. i lived in the north side for most of that in white suburbia and a few years just outside downtown. houston is dope... there are good places to live and expensive places to live... youve got areas of town where every other street is hood-rich-hood-rich. chances are you would live out of "town" and live in the suburbs so your commute will be a good drive and youll become familiar with traffic and either freak out and move or become numb to it. if you want to live in town i hope you have a trust fund or a gun depending on the area.. haha its not that bad.. pmb and i lived right by the astrodome in an affordable appt and had loads of fun and were really close to all the cool shit in houston.


dallas is kind of the same way. ive only spent a small amount of time in dallas "proper" but ive spend a good amount in the areas around dallas.. a lot of people commute in dallas too. people are screaming AUSTIN AUSTIN well dallas has some areas that remind me a lot of austin on a smaller scale. but they are fairly far from the city itself so if your working in town they are out of the question. dallas heads may argue but one of the coolest areas ive spent a substantial amount of time in in texas is denton. its comparable to austin on a smaller scale.. its arty small college town (north texas) has a cool feel to it and you dont HAVE to drive everywhere.. walking or riding bikes is fun in that area..


san antonio ive lived here for like 4 years now and dont bother.. tourism keeps it on the map.. and once youve been to the alamo why come back?

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much love to HD&DTS

DTS pretty much deserted houston from what I can tell. Right now it seems like a huge influx of dumbfucks with paint.




ive been to houston..

good times..

chillen with KABAR..









I was supposed to hook up with kabar (/nohomo) to check out this yard n setup shop but never got around to it. I have his number somewhere, I feel Im missing out on some good shit.



And I still have never met fatalist....

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Austin is where the place to live is in TX. I live in Arlington/Grand Prairie.... Fort Worth in my opinion is cooler than Dallas

It has a lot of history and really nice places to go for entertainment. Either way this "metroplex" thing going on here is

flippin huge and spread out like schmoyn said. Driving here is really nuts, there's tons of stupid drivers. The crime in some

Areas is horrible, gas is expensive, it goes from being really hot and sunny, to rain or tornadoes and hail at a moment's

notice regularly.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

Depends on why you want to move. Dallas didn't seem to be that bad when I visited.


I live in Houston and can tell you that this is a pretty fuckin cool and unique city but graffiti-wise, its pretty much dying slowly.


Oh yea, and our city just got a bunch of money for the buff, and I'm not talking like a few thousand. Shit does not run more than a few days here..shit maybe a week if your lucky.


Your best bet is Austin

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HAHAHA pissdrunk...you're a moron. There's a shooting/stabbing there like every weekend.


the.crooked....yes. Dallas blows. However, Houston blows 100x that of Dallas.


Theo's always right and he even said Dallas is better.


Dog...do the right thing. Don't raise your kids in Houston. Its a really really bad idea.

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