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so i have been having problems with my Ripit4me DVDShrink so I bought a Roxio software for 40$ but the damn thing wont rip protected dvds.


Are there any good programs I can get that will burn protected dvds, preferably a one stop shop I'd rather not dick with multiple programs for one burn.

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fuck yo redundant array nigga


So last year i bought a new Time Capsule off a crackhead for 10 dollars. 500 GB version but I just never got around to setting it up till tonite. Currently i am backing my hard drive up. 200 GB worth of stuff wirelessly and that combined with the alcohol i been had life is good. My question. Anybody have one of these? After the backup will i have a desktop item that gives me an overview? Has anybody here done a system restore from a time capsule backup? done one on a different machine?

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Adobe Premiere Pro CS5 (or CS4) for mac anyone? Torrrents are bullshittin...


I bought a Sony camcorder and I'm assed out on this fucking AVCHD format so throwing it into imovie is a no. Converter takes fuckin forever. Ran it through my homeboy's adobe premiere pro cs5 on his pc and it ran perfectly.




Or it's a general Mac problem? I was told I could install and run windows on this hoe. Would that be an easier option? Install windows -> download Premiere -> Win?



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Is anyone in here familiar with adobe audition 3.0? i am trying to get a spectral analysis on a flac file to see if it is a transcode. I can get a regular mp3 to show but not a flac. any clue as to what i am doing wrong? (Ex 2 is a horrible transcode that i am glad i didn't share)





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install ubuntu from windows without disturbing shit



Shit, should of read this first.


I have a 600gb hardrive with Windows Vista installed.

I burned the Ubuntu Iso and installed it on another 80gb hardrive.


The problem is i did it wrong. Now it only boots Ubuntu and now i cant boot from Windows Vista (Wanted to have two operating systems)


How do I go back? And how make it so i have two operating systems and choose what to boot from the beginning?

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Is anyone in here familiar with adobe audition 3.0? i am trying to get a spectral analysis on a flac file to see if it is a transcode. I can get a regular mp3 to show but not a flac. any clue as to what i am doing wrong? (Ex 2 is a horrible transcode that i am glad i didn't share)



You will need the the FLAC filter here .


I personally use this other program called Spek to check transcodes and its pretty simple and to the point. Supports drag and drop, etc.


That second example doesn't look too bad to me, judging from the cutoff at 20khz it looks like a 320 mp3.

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Yo whats popping, need some advice on my hard drive issues.

I have one of these....




The USB dock inside the hard drive has come detached from the actual hard drive it self.


So I opened it up (theres some photos on there that i dont have a back up of)




it was attached next to the power connecting bit.


The actual metal dock for the USB thing originally had 5 teeth.

3 of them were still attached the dock.


2 are still stuck on the HD.


I also now seem to have lost the little metal dock part now.

Can I buy a replacement one from somewhere and pay a repair person to reattach it and hope my data is ok?

Or ideally open up the case and get a new enclosure of some sort?


Any help is much appreciated.

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Try to disassemble the whole thing first and see if the bare drive is still intact.

I don't think anyone integrates usb and power connections like that into the drive.

Most of the time its just an adapter that attaches to the actual sata and power connector of the bare drive.


Just take off the screws on the metal rails and check that these connections are good. The two on the further right, the first one is a sata connection and the second one is a sata power connector.


If you have a desktop you can pretty much open it up and plug it in there to see your data.

I you don't you might want to pickup a harddrive docking station, they're pretty handy to have, just drop the drive in and you should be good to go.

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Thanks man, i was hoping for an answer along those lines.

I had a similar thing a few years ago with a laptop and got an enclosure and it worked out ok but it was a different type.


Will give it a go, might have to come back for help though.



thanks again.

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So I inherited a 2.6 GHz Gateway 310 x. Only 2.6, but this is a step up from the 1.6 Ghz I'm currently running. However, it won't fully power up.


It begins powering up as soon as i plug it in and then dies after about 5 seconds. If I turn it off immediately, I can press the power button later and it will boot up for 5 seconds and die, otherwise the power button doesn't respond after it dies.


The green light around the processor stays on, and the red light towards the bottom of the motherboard flashes when i plug it in and again right before it dies.


I tried unplugging some of the components (hard disk, cd roms, mouse), but it did not seem to have any effect.


The motherboard and processor look ok in that i don't see any leaks from a surge or anything and i tried cleaning everything, but still no dice.


Power supply issue or what?

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It could also be your ram, check that your ram is fully inserted, use one working stick if you can. If that fails, try the power supply from the 1.6Ghz pc.


An easier route would be to just swap processors if they are interchangeable between the motherboards.


Have you asked the person whom you inherited the pc from if it was working or if there were any weird symptoms prior to giving it to you.

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tried the ram... no dice, so i have to swap out the power supply now (can't swap processors either)


I've never messed w/ power supplies before and want to make sure I'm not going to fry my mobo or something


This is the power supply i'm replacing:



or 115/230 V, 10/5 A, 60/50 Hz


I can have two supplies on hand w/ the following specs (written as on supply)



100-127 V, 4 A

200-240 V, 2 A

50/60 Hz



100-127 V

200-240 V

6/3 A

50/60 Hz


either seem like they'll work?

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Whats a good router that can handle 2 Laptops, a PS3, a 360, DirecTV HD box, Iphone, Blackberry without loss of connection?

the 2Wire I have no disconects randomly right now and pisses me off.


has to be from AT&T


I've always been a fan of Linksys routers. I like that the firmware can be "hacked" (DD-WRT, Tomato, etc)

and you have more choices for hardening, control over internets, etc.



Has to be from AT&T?

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I made something funny happen at my house today.


We have two computers for residents and guests to use at my house. Both run Ubuntu and both are administrated by yours truly since I'm the only one who knows how/is willing to do that kind of thing. I recently set one up as a media server so people would stop asking me I'd let them grab music and movies from my laptop...now it's all on the network so anyone can download what they want and not bug me.


So there's this girl who comes over just about every day (not a resident) that monopolizes the computer that's also the house media server and the one with my admin account on it for literally hours at a stretch on Facebook....this is about all she seems to do here and it seems like I'm the only person who has noticed. I can do a lot of stuff remotely but it's easier for me to check my work on the machine when I'm right in front of it.


This morning I wanted to put a new hard drive in the server, and sure enough when I go up there she's parked in front of it. I tell her I need to use that computer and she needs to wrap up whatever she's doing...normally that would elicit a "Okay, give me a second" response but instead she tells me to use the other computer. I tell her, "Check it out...I live here, you don't. I use that computer to maintain the system and it's kind of hard to do that when you tie it up for hours at a stretch...see that sign right there?" while pointing at the "keep your use of the house computers to 30 minutes or less" sign behind her. "It's not like you don't know what we expect, you just don't seem to care nor do you participate here in a way to where I feel like you're someone I want around. So at the very least you could try to be a little cooperative instead of acting like your sense of entitlement trumps my need to get work done." At this point I walk out of the room, I wasn't really interested in what she had to say, what I wanted was to see what would happen next.


And just as I expected, twenty minutes went by and....nothing happened. She was still on the computer. Nothing I said apparently made any sort of impact on her.


So I went downstairs, fired up my laptop, opened up a terminal and typed the following-


#: ssh


login- root

password- xxxxxxxx


(login info goes here)


#: reboot


#: Restarting xxxxxx, have a nice day!


-and rebooted the server. A couple minutes later I hear her say something like "I don't know, it just turned on and off...do you know the password? It won't do anything without the password" to one of my housemates.


Since I was the only person present that knew the password, my housemate (who knows nothing about computers and rarely uses them) came downstairs and asked me if I had the password...I said, "Yeah, there's something wrong with the power supply on that computer and it shuts itself off randomly...I was gonna fix that but she wouldn't listen to me. Oh well, all I can do is let it sit for a little while and try again when it cools down."


Leading up to my question- what program can I install that will set up a time limit on sessions that can be bypassed with a password? I proposed this to my housemates a while back, but now that I'm the admin I'm just going to do it.

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