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Im using an Imac running OSX leopard. In the last few days occasionally when i'm surfing the 12 I will get a pop up saying an adobe process from "cdncomplexmedianetwork.com" is tryin to use my built in webcam or microphone. I am given the option of allow or deny. Is this malware? Does it have anything to do with however 12oz is allowing advertising? I've had pron sites try to do this before too tho.

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I broke my laptop Maybe I should buy a ruggedized one?


As a review i will say that my Mac book does great things for me. Its true. I can borrow internet from anywhere! I don't even HAVE internet hooked up at my place cuz I just don't need it. Even if I look like a hipster at the bookstore and spend way too much time taking snapshots of myself on 'photobooth'.



*The plastic around the screen cracks ALL the time. This is actually due to a manufacture defect that they will replace anytime for free! The hassle of getting to an apple store is a problem all of its own.


*The speakers don't get very loud. When you are trying to watch documentaries as you fall asleep you have to do it under a bed of wires. At least i do. I have these archaic $12 speakers from Walgreens that need to be plugged into the USB port AND the headphone jack. Then there is the matter of the charger wire thing. I fall asleep in a bed of wires. Can I say fire hazard?


*Does TERRIBLE outside. I'm outside a lot. WHY am I on the computer and not enjoying nature? THAT is something i still don't understand. Overheats, cant do ANY kind of dust.


Is it time for an upgrade? I don't know enough about ruggedized computers so maybe someone can shed some light on that subject for me.

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They tend to be slower, more expensive, and heavy. I considered getting one myself for when I go traveling but I realized I'd be better off with a smartphone or a netbook.


The Panasonic Toughbook is the standard, but there's a few commerical grade laptops that can take some abuse.


Does your job require you using a laptop outside? If so, have them hook it up. If you work for yourself, write it off.

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You probably will not be able to if you said that every program closes after 30 seconds.

I'm assuming its locking you from doing anything else until he "pays for said program."

What is he running? xp, vista, win7?


You might need to boot into safe mode and do it that way. (pressing F8 during boot)

Additionally you could check for any shady programs installed and try to remove them.



1.download combofix.exe and rkill.exe from bleepingcomputer.com and malwarebytes from malwarebytes.org onto your flash drive.


2.boot into safe mode.


3.run rkill


4.run combofix (without rebooting)


5.reboot back into safe mode and run malwarebytes full system scan.


this works 9 times outta 10.


remove Norton and install AVG. its free



and bump those old IBM keyboards. they don't make em like they used to.

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friends computer has this they forgot to renew norton. every program just quits after running for 30 seconds i can't get any thing to install and i can't load the task manager. Can i install Emsisoft onto usb drive from my mac and run it on the affected puter


i hate pc's and there viruses




You can install it on a flash drive.




Some instructions to remove the shitfest. Also, Norton blows. Remove it and replace with Avira antivirus free.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Probably a dumb question but what is the easieast way to re size photos from the web? I have a few folders of album art that I downloaded sized at 2040 x 2040 with each picture coming in at about 7 mb each and there is no reason for that size.

Google gives me sites that will do it.

Should I trust them or get a program?

I am wanting to include them in a folder to torrent, not

just put them up.

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Probably a dumb question but what is the easieast way to re size photos from the web? I have a few folders of album art that I downloaded sized at 2040 x 2040 with each picture coming in at about 7 mb each and there is no reason for that size.

Google gives me sites that will do it.

Should I trust them or get a program?

I am wanting to include them in a folder to torrent, not

just put them up.






use above


but a suggestion

if you are uploading them ( people like them as big as possible and ( let them resize if needed)

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I use a Macbook Pro with an External hd. I've been trying to move my whole movie collection onto my HD. I use to use handbrake but now when I try and use it it keeps telling me I have to use VLC. Should I trust that its not a virus? Also, I watch a lot of foreign films and when I use to upload them with handbrake in the past or from torrents I never get the subtitles. I've read that when you get them from torrents the subtitles come included, but I'm totally not good at this stuff so I don't even know how I would go about doing so. Is anyone on here a movie buff and uses a mac and has a simpler way or shortcuts on uploading movies/with subtitles?

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I use a Macbook Pro with an External hd. I've been trying to move my whole movie collection onto my HD. I use to use handbrake but now when I try and use it it keeps telling me I have to use VLC. Should I trust that its not a virus? Also, I watch a lot of foreign films and when I use to upload them with handbrake in the past or from torrents I never get the subtitles. I've read that when you get them from torrents the subtitles come included, but I'm totally not good at this stuff so I don't even know how I would go about doing so. Is anyone on here a movie buff and uses a mac and has a simpler way or shortcuts on uploading movies/with subtitles?



What do you mean upload with handbrake? Handbrake is for converting from one format to another. VLC is fine. Videolan.org for the player.


Some torrents have the subs, some don't. You can get subs from http://www.opensubtitles.org/en


Do you just want to transfer your movies from your computer to the hard drive?

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Well I used to put a dvd in and use handbrake to convert to like an Mp4 for an example. That way I could put it in my library of movies (I'm basically trying to have a folder with all of my movies, whether its coming from the dvds I already have or from torrents). I normally use Quicktime player. When I get the subs, how exactly do I them onto the movie once I have. I strongly apologize if any of this is coming off retarted.lol



What do you mean upload with handbrake? Handbrake is for converting from one format to another. VLC is fine. Videolan.org for the player.


Some torrents have the subs, some don't. You can get subs from http://www.opensubtitles.org/en


Do you just want to transfer your movies from your computer to the hard drive?

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Well I used to put a dvd in and use handbrake to convert to like an Mp4 for an example. That way I could put it in my library of movies (I'm basically trying to have a folder with all of my movies, whether its coming from the dvds I already have or from torrents). I normally use Quicktime player. When I get the subs, how exactly do I them onto the movie once I have. I strongly apologize if any of this is coming off retarted.lol



Don't apologize. I didn't understand. I do now. Glad you worked it out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

okay okay okay. someone with knowledge of macpros please fucking help me out.

i'm still pretty new to this shit and google is not providing me with the right answers.

even if you don't have all the answers any good advice will surely be propified.


1. if a flashplayer update alert keeps popping up while i'm on a blog http://www.earmilk.com/tag/suicide-sundaes/ saying i need to install the latest version even though i've already done it twice today, is something wrong with my computer or the browser or could the blog is just fucked up?


2. for those that download music by tracks "save as" blah blah blah is there some tricky

way on a mac i don't understand cause i tried it and it worked fine once or twice with a little effort but then i can't seem

to get it to work again.


3. winrar. for macs. whats a good "basic" easy to use free one because the one i seem to have gotten is anything but..?


4. safari or.....?


5. anyone use a seagate external with macs? i have one i used with a pc that is supposed to work with both. but i can't seem to put anything onto it from my mac. i can only open pre-existing shit up.


6. perhaps i just need a one on one tutor.

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noes, fuck winrar get SIT (stuffit expander)...

make sure you have VLC also, another great tool for macs...

you can right click on a mac to save mp3s if you must like you did on your pc. click and hold the command key...

i like saf better then firefox, thats just a preference thing...

your external might not work if its some pc only format garbage, but seagates for sure work on macs and the new ones are actually a solid HD, try purchasing a Western Digital or iosafe i have both the latter and feel real confident with both... just hit me up man, can show you shit whenevs then beat your face in on some pinball..

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okay okay okay. someone with knowledge of macpros please fucking help me out.

i'm still pretty new to this shit and google is not providing me with the right answers.

even if you don't have all the answers any good advice will surely be propified.


1. if a flashplayer update alert keeps popping up while i'm on a blog http://www.earmilk.com/tag/suicide-sundaes/ saying i need to install the latest version even though i've already done it twice today, is something wrong with my computer or the browser or could the blog is just fucked up?


If you using safari find it in your app folder select it hit cmd I change it to open in 32 bit mode know problem


2. for those that download music by tracks "save as" blah blah blah is there some tricky

way on a mac i don't understand cause i tried it and it worked fine once or twice with a little effort but then i can't seem

to get it to work again.

control click the file



3. winrar. for macs. whats a good "basic" easy to use free one because the one i seem to have gotten is anything but..?


[B]works great http://www.xs4all.nl/~gp/Site/MacPAR_deLuxe.html[/b]


4. safari or.....?


i use chrome but it all preference,


5. anyone use a seagate external with macs? i have one i used with a pc that is supposed to work with both. but i can't seem to put anything onto it from my mac. i can only open pre-existing shit up.


you'll need to reformat the drive plug it in to computer

apps folder--> utility folder--> disk utility you'll see the drive click on it then reformat you journaled extended this will erase everything so make sure you backup first

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Recently run programs no longer displayed in start menu. I recently downloaded a reminder add on for fire fox and ran crap cleaner which I do often.


Does my computer have the AIDS?



this is caused by running ccleaner ( look at the options inside of it and it tells you what will be cleaned when it is ran ( if you do not want the frequently run programs list to not disappear uncheck the box inside ccleaner

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okay okay okay. someone with knowledge of macpros please fucking help me out.

i'm still pretty new to this shit and google is not providing me with the right answers.

even if you don't have all the answers any good advice will surely be propified.


1. if a flashplayer update alert keeps popping up while i'm on a blog http://www.earmilk.com/tag/suicide-sundaes/ saying i need to install the latest version even though i've already done it twice today, is something wrong with my computer or the browser or could the blog is just fucked up?



If you using safari find it in your app folder select it hit cmd I change it to open in 32 bit mode know problem[/color]




i didn't quite follow this here...if anyone else knows anything on the matter please holler.

shit is still a problem and the sites always gliching up too during any music playback.

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