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Ok, here is my problem.


When clicking links off facebook on my network, they always "cannot find server" This also happens on flickr, as well as hotmail/msn. Whenever I search for things in google, and click on the links, this same shit happens.


If a page loads, it half loads and says "done" My router is brand fucking new. When i get on another persons network, it works just fine. Everything loads. I had a tech from my isp come out today, and he said it was my computer, that i have some kind of spyware or grayware or somethign retarded, cuz everything loaded on his computer just fine.


Should i speed up the connection I have with the isp, what the fuck is going on? Any ideas



Dammit. I already told you: http://download.cnet.com/A-squared-Free/3000-8022_4-10262215.html?part=dl-6251182&subj=dl&tag=button


Download,update, deep scan. Don't use the computer when it's scanning.

Delete all the crap it finds.

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You never told me that dick!


And it works fine on other networks, which is why i dont think its the computer, but now its working fine, probably space jews who did this



I thought I did a few days ago via gmail? Pretty sure I did.


Did tech guy check for line noise while he was at your place?

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Are the PC users still using Peer Guardian, or is there a better software I should be up on?


I'm thinking about getting PG again, but from what I remember, it always made my system drag...




If it makes your system drag, you have larger problems. It's a small program.

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Was working fine a bit ago, now nothing again. Or really slow. On neighbors, working fine. Ran program, found 2 things, deleted them, nothing different.



Is your ISP also your cable company? If so, call them to come check the filters on your line.

I had a really huge problem with this exact situation once. Glad it hasn't happened again.

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I get my Pc back off the Grasses with Badges tommorow, but since theyve had it (3 years) Ive gone all macbook and that. Its a pretty slick machine and im just wondering if anyone has any experience putting Mac os onto a pc, as google is being a big vague.

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For reals,that is uber vague.



graffiti studio

Autodesk Maya Unlimited. This software can be used on any of the major operating platforms but it tends to be most common on Macs. It’s a 3D modeling and animation software program that costs approximately £2500 ($5000).

The Runners Up:

Adobe Creative Suite 3 Master Collection. This is software that’s designed for film and web design professionals so it’s definitely got some fancy functions to it. If you’re interested in trying your hand at playing with this creative magic, you can but this software for around £1260 ($2500). Even just the upgrades are in the £650 ($1300) range.

Final Cut Studio 2. This software suite includes six different sound and graphics application. The total price for the set is just under £650 ($1300).

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What do you plan on using the computer for?


sorry, that was a bit vague.. Music/design. I just dumped on CS5 master suite, reason 4, and a couple others. Kind of bummed FL studio isnt compatible, but I'll give reason or logic a shot. Is there any software that can help me not use itunes? I guess I really dont know what to ask for. I'm an uber noob with the mac as of now and am trying to get comfortable with its programs.



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So I am running out of disc space on my ancient dell and I hate using an external all the time...just a pain in the ass.


I have access to hard drives and so I am going to upgrade to a 200G or 250G...


I do not have the reinstall discs that came with my laptop originally and so I was going to use a microsoft 7 cracked copy that dude I work with has....


so as long as I do not ever try and update I should be ok right?


I know the update puts a verification on and can fuck you if you running the pirate style....


Any advice? (I am going to look for my restore disc now)

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^Sure, or try casek's latest recommendation and let us know how it works out for ya


LOLOLOL longitude and latitude...




Don't run verification update but run all others.....?


Well....the hdd that were available at work were not IDE...so I am copping a 250G for 75$ and I am going to take the gamble, install the pirate microsoft 7 OS with a key generator and then turn off auto updates....should be good.

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