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When Ex-Girlfriends Attack


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my ex once broke into my house then called me from it...chased me at high speeds around the city till i drove to the police station and had them intervene...hit me on several occasions...cut my forehead open with a set of keys...broke into my car and threw everything i had in the street, because i wouldnt leave the bar to fight with her...broke the window on a different house i was living in because i wouldnt answer the door...called my mothers house repeatedly and hung up at 4 in the morning, even though she knew i did not live there, because i took the phone at my house off the hook (i still do not know what she was tryiing to accomplish...threatened to burn my grandmothers house down (with her inside)...um, i know there's more, but i can't think of them right now. that was a really positive relationship.

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Originally posted by seeking@Jan 27 2006, 01:01 AM

my ex once broke into my house then called me from it...chased me at high speeds around the city till i drove to the police station and had them intervene...hit me on several occasions...cut my forehead open with a set of keys...broke into my car and threw everything i had in the street, because i wouldnt leave the bar to fight with her...broke the window on a different house i was living in because i wouldnt answer the door...called my mothers house repeatedly and hung up at 4 in the morning, even though she knew i did not live there, because i took the phone at my house off the hook (i still do not know what she was tryiing to accomplish...threatened to burn my grandmothers house down (with her inside)...um, i know there's more, but i can't think of them right now. that was a really positive relationship.

was she good in bed?

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Guest Sparoism

I already wrote all about my crazy ex shenanigans here a while back, and don't feel the need to revisit it...


Incriminating photos will get you a lot further than reason will, I assure you.


The worst is when you have to rise to the occasion and surpass her level of craziness just to feel vindicated. It worked for me, even though it's nothing I'm proud of.


Well, okay, maybe just a little proud...I did write about it here, after all.

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tough love,

she was alright. nothing that i'd call spectacular, but it was cool. it's hard to be in the mood for sex when you're having physical altercations 3 times a week though.


gigantic jug,

actually, she paged me. she had been paging me from her house, but i didnt call her back, so she broke into mine and paged me from there, knowing i would think it was my room mate and assume it was an emergency. well, it was an emergency, there was a burglar in my house. of course the burgler was my girlfriend, but still.

that really made me mad.



oh, she also learned my passwords and printed out every email i ever got, so when we broke up once she left them in a box on my doorstep. hundreds of them. she made a fake aol account and befriended me, with a complete web of lies as to who she was. we were 'friends' for months, all the while she was asking me little questions, trying to get info from me. i assumed it was her all along so i just lied too her and made shit up. she never broke character and never admitted to knowing any of the shit i told her. she was absolutely fucking psychotic. the relationship ended when i finally forced her to go into a mental hospital.


ohhhhhhh, once, in the middle of an argument i pulled out a gun, put it in her hand, put it to my head and begged her to just shoot me in the face. she didn't (obviously).

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Originally posted by seeking@Jan 27 2006, 01:36 AM

. she made a fake aol account and befriended me, with a complete web of lies as to who she was. we were 'friends' for months, all the while she was asking me little questions, trying to get info from me. i assumed it was her all along so i just lied too her and made shit up. she never broke character and never admitted to knowing any of the shit i told her. she was absolutely fucking psychotic. the relationship ended when i finally forced her to go into a mental hospital.




bobbbi11? :haha:

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Originally posted by seeking@Jan 27 2006, 01:01 AM

my ex once broke into my house then called me from it...chased me at high speeds around the city till i drove to the police station and had them intervene...hit me on several occasions...cut my forehead open with a set of keys...broke into my car and threw everything i had in the street, because i wouldnt leave the bar to fight with her...broke the window on a different house i was living in because i wouldnt answer the door...called my mothers house repeatedly and hung up at 4 in the morning, even though she knew i did not live there, because i took the phone at my house off the hook (i still do not know what she was tryiing to accomplish...threatened to burn my grandmothers house down (with her inside)...um, i know there's more, but i can't think of them right now. that was a really positive relationship.



Man, I'm not for violence against women or anything, but how the fuck did you not beat the fuck out of her when she did that outside the bar? I'm sure most people would agree.


If anyone tried to jump in, said dude would be a naive idiot. I don't care what all the 17 year old 12ozers say about hitting girls, a woman, as frail and fragile as some of them are, gotta be beaten down if they act that crazy. You don't just get a free pass because you have ovaries.


Shit, man, I woulda fucked her right up. Wait, I would have killed her if she made that threat towards my gramma. Or at least put her in a coma with a crushed jaw and a severed hand. No joke.

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Originally posted by seeking@Jan 27 2006, 01:36 AM

the relationship ended when i finally forced her to go into a mental hospital.





well, I guess that is a way to end it in a civil manner.


An easy way for someone who doesn't get girls too much to get laid is to go to a mental hospital. They got tons of nymphs there, from what I hear from people who have gone crazy.

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to all of you advocating violence against women, you can all eat shit an die.


anyway speaking of violence the ex punched me in the fucking eye when i was driving and argueing with her. she flipped out a few times like that and would always try to egg me on to hit her, probably the trashiest thing ive ever seen in my life. ladies, why cant your sex just let go?

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i'm a strong believer in not being violent/physically or verbally against women in general. but sometimes there's those reallllll thin fine lines you kidna want to teeter on sometimes. i know i've never harmed any of my x's before like that. but god knows i wanted to. but it has taught me the valuable ability to mighty vengfull in many evil ways. prime example. an x from a year ago , stole my illegal car, then set it on fire. in return, i took every nude and incriminating picture of her i had, photoshop/mosiac'd her face..PARTIALLY. made big ass collage-like posters of it...and posted it all over her community college. and then a week later i fucked her sister.

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Originally posted by seeking@Jan 27 2006, 01:43 AM

ha, no. i ended up keeping in touch with bobbi though. she actually kind of went rogue. she used to give me info on people who were about to get busted, and i'd pass it along down the grapevine. it was very weird.



damn, i forgot about her... what an odd situation she was. whatever happened to her? i'd probably be willing to uncondemn her if she wanted back on.

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Originally posted by seeking@Jan 27 2006, 01:36 AM

oh, she also learned my passwords and printed out every email i ever got, so when we broke up once she left them in a box on my doorstep. hundreds of them. she made a fake aol account and befriended me, with a complete web of lies as to who she was. we were 'friends' for months, all the while she was asking me little questions, trying to get info from me. i assumed it was her all along so i just lied too her and made shit up. she never broke character and never admitted to knowing any of the shit i told her. she was absolutely fucking psychotic. the relationship ended when i finally forced her to go into a mental hospital.


ohhhhhhh, once, in the middle of an argument i pulled out a gun, put it in her hand, put it to my head and begged her to just shoot me in the face. she didn't (obviously).


this wasnt crazy stacy from savannah was it? that chick was nuts! her father was certifiable. in a straight jacket on pills type crazy. and she was well on her way. the night i met her (at bar bar in savannah for one of jorge's christmas parties) i started talking to her. it was open bar so i was drunk as shit and getting her drunk as shit. she was pretty fine, and had a sort of sophisticated look about her. however, i'd been doing well in savannah (no surprise if you know the place), and friends kept coming up and whispering to me if i knew what i was doing talking to her. anyhow, after a few of those i decided to ditch her and go hang out somewhere else with my man gabe. we ended up just going home, and in true jorge fashion he thinks it would be funny to tell her where i live and drive her to my crib despite it being about 3am by that time. me and gabe were still up so no huge deal when someones knocking on my door at that hour. when gabe answers the door, this chick actually bolts into my house and into my room where i was and plops down on my bed. i'm like, 'sorry but you need to get out'. she's insisting that she's gonna stay and then lectures me about how rude i was ditching her. i'm insisting she leaves, and start trying to grab her hand to lead her out and she's literally squirming and pushing back to stay on my bed. gabe was a big husky dude, so i call him to get this chick out, and he literally scoops her up and carries her ass out as she's kicking and screaming and holding on to the door frame and shit. i had my motorcycle (cbr f2) in the living room and this chick latches on and almost knocks it over. gabes like prying her hands and thtreatening to bite her knuckles. eventually we get her out the house and gabe throws her on the front lawn and then runs in and slams (and locks) the door. this crazy ass chick still doesnt get the hint and runs around banging on my windows and door. when we dont respond, she actually runs upstairs to my neighbors house and pounds on their door until they answer. when they open the door, this chick bolts into their house, and runs to the area where my bedroom is under, and start jumping up and down screaming. needless to say she was a nut bag.


those same upstairs neighbor (steve and kelly), happened to be vegetarians and when steve gets a turkey as a christmas bonus, they hook me up with it. a few days later i see crazy stacy and she starts apologizing saying she was drunk and blah, blah. anyhow during small talk i mention the turkey, so she offers to cook it to make up. so i give the chick the turkey and she brings it back the next day along with like 4 huge bags of trimming, pies, frank and beans, etc. shit was unbelievable... anyhow, girl was so twisted and crazy that somehow i had to date her. so we go out for a few months and its nonstop craziness. within a few days of us hanging chick is lending us her car to take to miami for a week. first night she sleeps over, she asks if she can sleep in when i have to go to work the next day (i was valet parking cars at the hilton to earn beer money). when i get home that night, the chick is still at my house and had cleaned the entire place and done my laundry and gabes laundry (he was crashing in my living room next to the bike). i'm so intrigued by it, i ignore the craziness of whats happening. anyhow, i offer to let her stay the night again... this freakin chick ends up staying for like a week, the first few days, without actually leaving my house. after that she runs out for a change of clothes whenever i'm out at work or whatever. at some point i ask if she has a job or anything, and she sort of avoids the question for a few days, and eventually fesses up that she just stopped showing up after staying at my crib. anyhow, she was so crazy that shit was fun, and we dated for a few months. i honestly cant remember how i escaped the relationship, but do remember one cold ass night when i'm working the grave yard shift and she shows up after last call at all the bars (she was also a raging alcaholic). this chick i was friends with was hanging out keeping me company after being bored hanging out that night and along comes crazy stacy. crazy stacy actually sits there for about an hour and a half grilling this other chick, as we just hang and talk and try to pretend that crazy stacy isnt there. shit was beyond bizzare.


anyhow, a few years later someone in savannah calls me out of the blue to tell me a new crazy stacy story... she meets some new guy in town and everyone goes to some house party that happens to be on the roof of this two story house. it's a historic building, so it's got like 12 ft ceilings, so the 2 stories looks more like 3 from the outside. anyhow, dude is rapping to het up on the roof until a few of his boys pull him tot he side and tell him to dip along with dire warnings about the chick. so he high tails it out of the house, and she happens to see him walking away down the sidewalk. she screams for him to wait up and dude, just starts dipping faster, so crazy stacy jumps off the roof to try and catch him or whatever. she ends up breaking both her legs in front of the entire party. classic.


i can only assume she's in a padded cell by now. super sweet and tender chick, but as crazy as they come...

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Guest imported_b0b

my ex and my wife's ex actually got together not long after we started getting it on. Fucking pair of pyschos. Thankfully they broke up after about 2 months cos really their relationship was all about me & wifey.

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Guest imported_b0b
Originally posted by Misteraven+Jan 27 2006, 01:02 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Misteraven - Jan 27 2006, 01:02 PM)</div><div class='quotemain'> needless to say she was a nut bag. [/b]


<!--QuoteBegin-Misteraven@Jan 27 2006, 01:02 PM

somehow i had to date her. so we go out for a few months

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ha, awesome story. i dont believe that i knew, but the story does ring a bell. either because you told me it already, or she was just that legendary. i had a slightly similar situation in savannah, but i nipped it in the bud reeeeeeeal quick. she wasnt feeling that though, and would come around to the bar nightly to remind me that we should be together. no way. she had horrible tits. eek.



i did slap her once. we were both shocked as fuck. really though, hitting her wasnt the answer, picking up and moving was. to this day, when my cell phone vibrates, my initial pavlovian response is to wonder what im about to get yelled at. no lie. her and i broke up in 98, btw. ha.

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holy christ raven....thats beyond crazy...thats fucking psychotic.


Originally posted by seeking@Jan 27 2006, 12:43 AM

ha, no. i ended up keeping in touch with bobbi though. she actually kind of went rogue. she used to give me info on people who were about to get busted, and i'd pass it along down the grapevine. it was very weird.



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My one ex called my cell 102 times and send me 64 text messages in one 8 hour period.My phone was warm to the touch and I was worried it was going to blow up.So she sat outside my work next to my car,I dipped out the back and got a ride home from her friend,whom I was sleeping with.Same bitch spit in my face and I didn't even do anything about it.I would loved to slap the fucking cunt over that.

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