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My comic

Tough Love

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okay, ive been meaning to start a comic for a while now, but ive either run out of free time, or the shit i do is too time consuming, so im trying to do it in a way that produces quality work, and at the same time doesnt take forever to do. that being said, i will post 2 frames that ive done, and you guys give me your input on how you like the coloring style and whatever. Now, the shit im going to post isnt that exciting, but any sort of criticism is appreciated. thanks


this is the first sort of coloring style im going to try....tell me what you think....





ill post some other ones later

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hey thanks for all your feedback guys. im usually one to do a lot more detailed and colored work, but every time ive tried to do a comic in that way it ends up taking way too damn long, so i tried going for a lot more simpler this time around...thats why there isnt too much shading done nor tooo much detail in terms of color.


as for the grass.....yeah i totally get that it could use some more lines....but i usually fuck up the grass i draw, so i figured id quit while im ahead...

ill get some more frames drawn and inked tonight, so stay tuned

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Those two frames remind me of something, I'm just not sure what. Some stuff I read in the '80s..maybe Conan. Shit, I'll tell you when I remember.


Read this thread in Untitled for a cool interview with Neal Adams. I really enjoyed reading it. It won't help you in terms of technique, but I'm sure you'll find it interesting.


Can't wait to see more, homie!

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Looks pretty good, I wouldn't not buy it based on the art, which is usually the first thing I look for when picking out a new comic. Kind of hard to tell how you draw people from those two panels, though. Your inking is definitly a lot better then your drawing, not to say that the drawing is bad. The inking is nice.

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