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The Skateboard Thread


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So some chick skaters I'm friends with got invited to skate Lance Mountain's pool and they asked me to go along and take pics. I skated it, but got broke off on my 2nd run so I just took a lot of pics. Went to another backyarder afterwards. Shot 8 rolls of film with 6 different cameras. Here's a taste.





















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Backside triple flip and the last 360 flip in that Daewon part are bonkers. I wish dude would chill out on the manual pads though and do more street spots. Not that it isn't impressive, but there's only so much ridiculous manual tech I can watch before it all blends together.


Heard the same thought about him 12 years ago but it was about lunch tables in the deca warehouse back then.

From what I have heard he hardly leaves the South Bay area, but that's just some bullshit hearsay.


There were too many things in that clip to even get into it.

The blunt 3 shuv back nose blunt keeps sticking out as simple as it ends up seeming after consuming the whole video.

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thats what Baker good for, taking talented ballsy skaters and making sure they fulfill the team requirement of becoming a full blown alcoholic or junkie, or some combination of that.


Watching his epicly later'd the bulk of the long term team has moved onto sobriety, and would like to see him get there. Its up to him at this point.



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Watching his epicly later'd the bulk of the long term team has moved onto sobriety, and would like to see him get there. Its up to him at this point.








i know most of those dudes have sobered up though, i was just being a dick about it ha.

what he get locked up for though? my guess will be drugs or assault or something along those lines?

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i know most of those dudes have sobered up though, i was just being a dick about it ha.

what he get locked up for though? my guess will be drugs or assault or something along those lines?


He was in a cab and had a gun in his backpack ... somehow a cop got involved and he got hauled in for the gun.


With so many slaps on the wrist, and a demeanor that tells the cops you are a trouble maker it was a matter of time. its crazy how fast he went down hill, and it would be awesome to see a comeback in a year or two.

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