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we've got the fucking


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i was kayaking earlier today and a helecopter started flying really low. i gave them the "what the fuck" look but they didnt seem to have the patience for whatever i had to say. that ook doesnt work all the time. please step away from piano and destroy the orange orchanrds. apparently lt. leivy approved of these mistreatments. i know i wouldnt habe.. let them do it. if the knowlodge was already inside of my brain. they can play all the pretty misic they 3want it doesnt distract us from our duty. "poor g.i. joe , your army is leaving you here" i through this whole area as trash. i threw it aside into the curb. she tossed her headback and laughed as loud as possible. suddenly im in just. he said. she said. they said. with each person i kill i get 3 extra unwanted companions that talk and talk but do not have any physical form. i guess sometimes they RUSH.


there is an asian woman layin gin my bed, but every time i turn my head she goes back into pillows. i dont know the command to make it stil to one form. i've hit it twice. i tried talking sense into the asian laddies but it turns out me yelling at pillows makes me crazy. fuck you major Jarho. now that yoube got the album. what the fuck arwe you going to do with it? i always found things and notes like this hilarious im still not a liar. i've loved you all sincepower was created and the megnetc currentuntil it gets to the screen. no, it doesnt just get there through magic, i learned


i said you look so fine i;d like to make you mine.canvas encompass all of the toes. but socks first. first the socks. then the shoes. then the loops. i have velcro. fuck the loops. HAHA~! (my dad told me im not allowed to use the f word but he isnt arent here) childhoof secrets are pretty ocool.






the princess. "save me mario save me"


not amny obstacles were in the way of our hero. considering we had am 8x10 room. the bed is the one to sonsider. does she want me to jump over it. or slowly make my way around it like in the videogames. then i won the fair princess. well, i dont know how fair fair is. maybe calling her fair is being alittle too fair.she would spred her legs.






and i would spread mine. we kissed. and then again but in different places. for some reason i never found too much fun in these games. she did thou lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll i dont think pshe was in it for the game either. maybe she just wanted to score points with me. when you get old you have to score points with children.

each point is worth 3 seconds of young. and then we would lay together. it was ok, because we were eachothers teacher.









i am i pirate. did i forget to tell you? none of this squashbucklin ninnu nanny panties allowed here.


well, panties are allowed on special ocassions. even though i am greatly wealthy. i am the bill gates of pirtaesi have not had my full share. i am sick of being worshiped by skallywags and well, to put it frankly, idiots. i want to broaden the horizons. i want to be hitler. no no no. not hitler. i want to be called mary. mary the marxiest markswoman. people will fear me and talk behind my back. but as soon as i am near they will praise me and throw all of their "whatever is lying around the house gifts" to me. you know what. i would have to be emperor of tyhe universe. that way people would feel like meager bitches trying to throw their crappy 'MM' emproidered hankerchiefs. their bullets that have my name engraved in them. the white powder.



james is pimp, he could get any girl he wants. skull. cross. bones. i have sneezed so many times in the last day i beieve i have contracted ths spiders poison. bid my fa,i;y fair weill and tell the dutch to give my back my cheese. OH! and snakes too!.


anyway. spider poison or tumors from cellphones.


what do you want to live with. on the one hand you die fast with spiders. on the second hand. tumors .. well. .suck.. a lot.


i keep thinking this woman is a potroast. you know what? i have never climbed mt everest.








all rocks do not come from the river. i was aboiut to argue with my own point.


















:love2: :shook: im alittle cold at the moment. im probably the sexiest man to ever hold up lighting for broadway. and that's an accomplishment people. what? you think they let ugly people in there? NO! you have to be semi compltely without falls and i was chosen. to hold lights. they make the people that hold the lights pretty so if he falls down and damages something (most likely his life) he wont distract too many and just walk off stage.


they tried the extremely gruesome but that just made people close their eyes instead of looking away. and we tried putting a pretty pretty pretty (3 pretty award goes to) girl in there but all of the make dancers pitched tents. tights. ugh.


i think tomorrow i';ll try to rob the ol' red and ramble then get on ship before the land lovers even notice.

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first off i'd like to say im not one to take prescription drugs.



second, i'd like to say, this rant was induced by prescription drugs.


and if you for whatever reason have the explanation saved chupa go ahead and post it, but i don't want to say all that shit over again.

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