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its much better that way. id keep it that way 4 now


i have barely done 2 sketeches in the last month, so iv got ta fukin get bak into it. did this for a battle...i thort it was gonna b alrite..then it wasnt...:( i hate the Gs and i 4got that second I, so i just shoved it in there like that.... anyway.. ye..



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Sorry for the size... I always put big images on my site and if 12oz allowed image uploading, I'd have resized images but since it's remote loading, sorry...


Anyway, whenever peegee is down I show up here and flood you guys with my latest shit...


What do you think of these?










I have a lot more to share but I'm already slowing things down with these huge-ass images...



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tortech, if thats your first piece, then ooh. its mighty good. i really like it.


lastcar, i think the letters are too far apart, like he said b4, and i would change the K..personally dont like it..dont think it looks like a K somehow... and i dont like the Os..wit the things in the middle. try n make it all look like one thing, rather than a bunch of individual letters...u know.


kaos. the bottom right of the K is squigly and dont fit with the rest of the letters. i really like the A. and i think the hole in the O is a little big.


sorry if iv come off all judgemental n stuff.. but now u can all diss my page if u want... im bored of always doin bowtie..im experimentin wit other stuff...hehe. what a dude:


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o ye shit i mised that. its only ickle. ye its quite nice. it works well . would prolly b v.easy to throw up fast as well, so if u want to then paint it, u dont need our permmission!

keep wwerkin on it tho. i think the J (if it saysJOC) could be altered... i dno really... keep at it..

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lol fair play. to be honest i dont really know. i think the bit at the bottom where it curls back on itself looks a lil stumpy, somehow... but really it fits the style. to keep the togetherness of the piece maybe it shoudl stay that way. i mean no1 would normally notice it if the walked past an saw it, so maybe keep it as it is. hit it up a bit, see how it looks...

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More new shit by me...









Some feedback for the other stuff on this page...


jank: Marvin the Martian piece is straight up fire.


AWProvidence: I really am not feeling anything until that FRESH throw, the PERO forth pic down... that throw fucking rocks. All those throws are tight as hell. But the rest... needs work.


KREM1: work on simpler letters but keep up your fills, 3D, halos and shit like that. It looks decent but the letters need work.


DKbmx: I'd break your letters down a bit simpler but keep everything else the same. Good use of the basic elements but the letters are not strong.


So there's some feedback for you all. Now tell me what sucks about my shit.

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cheers eba. first. that dondi iwhite sketch is incredible. like so good is makes me stiff...(not really...but u get the point.) as is that jam master Jay one. insane! in terms of letters. i have nothin to say on how to improve em. they are way too good! (sept i dont like the sideways "A" in the red wit pink background 1)

those little odd looking gummy bear men are makin me crack up... i dont really like em, but they are funny as hell. keep it up man. quality work

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