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Mr. Peanut

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Word. Don't think I've ever had a teacher that yelled. But then again maybe I have and just don't remember.


Unrelated but related, I remember one time in science in 7th grade I pulled the emergency chemical shower wash after the teacher, total bitch, moved me across the class for whatever reason. All I got was a detention tho.

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Word. Don't think I've ever had a teacher that yelled. But then again maybe I have and just don't remember.


Unrelated but related, I remember one time in science in 7th grade I pulled the emergency chemical shower wash after the teacher, total bitch, moved me across the class for whatever reason. All I got was a detention tho.




I imagine you looking at her dead in her eyes with the fuck you bitch look :lol:

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Had a cool ass teacher in 6th grade that let us play a game called science ball or something lame like that. Basically everyone sat on their desk and threw a ball around the room, if you dropped it you sat down. Of course you would have the assholes who would beam that shit across the room hitting someone in the face and ruining the game for everyone. Shit was fun tho

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Ooh shit, played that a few times in hs and ms. Dudes used to throw the ball short so you had to hop off. Was fun tho.


I always hated 7up. WOAT school game.


I mean its Lifetime, they aren't necessarily known for creating great content.



I need to make a change.




Was wondering what you're previous sn was? Remember you saying something about if you ever logged in again so just curious.

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Had a cool ass teacher in 6th grade that let us play a game called science ball or something lame like that. Basically everyone sat on their desk and threw a ball around the room, if you dropped it you sat down. Of course you would have the assholes who would beam that shit across the room hitting someone in the face and ruining the game for everyone. Shit was fun tho


Did you have to be quiet too? You had to use other indications for who you passed it to so you had to pay attention to be in it?


It was called Silent Ball, not sure why they called it that :beat2:

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Word. Don't think I've ever had a teacher that yelled. But then again maybe I have and just don't remember.


Unrelated but related, I remember one time in science in 7th grade I pulled the emergency chemical shower wash after the teacher, total bitch, moved me across the class for whatever reason. All I got was a detention tho.



They never color the inside of people's hands the right color on anything animated.

illustration shit - if you can draw horses & hands perfectly, you can pretty much draw anything

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everyone cheated in 7up. they're all looking at your shoes.


Yess. But you could end up not even getting picked during the entire session. Lots of fun that was.


Upon further inspection, the WOAT game was when someone had to whisper a message to the person next to them, then that person would whisper it to the next and you had to get the original message to the last person in class. Can't remember what it was called, but hated that. Don't even consider it a game. Only played it like 2wice in 7th grade.


where does the meat come from in the pokemon world?



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I think the game you are referring to is called Telephone.



The last thing i would want on my birthday is to be out at a restaurant and have a bunch of employees with sparklers singing happy birthday with the whole place staring at me. That would suck to be one of said employees, acting like you give a shit about some strangers birthday.


Are birthdays celebrated worldwide? Would you see that in rural tribes and shit?

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Nah. Not to say that we can't be talking about the same game, but that wasn't what the teacher called it. I'd know it if I heard.


Never thought of how awkward it is that the servers don't know you and kinda just don't care. They're just doing their job. What's the matter with going to a restaurant on your birthday and not having them sing. Just have a get together with friends and fam who actually care and know you afterwards.


Can't imagine they're having birthday bashes in third world countries.

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:lol:jokes. twas in the 600s or some shit; gonna get eaten. bouffalant strips would be alright


which pokemons would be the best suited in qualities to different methods of cooking? hmm




pidgey roast

jigglypuff pie

weepinbell salad. the equivalent of a venus fly trap salad, carnivorous. for a herbivorous salad, try our new bulbasaur hump bowls

machoke chops

cloyster oysters

magikarp sticks

ditto jello. gotta have desserts


generation one, the only one that matters - unlike graffiti & exactly like pokemon


how can geodudes even punch? theyre just floating rock with eyes. same with onix

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you see people age & thats life, you accept it. knowing that, when you witness someone age multiple decades, its still pretty moving


I remember being 12 and thinking this is a good age to be. 10 years from now doesn't feel like it'll ever come and I'm happy where I am. Everyone is nice and young or middle aged. 10 years later we're adults and shit, and the people who were adults have aged. Parents aged, grandparents aged, never thought I'd see it. It's weird.


Time feels fast in the long run but slow in day to day life, if that makes any sense.

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:lol:jokes. twas in the 600s or some shit; gonna get eaten. bouffalant strips would be alright


which pokemons would be the best suited in qualities to different methods of cooking? hmm




pidgey roast

jigglypuff pie

weepinbell salad. the equivalent of a venus fly trap salad, carnivorous. for a herbivorous salad, try our new bulbasaur hump bowls

machoke chops

cloyster oysters

magikarp sticks

ditto jello. gotta have desserts


generation one, the only one that matters - unlike graffiti & exactly like pokemon


how can geodudes even punch? theyre just floating rock with eyes. same with onix


You're telling me they're up to 600!!?? Why don't shows no when to quit..the money.


Was thinking of magikarp. Also krabby, kingler, farfetch'd. Moltres and articuno were just overgrown chickens.


Pokemon man. There's no rhyme or reason. Just catch em all.


Ash's last name being catchem.

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