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Knitbats: Tease your hair, volume and shit...


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* A story i heard from my mother,

My grandpa (who has chronic dementia and alzeimers asked my grandmother for tea she denied this request and told him that if she gave him tea at that time he would pee his pants...so the old dear gathered his 89 year old frame and went to the next door neighbours house and asked them for tea, they were a little weirded out but gave him some none the less, minutes later he pee'd his pants, needless to say my grandmother wasnt impressed.


*Yesterday on the way to work, it was a hot scorching day...i saw this promotions girl wearing lipton iced tea clothing handing out what looked to be coupons of some kind, nothing seemed nicer than iced tea at the time so i went to get what i thought would have been a coupon for a free iced tea but found out it was only a crappy valentines day with the caption "i'm too cheap to buy you roses" inside, and a big lipton iced tea logo, i put the card in my pocket and gave it to a 47 year old heavy smoker who works in our building...She got a little too exited and kept coming over to give me backrubs all day.....oops.


* Last night a friend called me and picked me up to take me to a housewarming party at 1am (its still 2 weeks till summer vacation is over in aus, and college kids do weird things) on the way back we stopped by a 24 hour store to get fed, my friends eyes were bigger than his stomach when he realised he couldnt finish the giant tub of icecream he bought so as his driving his slinging vanilla icecream at oncoming traffic, then he decided to park go on top of a bridge and throw more icecream at cars.....this is a 26 year old with his masters who gets paid ridiculous amounts of money,


Fun times had by all

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i'm glad to hear that LadyN.



on a similar FUCKED up note. one of my best friends EVER gets shipped out to Iraq on the 28th of this month. we've been going live everynight since he came home on leave before he gets shipped out. he's a corpsmen with the navy. dude is also going out with a playmate. he's my hero! (for the playmate thing. ;) )

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Originally posted by Crimsøn@Feb 16 2005, 03:05 AM

Anyone know of a good torrent search for music?


...or a good p2p for full albums (for mac)?


I strongly advise you stay away from the more mainstream torrent sites, like Isohunt for example. They will be shut down very soon as the mpaa are already in pursuit of them. Lokitorrent, which was a huuuuge tracker/torrent service has been locked down. Go to http://www.lokitorrent.com to see the mpaa stuntin. I use only 2 torrent sites and they are smaller member based forum designed sites. As for p2p, obviously soulseek and irc are best for under the radar apps. Stay away from bearshare and esteem and all that other crap. Nothing but viruses and mpaa trojan trackers.

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