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nic sucks said it was snowing where he's at a few days ago. Crazy!

Thunderstorms are in my fortcast. Time to overhaul the bikes.

NAC3 is coming up soon. From what I'm hearing around town, it's gonna be cool. Every body that enters is getting a cowboy hat with a chain around the headband ... so I'm told. For those of you coming (Devilush and crew?), hit my email so we can hook up. whyihatetexas@hotmail.com

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two races last weekend...


sat. harrisburg pa... regional cup


beautiful day with a even more beautiful course... 25 started in my race...i started out with an okay start not bad but not a good one the feild stayed together for much of the first lap i held tight passing when i could by the start of the 2nd lap i was running 12th..pass one guy nice and easy on the run up. it took me another whole lap to catch the next guy up i caught up to him and sucked his wheel through the flats to get a rest in and then made my move on the dismount and slowly pulled away. i road much if the next lap alone.. ahead of me were two riders together...one being joey thompson one of the top juniors out there (18years old). It took me another lap and much incouragement from the anoucer and with 3 laps to go i finally made contact with them. i road with them for a bit but they really weren't going that hard and the man i passed was catching up so when we all looked at each other like who's going to pull i said f it and made my move through the winding section and flew over the barriers joey was able to hang onto my back wheel but the other guy didn't have it in him...coming up was a long flat section ending in a short steep climb i pulled it as hard as i could through it all but couldn't shake joey we went back and forth for the remander of the lap when we made it to the dismount run up i got the gap i need and never looked backed ... by the time i came around for the bell lap i had 30 sec. on joey and the guy i passed a while ago gave it one hell of a surge and cought joey and passed him i spend the last lap pushing every section i could and trying to not make any mistakes i can across the line in 8th place....it was the best race ive had all season and with a cash prize of 80$ it was more then worth it... i also moved up to 20th in the MAC series...



reston va

well im glad i had all my bad luck during the local race and not the one on sat. i crashed twice dropped the chain twice. but still came in 4th..there wasn't too much compatition... racked in 25$ and ended up 3rd in the va cyclocross series..


next weekend im back in pa and then in md

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nice ridin' cinnamon.


Return to the Flatlands. After race after race of super hilly courses I got a break with a really nice technically twisty flat course. I actually managed to show up early, get changed and ride 3 or so warm up laps.


Race started, I took off and entered the woods in first. I was in first for most of the first lap, when one of my teammates finally decided to take the lead. We were all pretty tight at this point. He took off and two other guys were able to hang with him. After this the top 3 opened up a gap that I just couldn't bridge. At this point I was still in fourth with the fifth place guy sucking my wheel every chance he got. I would always put a good 30 yards on him after the barriers and without fail he would always catch up on the uphill. I finally got tired of pulling him so I sat back and made him take the lead. I would always take the lead back on the barriers. Dude even commented that I was kicking his ass on them. Next lap around as we finished the uphill, we were kinda cat and mousing as to who was going to lead out. He faked letting me take it and then blasted out with a mad sprint. He actually put 20-30 yards on me. I really wasn't that concerned because the barriers I had been kicking his ass on for the last several laps were right at the end of the pavement he dropped me on. He hit the first barrier about 20 yards ahead of me. I really wanted to see just how much I could make up, so I decided to go all out on the barriers. When we left the barrier section I was about 5 feet ahead of him. It was pretty funny when I passed him. Between his huffing and puffing I heard him spout out, "no fucking way". At this point I felt pretty good, so I figured I'd just suck his wheel and then pass him on the barriers to finish before him. There were still like 4 laps to go at this point. We noticed the third place guy had been dropped and decided to work together to chase him down. The very next lap on the barriers in the woods I hit my funny bone on the tip of my saddle. Man, I never thought that could hurt so bad. My entire right arm went dead from the elbow down. I had absolutely zero feeling in my hand. I ended up losing probably 80 yards because of this. I spent the next 3 laps trying to catch back up. At the halfway point on the bell lap I kinda looked at the lead he had and backed off thinking there was no way I could catch up. He hit the last barriers about 45 yards in front of me. As well as I was doing the barriers I still didn't think I could catch him...until I noticed he dropped his chain. I went in to those barriers so fucking fast I could hardly keep my feet moving when I hit the ground. I'm running across the barriers and I see him get the chain on and look right at me. He jumped on the bike, rolled about 10 feet and hit the pavement as I was coming off the last barrier. He hit the gas big time and I just couldn't make up that last bit on the sprint. This was probably one of the funnest races I've done this year. And yes I learned another lesson. Never back down because you never know what will happen.


This weekend is another states championships and my team is showing up in full force to play spoiler. I previewed the course this past week and its a brutal twisty, hilly course with some amazing fast pavement. Looking forward to it.


anyone else riding or racing?

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damn that was some good reading....i wish i could remember my races in such detail...im too brain dead while racing...


this weather is killing me it's been 28 degrees it doesn't up or down just 28 it's too cold...and now this storm is coming and bringing lots of snow...i hope the wrx can make it up to PA for the race on sat.

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I was checking out that storm this morning on the news. Looks like you guys are seriously getting rocked out there. All I have to say about the races (2000 Supercup flashback) is bring every piece of cycling gear you own.


Do you have a WRX or does your dad? I've been looking at those and the Audis. I think I've finally decided on getting the WRX sedan. Inexpensive, pretty damn quick, all wheel drive and reliable as all get out. I don't think you'll have a problem getting there. Make sure you have a lighter or something to free up those locks on the roof rack.


Good luck this weekend man.

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yeah we got nailed with snow


but racing went on anyway


sat. in PA 10 inches of snow on the ground i really hope they get some pics of this race up


i raced my heart out and ended up 9th...


sun... in maryland also 10 inches of snow on the ground..but by the time i got to race it was a complete mud fest


well i didn't have a great start..and i got behind a few slow riders and i crashed a bunch and droped my chain...i had to fight like hell to work my up..i finally caught up to bobby lea who i have beaten in every race this year. i finally caught up to him with 2 laps to go we kind went back and forth between leading..but he was riding the race of his life and when it came down to the end he got a good enough gap on me and i couldn't close it on the final hill finish.. no worries he raced well..i still ended up 10th

for the MAC cup series i finished up 16th in the elite men and first espior (19-23) i was very pleased and the season is pretty much over for me i have the va state champs coming up end of dec. i think i have 4 more races to do but none of them mean much..but i may have a chance of winning some b/c they are local races...


steve...wrx...oh man...it's sex on wheels it's so fast and so nice..

what color are you getting? my dads is the wrx rally blue. im still not allowed to drive it alone...and i think the wagon looks better... good luck with the car..it's a lot to handle

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unfortunately we wont be able to make it to texas buuut a bunch of the sf cutters are going. instead i bought him tickets to stuporbowl in minneapolis if anyone is going there. hahah hesh met the sf cutters and says that they look scraggly. hahaha they do. i'm not sure who exactly is going but i think they left today. they are all craaaaaazy i tell ya. but fun to hang out with so i suggest you do that.:)

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man, the state cross championship race I went to turned out so bad it isn't even worth a report. just plain ugly. we've got one more race left. I think I'm essentially done for the season. I think I'm gonna take some time off and just have fun. I actually went out and painted yesterday.


cinnamon...I'm all about that rally blue. all the cars I've owned have either been black or silver and I'm kinda done with that color scheme.

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Originally posted by cinnamon toast crunch804

dibs... sounds as if you got a lot of rain the past few days


it rained 12 inches in 2 days for cyclocross nationals.


yay for winter riding...


joker whats your status


oh hell yeah. its been rainin like crazey. unfortunatlly i had to work durring nationals. but i have heard many good story's about it from my friend who raced. its sad the season is winding down now. and its just starting to get sloppy out. i do get to race this weekend, hope its muddy.

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1. i haven't riden since the day before thanksgiving.

2.that should change tomorrow.

3. certain people from here should ride w/ me so i can be better and not fat.

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Nice race reports guys! I dig reading those...


Steve... your bag is in the mail. Hope you still want it after I lagged for-ever! Sorry about that. I guess i wanted to wait till the busiest mailing day of the year and mail all nineteen packages that have been sitting here by my desk. After all the overseas packages... I have no money for lunchees at work this week. Cool... maybe I'll lose a pound or two.


Cinnamon... thanks for asking but things are moving real slow. Life is majorly getting the way of riding but I'm struggling to make time. I've been busy with loads of work as a result of my last gallery show. Not to mention my full time job. So riding has taken a back seat. Haven't even been able to ride to work or on the trainer. Feeling real flabby too. I was able to squeeze in a two hour ride last weekend for the first time and decided I would be a man and ride up this 18% grade hill. I'm about as smart as Homer Simpson. My breathing was all over the place and my heart was racing like crazy. Not good. Besides the dumb hill I actually felt okay. Though I know it's mental. I'm just about caught up on this side work so I should be able to start training harder in the next week or so. The bike is all fixed up so I have no excuses. Even the constant pouring rain isn't bothering me. Though I need a good water-repelent jersey. Any thoughts out there? I have a good Assos winter jacket and I wouldn't mind another one but I don't have that kind of money right now.


If I wanted to change the cranks on my Pista... what do I need? The bolts in the stock cranks continuously come loose, even after having a mechanic work on them. I figure I should just update them. Is there a specific kind of crank I should be looking for? Does Shimano make a single speed crank and is it costly?


Hope everyone is keeping warm and dry this winter...

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Joker...I was just wondering about the bag. The Timbuk 2 I have is just too damn small and that became painfully obvious this weekend. Yeah, I still NEED it, so it'll make a nice "Christmas" gift to myself. I was hoping it didn't get racked right off my front porch. Thanks


Truvativ makes a nice single speed crank. I don't know if its pimp enough to go on the Pista, but its definitely affordable. If your having problems keeping the bolts in, you should probably change the bottom bracket as well. Actually, you might want to change that first. Have the cranks ever been removed? I suppose if the cranks were tightened down too much, removed and then put back on, that might result in the bolts not staying tight.


I have one of those clear plastic rain jackets for when it gets real wet out. It has a velcro front closure. There is not a lot of venitlation, but it definitely keeps you dry.




Cinnamon...did you make it to Napa for the nationals?



I just found out that there is a contingent of locals trying to get the 2004 SSWCs to come to my home town. That would be absolutely amazing if it happened.Apparently the Minneapolis Mafia is behind the idea, so thats a plus. Its in Australia next year. I'm going to try and make it, but it will probably depend on air fare.

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hesh and joker. i too am fat and haven't been riding enough... last time i rode outside was over a week ago, but i get in a few trainer sessions per week, not enough to count as training by any means. joker, i have dura ace hollowtech track cranks. really nice, really light and look dope- bad part is that they cost $250 retail.

joker or anybody else out there.... any interest in designing at least a 12oz stonecutters t-shirt if not a jersey to commemorate our long term run on 12oz? that would be too hot...

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I hear ya man. That money issue is what stopped me from making the trip as well. That local contingent I was talking about before is trying to get the city to pick up my airfare for Australia. I can't tell you how fucking cool that would be if they pulled that off.


My car and some other expenses I have will be paid off this spring, so my chances of making next years nationals is a lot better. Have you heard any word on where its gonna be? Any news on Super Cup as well? I seem to remember they thought they would be back next year.


That 30 degree weather is killing me as well. I've finally decided I need to set up the trainer and start riding indoors. Boring as hell, but at least I'm warm. I'm actually thinking about picking up a playstation 2, just so I have something to do other than staring at my heart monitor.


I vote Yes on a t-shirt. All I ask is that whoever sends me the artwork, so I can print my own at home. I'm not sure if I'm up for designing one or not. I might play around with it over the holidays. Might be kinda cool to get all the cutters to contribute some artwork to it.

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