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yet another cyclocross race under my belt...


my bike club put on the race so i had to show my stuff... i don' t know how it happened but it did i got the whole shot..i lead the first 2/3rds of the first lap.. at the end of the first lap i was in the lead group with 3 other riders we stayed together for the first half of the race and just kept the pace nice and steady the whole time..one of the guys flated with 5 laps to go...it was now three of us with the next rider way way back. the two guys i was riding with where buddies so they worked together against me...i held on to them for as long as i could but with 3 laps to go they got a 10 sec. gap on me... and i never saw them again.. i just kept it smooth and didn't make any mistakes no crashing sucked down a hammer gel and road the rest of the race out finishing up in 3rd place...i was so happy...


i learned a lot from the race...it seems as if half of your race is decided in the start.. you don't have to deal with traffic and your right there too jump on anyones back wheel..and when i was in the group with the leaders we didn't go terrible hard..just steady..it seems when im working alone i race two times as hard..so i have to work on my starts for the big races and act like i belong there.

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I'm weighing in


I ended up taking a half day on Friday, so I could go home and take advantage of the dry, warm weather. I ended up getting in 20 miles before I had to get my ass home and ready for a date. Woke up Saturday with sore calves (this just lets me know how long I've been off the bike). Saturday night decided to go ride singletrack. Out for a couple of hours at a nice pace, but nothing hard.


Cyclocross Morning on Sunday, I felt tired and still had sore calves. Figured I'd go on ahead and ride in the cross race. I was running late and didn't get to pre-ride the course or get warmed up. Race started and I immediately took the 2nd spot. The guy leading was just setting a crushing pace, so I decided to let him go, thinking there was no way in hell he could keep that pace up. His technical skills weren't that good, so I'd catch up to him in all the tight, twisty stuff and barriers. After 3 or 4 laps he faded and another guy took the lead. At this point I was thinking 2nd was the place to be. My strategy was just to hand close and try and close with 2 laps to go. In the mean time I lost another couple places. The final two laps were on and I opened up the afterburners. I caught up to the tail of the lead group, only to feel like I was going to puke my brains out. I backed off a bit, but not too much. We hit some of the straights and they pulled away again. I'd get within 10 yards of them through all the tight stuff, but they'd always drop me in the straights. I ended up coming in 4th, but apparently one of the guys in front got DQ'd for something (maybe cutting the course, not really sure). I walked outta there with 3rd place and a little swag to make it more than worth my time.

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man both you two had great races! congratulations steve and cinnamon. well i should share my weekend race story.

woke up early sunday morning, 6am, my race was at 9 and it was an 1 1/2 away. i was nervous as this is the bigest race series in nor cal, with alot of heavy hitting a's, a huge group of b's and c's. my training buddy was running late and calls a lil after 7 to say he's on the way, i am a little miffed but staying cool. time goes by etc etc, and he shows up just before 8. i am mad, but try to stay positive, we speed to the race making good time but not good enough, just as i pull up to register the "c's" pull out of the gate. i miss my race. homie races at 11 so we have to sit through the seniors etc for him to race. mean while it is raining, alot, hard sometimes. my friends "a"race starts and in the first first lap there is a big stack up on the muddy winding decent, he is cauaght in it and a group of guys fall on him and in the process waste his rear wheele, he pulls out. we stick around to watch some other friends race and to see the women race, by this time i have been standing in the rain for about 4 hours, its cold and i am feeling very down. i eventually start to get back my spirit back and decide that this was the day i would upgrade to "b's", not so much to be competitive but just to get a ride in as i felt i at least desirved that much for standing out in the rain all day. i register, warm up and line up. i line up in the back not feeling very confident, not feeling i belonged in this race as it was only my 2nd race, i felt akward and out of place/inexperienced and nervous never havving ridden in a group this large(70 to 80 guys). "bam" were off. i immediatly start to gain ground, blending in to the pack, passing people on the first road climb and yet more on the first steep run up. through the 1st and 2nd lap i move forward to the back of the largest leading group, moving up a little slower and mixxing it up with a couple of other ridders, but gainning alot of confidence along the way. in the 3rd lap it goes from a sprinkle of rain to a torrential downpore were visibility is not so good, the mud gets deeper and the puddles larger. i continued to stay with the lead group, passing a few more ridders on the road climb in the last lap(5th lap) just before the next run up is a cirb you have to hop over, i do so but not quite getting the rear wheele high enough. pintch flat. i do the run up passing a guy and hop on the bike to pedal off, then just noticing the flat. and realizing the end of my race, with only half a lap to go. i walk down to the pits not upset but totally overjoyed with my performance. i felt as if i had done really well and far exceeded what i had expected of myself. and getting back to the pits were my friends were, they just confirmed how i had felt, my first question was "did i get lapped?" not knowing really how the race had exactly gone. no i had not got lapped. and their responses only confirmed my positive results dispite my DNF due to the flat. if i would not have flatted i probally would have finnished in the top 20 out of about 70 to 80 guys. so from now on i will line up closer to the front and race the "b's". i am very pleased with the race, i learned alot from this race and the experience over all. i am really glad now that i did miss my earlier "c" race.

on top of it all i just put a rock shox boxxer 6" fork on my freeride bike, cant wait to do a trail ride tommorrow with it on.

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So ever since I got this new job, I've been saying that I'm gonna ride in to work on occasion to save money. Well, on Tuesday, all that talk caught up with me. My wife took the keys to my truck with her to school by accident, and the only way to get to work was on my bike. So I finally rode ... about 20 miles each way. It took me about 2 hours to get there, because I got lost. It was only an hour and a half to get home, Not bad for a single speed commute. I'm going to try to do it about twice a week, now that I know that I can. The only thing that sucks is that we don't have a shower at work, so I have to sink bathe.


Congrats on all the good racing, guys. If I keep up my training, and am able to upgrade my bike, I'll be dominating the local SS mountain category next year.


Oh, also, we are planning on trading in my truck this weekend for a Toyota Prius. Hybrid vehicle, like what!


Btw, I'm selling my Bianchi Pista (57cm) with a front brake so that I can buy more parts. I'm asking $450 + shipping if anybody is interested. Picture to follow.

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Nice racing up there guys!!! I love reading the race reports...


Steve... got the email with your info. I also got an email notification from UPS that my new bag was sent today. So I'll send the Chrome bag out to you next week probably. Don't send me any money till it arrives at your door. Oh... and you didn't incluse a name with your info. Should I just send it to Steve Austin? ;)


I finally got the winter bike in order. Tomorrow will be my first ride in almost two months. My legs are going to kick the shit out of me, for sure. But it's the season for me to start training so's I gots to git out there.


Hope everyone is having a good early winter...

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Originally posted by Joker

Nice racing up there guys!!! I love reading the race reports...


Steve... got the email with your info. I also got an email notification from UPS that my new bag was sent today. So I'll send the Chrome bag out to you next week probably. Don't send me any money till it arrives at your door. Oh... and you didn't incluse a name with your info. Should I just send it to Steve Austin? ;)


I finally got the winter bike in order. Tomorrow will be my first ride in almost two months. My legs are going to kick the shit out of me, for sure. But it's the season for me to start training so's I gots to git out there.


Hope everyone is having a good early winter...



oh hell yeah.

I was wondering about payment. thats cool, don't forget to let me know how much shipping is. My name wasn't on the email? I kinda figured it would pop up in the from box. My email address is first initial and last name, although it'd probably make it to me with the six million dollar name.


race report and training thoughts coming later today.

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there isnt' too much to this race report.


it was the same course as last weekend with one minor change..about 4 inches of mud well good old virginia red clay. i had another great start at the begininning of the race but it was a real crap shoot b/c the mud was so thick that sometimes you'd fine the right path and others you wouldn't me and two other guys were off the front for the first two laps...i was feeling good just trying to hang on..one of the guys droped his chain and i put on a pretty hard attack it took a complete lap for him to catch back up to me..we road together for a good half lap then i crashed/slipped in the damn mud and it cost me 2nd place..i chased the rest of the race but the mud took so much out of my legs that i couldn't really bridge the gap...im happy with 3rd and im currently 4th in va state cyclocross series and the final race is in reston va and the guy currently in 3rd place is going to be unable to make it :o


i really hope someone took some pics of the race...i have never ridden in such a muddy race...you couldn't tell i was white when i finished the race

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nice epic race Cinnamon. made me think of some of the photos of the Paris-Robauix race a while back.


I did the same thing this year as last year. Went out the night before and drank more than I had planned. I've figured that combined with the hills on this course is just the wrong combo. I started out in third behind two of my new teammates for next season. As usual I was running late getting to the race so I didn't get a warm up at all. My team guys dropped the hammer pretty quick and I just wasn't able to keep the pace. I was hoping to ride together a little longer and try controlling it a bit more, but that didn't happen. I went back and forth with several different people. There was this one kid that I would pass every lap, only to have him come back and pass me. I let him go on the 3rd to last lap, but kept him close. On what I thought was the last lap I geared up, passed him and kept going. I passed another guy about 10 yards from the finish line only to hear...this is the bell lap! I tried to hold my lead over the guy I passed at the end, but it didn't happen. I figured I'd do the same thing to him that I did to the other guy and just wait til it was almost over. This race finished at the top of a hill. I really let it go on the downhill portion in order to catch up to the guy in front of me. I got about half way up the hill and realized I waited a little too long to start my attack. I stood up and really started cranking hard. I was gaining a lot of ground as we got closer and closer to the finish. With about five yards left I pulled up along side of him, but he ended up beating me by about a foot. Ended up in 7th for this one. Supposedly we go back to the flatlands next week, so hopefully I'll place better.


Oh yeah, my training thoughts.....I really need to start training indoors again. This weather is killing me.

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life without a computer sucks fat goat dick.

getting fired for demanding a printout of commissioned jobs sucks even more.

not getting unemployment because your boss says you quit when he wouldnt fax down your printouts to the satellite office proves joe morrissey is gayer than steven patrick morrissey.

not having a job for a few weeks sucks.

winter coming up sucks.

needing a new bike for the winter thats coming up sucks.

not being able to tattoo because you cant afford machines so you can get off your bike as a career and need to pay rent sucks.

but the cozy feeling of sleeping til 4pm and not giving a shit, not only sparks depression but sometimes feels good, except when your roomates are FUCKING slobs.





*jobe the complainer* wishing everyone would buy a tofurkey instead of killing birds to keep their bellies happy on thanksgayving.


sorry for all the negative vibes, hope all the stonecutters are well this holiday season or should i say kneewarmer/glove season.

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Last time I road was last Sundays race. Its been one hell of a long busy and shitty week. Hopefully I'll get a ride in on Saturday, if not there's always Sundays race. There is a chance of snow this weekend, so that would make for one hell of a race. One sick little part of me wants it to snow like a mother fucker.


7 days a week sucks hesh. I was just wondering how you liked that new sled.


willy....all that sucks. good luck with everything.

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last Saturday I decided to try and build my cross bike. This bike is all about being as cheap as possible. I raided about five friends parts bins to get this thing together. Worked on it till midnight and finally called it quits. I wanted to get it built for the cross race the next day, but it just didn't happen. Too many problems with trying to get spare parts to work. All I have left is to setup the front derailleur, rear brakes and tape the bars.


The race on Sunday was just plain fucking cold. The course was mainly grass with one long gradual uphill asphalt section. This was one of those races where I just wasn't feeling it. I barely made it to the start line before the started the race. The guy driving decided it was more important for him to have coffee than for us to be on time. We actually got lucky because the promoter was running late. This gave me an extra 15 minutes of prep time. Not that I used it effectively. Race started and I wasn't even able to hang with the lead group for one lap. I pretty much rode my own race and didn't really sweat it much. One of the guys that I normally beat passed me on the 2nd to last lap. We went back and forth several times from then on. When I hit the asphalt on the last lap I passed him and went to chase down the other guy in front of me. I pulled up behind him and decided to go on ahead and pass him with about 30 yards to go. I pulled up beside him and he went to sprint. I stood up, shifted gears and went to sprint as well. My next shift caused the chain to drop off, so that sprint ended rather quickly. At this point I had to grab the bike and run sprint to the finish, so the guy I just passed wouldn't beat me. Mission accomplished to the tune of a rather un-impressive 9th place finish.


Back to back state races coming up. Not sure if I'll make this weekends state, especially since there is a local one... much, much closer. Have a nice holiday weekend guys.

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