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It was a long course and kinda brutal. It went from pavement to deep, loose gravel to hard packed dirt to long grass with a billion ruts and holes and bumps to loose packed dirt to mulch to hay with holes and ruts hidden underneath to pavement again. It was a good course but it left me for dead as soon as I crossed the line. I was too exhausted to even hold my arms up for the win.

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it appears that oregon may be in my future.

can one of you fill me in on climate and such.

i am currently in chicago and winter is nearly upon us,

but i hear the rain in oregon is considerable.


ps - even summer in chicago sucked this year.

only a handful of 90+ days and almost no warm nights.

oregon has deserts, temperate rain forest, valleys, the coast, snowy mountains....so the weather will of course depend on where you live.


in the main cities you can expect rainy winters and warm summers with warm nights. i cant really recommend any cities other than eugene or portland. my old man moved here from chicago and says he doesnt miss the goddamn chicago winters...

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It was a long course and kinda brutal. It went from pavement to deep, loose gravel to hard packed dirt to long grass with a billion ruts and holes and bumps to loose packed dirt to mulch to hay with holes and ruts hidden underneath to pavement again. It was a good course but it left me for dead as soon as I crossed the line. I was too exhausted to even hold my arms up for the win.


This made my week. The course, the win is bonus!

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Been riding my SS 29er around lately to get some off-road fitness/technical climbing and descending in for cross. So far it's been a bunch of fun and a little painful. Climbing up smooth pavement hills on the road is one thing, climbing up a gravel singletrack with tight switchbacks or fallen logs that you have to hop over every 50 feet is another.


All these beers are giving me a belly...

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A few, but come the end of October I'll be back on the road training for next season. I was just giving 'cross a chance this year to see if I liked it. I'm hooked so I'll be back with more focus next year.


You racing any of the series?


Yeah I hope to race as much as the series as possible, most likely as a C. I raced a couple races last year and I'm officially hooked. Started off getting interested in it back in MD and then discovered it was even crazier out here in the Northwest. Whenever it isn't fall I'm itching for it haha

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2nd in Battle at Barlow. It was me and one other guy for about four laps. He would pull for one, I would pull for one. The last lap we kept taking turns. I let him lead into the last 1/4 mile hoping to sit back and then pounce once we hit the off-camber sections... he beat me to it. The last off-camber section he gunned it and I responded but must have been too far forward on the bike. My back wheel slid out but I caught it before crashing. I tried for about 20 meters to catch him but I was so fucking tired that I just sat up. He deserved the win... I mean, I sat in for most of the last lap and we were both pretty tired. if he didn't jump for the sprint, I would have. Bummed I missed out on the win but quite happy with 2nd in my third race.


2nd, 1st, 2nd... yeah, I think I've found my calling with 'cross.


Rubbish... You doing any of the Crusade series this month?


Whoiseuth... Maybe I'm weird but I have no desire to move anywhere else after coming to Oregon. I grew up in DC till I was 22 and while I miss some of the deep, deep snow days from time to time I don't miss the bitterly cold winters. Yeah, we get some high 20's sometimes in winter but most of the time it's high 30's. Yeah, it rains a lot in the winter but not pouring down rain... more like a mist. And sometimes it's just wet everywhere and it hasn't rained for a few days. It's not like it rains from October to June though. There's plenty of dry, sunny days in between. As for summers... we have hot days but we also have some hot evenings. Most of the time it's in the high 70's low 80's. We definitely get those high 90 weeks though... and while it's hot there's no major humidity so it's not so bad.


Plus we have a lot of strip bars...

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Anyone have any advice on getting a rear derailleur with a stripped (i think) hanger bolt off of a frame?? Every derailleur I've removed has always been with a 6mm allen wrench, but that just spins in there on this one. I am just going crazy? I couldn't find a fucking 7mm anywhere.

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