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Originally posted by seeking



hesh is building me a bike... you got any rims lying around you wanna part with for cheap? i believe at one point you had a couple sets...




seeks/future stonecutter oner


my man, well i do have some wheeles lying around, but they are jankey for real. i wouldnt give them to my enemy. being your my friend i couldnt do that to you:) but email me and i will see what i can do to get you some nice new, to semi new ones for cheap cheap, like little birds singing in the morning.

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So yesterday I got my first distance ride in. For the last six weeks I've either rode the seven mile commute to work or not at all. Mostly not at all. Yesterday I got in 40 miles. Mostly hills because I'm an idiot. But oddly enough I felt freakishly strong. I rode up this one hill that do on occassion because it's a good test for fitness for me. And my average speed is somewhere around 9-10mph. Which is pretty slow but hey... I'm a fatty. On yesterday's ride my average was the same. How can that be? I've heard of coming back to riding after a break and feeling strong but on hills? Has anyone else experienced this sorta thing?


Though by the time I got home my ass was so sore... I was on the verge of crying. I was a sweaty mess and I was about to collapse from heat exhaustion. I hope today's temperature is cooler.

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Just roll with it, Joker. Keep riding and you'll soon find yourself getting even stronger. That's one of the nice things about taking a break. Your muscles have plenty of time to heal, so when you come back, it's easier to build them.


Back on to the pedal subject ... I have a few questions about clipless pedals. I ride palin old flat pedals on my bikes, but I'm going to be upgrading real soon.


Okay so these are the shoes I was thinking about getting (Diadora Geko).


I can get them through my job at a good price, and they are not too flashy (which I like).


The big question that I have is this ... What pedals should I get. I had been looking at the Time ATACs, but I recently saw that Speedplay makes a pedal (the Zero), that can withstand the forces put on it by a track bike. Here is a picture of the Zero:


What I need to know is will the Zero cleat fit on the Diadora shoe that I wa sgoing to get? If not, can you walk around with a road shoe without ruining the cleat/shoe/floor? Would I be better off just going with the Time ATACs?


I'm really in the dark about clipless pedals, so any input would help. Hopefully, I'll be "hollywood" like THE LAW real soon.

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If you get the Diadoras...I hope you have better luck than me. I had a pair of the Jalapenos...they lasted one season and started falling apart. I bought a pair of the Sidi Dominator 2s and they have lasted 3 years and are still going on strong. These are pretty much the only pair of shoes I ride in and I ride pretty much every day. I know they are pricey, but if you can swing it....they're definitely worth the money.


I know people that have both ATACs and Frogs. The peeps that use the ATACS love and swear by them just like the Frogs peeps. I've heard the Frogs are better for people with knee problems. There is a new pedal out by Crank Brothers called the Eggbeater. I have a friend using these right now and he absolutely loves them. He's said there's nothing better in mud. I'll probably try a pair next year.


If the frogs don't fit (they probably will) you can always whip out the utility knife and make em fit. You might try emailing Diadora and ask them...they might actually know.

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i rode specialized team comp something or others for over a year on my track bike. had them on some ritchie spd's. as dangerous as it was i had no problems, - ok thats a lie, shit got hectic a few times. one time my heel went into the ol spokes and i was watching my ankle about to be broken. fortunatly the cleat ripped out of the shoe before my ankle broke. but yeah, the only reason i took em off was because i was tired of peole staring at my yellow shoes and asking why i was wearing tap shoes.

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Re: peds


Originally posted by HESHIANDET

the only reason i took em off was because i was tired of peole staring at my yellow shoes and asking why i was wearing tap shoes.


damn those shoes are ugly arent they, i got a pair of those and ride em. the only reason i tolerate that yellow collor is because i bought them on close out for $15. they feel good, just look dumb.


joker i have totally felt super good on the bike after long periods off, i chalk it all up to recovery and healing.

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hahaha dude me to. i got em for like $30. i think. they are pretty comfy, a tad narrow for my feet but good for walking in.

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anyone catch a video on MTV by a guy named "thicke"? since you guys have jobs probably not, but i don't work, so i did. lemme give yous a run down.


home boy is a white r&b singer w/ loong wavy hair. hes dressed rather urban outfitter-ish, and is rocking a sorry example of a messenger bag (complete w/ radio and beeper). the video goes on to depict "thicke" as a nyc messenger going about his days work while singing like crazy. hes riding a mountain bike, they have a stunt double do some cool tricks, and show some (im assuming) real messengers giving him a pound. i found it all to be very disturbing while laying in my underwear. the song did have a good hook though, and i think it might be able to geta ninja laid.




also, i just interviewed at a local shop. things are looking good, my fingers are crossed.

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joker... i am coming off of a 5 week rest from cycling. well atleast on the weekdays i road some on the weekends. on the week days i swam and ran but today was my first day back on the bike and i felt great granted i only rode for 2 mile some 65 min. but my days has said that resting for several weeks can be a great thing...instead of carring with you all those little injurys and sorness you give your body time to heal...i remember once when i broke my leg and i didn't skateboard for some 6 weeks when i healed up i was pulling all the same trickes as when i had to stop it has something to do with muscle memory... (sorry about the spelling my girly is bugging me and im not thinkging)

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i need to get off my lazy ass and make you a package. with almost 30 freights last month alone, i got plenty of flics i should send your way.


but thats a side note, forget it.


ill hit you up when i decide what exactly i want to get into. i know i want a very simple, completely stripped down road bike, cause there are no mountains in the rugged terrain of down town philladelphia. i just cant decide if i wanna go fixie, or if i want a break or two on there...

the andventerous side of me thinks a fixie is gonna be a hell of alot more fun, but i mean... i just dont know if i wanna be that fucking cliche. a scrubby writer, covered in tattoos with a punk rock belt who listens to hardcore all day and rides a fixie... c'mon... thats almost more than i can bare. only thing im missing is some shitty baseball hat that says 'earls finest meal worms', some tight black jeans and and a 40 of pabst in my messanger bag.


any thoughts?

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Guest mikro137

i just picked up an old krate.... 40 beans off some kid. 3 speed grip schift , clean fenders , somewhat str8 rims , a cool find

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i just picked up a schwin 'le tour' from the side of the road.

the rims are bent, the tires are off the rims, the chain is pretty much rusted solid, the handle bars look like fucking antlers with all type of shit sticking up off them.


nothing a nice coat of rusto flat black, a pair of pliers, some duct tape and wd40 cant fix...

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Originally posted by seeking

i just picked up a schwin 'le tour' from the side of the road.

the rims are bent, the tires are off the rims, the chain is pretty much rusted solid, the handle bars look like fucking antlers with all type of shit sticking up off them.


nothing a nice coat of rusto flat black, a pair of pliers, some duct tape and wd40 cant fix...


i find that carb cleaner does an amazing job on rusty chains. speaking of free trash bikes. i got a motobecane out of a dumpster today. left the wheels they were totally trashed spokes missing/broke. the whole thing needs ripped apart cleaned and put back together.

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well son, for all intensive purposse i'd say keep everything bu tthe frame. i need to give it a once over of curse, just to make sure. but as long as a motherfucker is straight, we're in business.



finding a motobecane would be pretty cool. thats assuming its pre american licensing buyout garbage. actually, motobecane ione of those brands that in italy is probably considered like giat or something here. nah mean...kinda good, kinda bad.

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hell if that frames straight keep it for your cliche, scrubby writer, tats all over the place fixie ride and put brakes on another frame.


I have one set up for straight fixie (no breaks) and another that has breaks. I've got a flip flop wheel, so if I feel like coasting...I can.


Hesh...how would one go about figuring out whether a motobecane was a pre american buyout pos?

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Guest mikro137
i find that carb cleaner does an amazing job on rusty chains.


it works really good on skateboard bearings too. i have this other shit at my houst that is a penetrating lubricant. its amazing...

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well the most obvious thing would be the use of absurdly oversized aluminum tubing. but im sure the euros used that shit at one point as well, im not sure though. the sure fire way wuld be to run the serial #. if it comes back w/ a US company as the manufacturer you got your answer. see a us company bought the rights to the name "motobecane".

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I've heard you can. It varies from state to state. The crew I ride with does a lot of pub crawls on bikes. We straight up asked a couple of cops on duty in the bar district if we could get in trouble. One guy looked in his little cop manual and said he couldn't find anything to book us on. The other guy just said he was glad we were riding our bikes and not driving.

The drunk and disorderly thing probably covers this somewhat, but I've never had any problems with the law....and I've been lock me up and throw away the key drunk on my bike many times.

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seeking, thumbs up dude, that reply with the pics had me laughing my ass off out loud for a solid 45 seconds. i don't think i've done that on 12oz in over a year. good shit. haha.


i'm fat and lazy. my commuting isn't helping my training at all. yeah, i ride 20 miles a day, but when i get home to drop off my big ass bag and try to go train, i never make it back out the door. and i got races and shit coming up. i'm fucked.

at least i'm riding the trainer while watching the tour at night.

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Guest Jan Ulrich

anyone catch the second tt today? poor lance. that's apparently the first time trial he's lost since 1999. it looked like he was really digging deep for the last half of the stage. ah well. come thursday we'll see the real fireworks once they enter the mountains.


riding drunk is fun, but a really efficient way to get yourself killed or severly fucked up.

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You could get pinned with drunk and disorderly, public intoxication, and/or reckless endangerment. Just be careful.


So I was just hanging out with Ryan Leech and Jeff Lenowsky. If you don't know, they are both pro trials riders. We had this demo at work, and they did all kinds of cool tricks on our picnic table. Good times. I think I'll be building up a trials rig soon. Hehehe.


So I've finally gotten the okay from my boss to train as a tech in our bike shop. Woohoo. I'll be the #2 tech and I won't have to deal directly with the customers. I've also been looking for a messenger job, but that's not going so well. All the companies that are hiring, say I don't have enough experience, and all the companies that would hire me don't need anybody right now. Shit. I may have to sell some plasma to get to NYC.

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