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Family Guy The XXX Parody (2012) [DVDRip]



Porn > Movies




697.52 MiB (731400192 Bytes)



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2012-04-18 05:57:08 GMT


chkm8te VIP







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James Deen, Anthony Rosano, Aurora Snow, Misty Stone, Tyler Knight, Jennifer White, Sarah Shevon, Dick Delaware, Lee Roy Myers, Seth's Beard, Ivory Lumber




"It's Make You Giggity Giggity Goo!

From the guys that brought you the hit porn movie, 'Simpsons - The XXX Parody', cums their follow-up-live-action porno spoof, 'Family Guy - The XXX Parody'! Alll Riiight!

In This hot & hilarious XXX parody that will tickle your horny-bone, Peter & his friends are going through a spell, except for Quagmire, who just hasn't had sex with a conscious non-Asian in a while. So, they decide to do whatever they can to convince their wives to get nasty with them again, before they lose their nerve, like Joe's legs!

Your favorite cartoon characters are now your favorite porn characters in 'Family Guy - The XXX Parody!'"



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ubik0328 at 2012-04-19 05:06 CET:



Minee22 at 2012-04-19 09:34 CET:

Allah Gives good hand Jobs.


vikram3521 at 2012-04-19 11:33 CET:

Minee22 good one mate i like ur comment


Johannes321 at 2012-04-19 12:09 CET:

There is no god, just accept it...


mrBrownian at 2012-04-19 12:13 CET:

@justin, haha, your a funny man. You really think your god keeps a database with > 7 billion records, and fly's around the world to see who's watching porn? Only the thought people really believe this makes me smile :)


maxd1978 at 2012-04-19 12:41 CET:

According to the Holy Quran, the holy Prophet Mohammed who was 53 when he married a 6 year old girl by name Aisha and had sex with her at the age of nine. I don't mean to sound offensive or disrespectful but wasn't that child abuse? How could a 56 year old man have sex with a 9 year old girl?


The Holy Quran forbids pornography, but is quite fine with sexual abuse against children.


bhagyasgs at 2012-04-19 12:48 CET:

justinpirate fu@k off...... Allah sucks your dick... enjoy....


Zeo7 at 2012-04-19 18:43 CET:



Keep your filthy religious nonsens at home!!

who are you to tell others what to to!


untill you can proof your religioun (''i belief'' is not a reason we are not in kindergarden anymore!!) shut the fuck up!!


(your the reason that the U.S.A haz the death penalty)


eat shit cockroach!!


argosdog at 2012-04-19 23:06 CET:

the real deal and pretty funny


ahmed.barbour at 2012-04-19 23:12 CET:

First of all @Justin, bro if you're really a muslim, then what you wrote doesn't even make sense!! it's people like you who make the world think of us Muslims the way you do!! please don't go to porn downloads again and post shit warnings like this, you're making a fool out of yourself!!


but SINCE I'm here, lol, I just want to answer maxd: the story you mentioned, is not from the Quran. and if you do some research, history experts have proven otherwise, that Aisha was atleast 18 to 21 when she got married to the prophet, peace be upon him! I'm not starting an argument, but you seem like you're interested in the story, so I'm telling you to read more about it.


SmokN4U at 2012-04-20 00:39 CET:

Wasn't Osama Bin Laden watching porn when the Seals busted in? Do you think Allah has him now???


SmokN4U at 2012-04-20 00:41 CET:

@fuckpiratebay1, Are you okay? Did you just have a stroke??


Ritch1985 at 2012-04-20 02:09 CET:

@SmokN4U I don't think he is ok, something about he likes to have sex with other peoples shit is a bit of a concern to me :-/

I think he may need some help.


dharmaxx at 2012-04-20 04:43 CET:

I have the weirdest boner ever


Finalflax at 2012-04-20 09:05 CET:


eat a bag of dicks


iamchrislechat at 2012-04-20 10:35 CET:

looks like a pretty poor parody (look-a-like wise) but lol at the giant chicken


demolished at 2012-04-20 19:13 CET:


if it allows beating up your wife and cheat on her with 3-4others then i think they'll see this trough their fingers


Snorkel76 at 2012-04-20 20:27 CET:

@Justin..and that comes from a religion who's based on the stories of Mohammed, a pedophile child molestor...pff


Zeo7 at 2012-04-20 22:24 CET:

Moslims won't dowl. this shit!


they are much to occupied with being retarded cockroaches!!!


love the torrent btw LMFAO!!!


MasterJachus at 2012-04-21 05:51 CET:

whoa. weeeeeeiiiiiiiiiirrrrrrd. Flying spaghetti monster does not approve. Can't we all just praise his noodley wisdom and drink beer.


cheische at 2012-04-21 13:30 CET:


Why are you even looking at porn torrents and commenting, do you get of on that? You should wear a hair vest for a month for your lustful thoughts


cheische at 2012-04-21 13:31 CET:


Why are you even looking at porn torrents and commenting, do you get off on that? You should wear a hair vest for a month for your lustful thoughts


agamenon at 2012-04-21 15:06 CET:

Meh honestly I dont think god cares what we watch or do as long as we treat each other fairly and with kindness all these bible bashers think god actually cares what they do with there dicks within reason of course


BdNLinuxLuvin at 2012-04-21 15:17 CET:

No way, there's some prick preachin in here ;-) I guess he doesn't know that religion is just a convenient tool to control the masses. Wake up.


Thanks for the up!


karhu80 at 2012-04-21 16:37 CET:

bring back the good old crusades


HSuperV at 2012-04-22 00:35 CET:

What's up with these religion wars again just believe what you wanna believe and shut the fuck up seriously how can you people even watch this I'm facepalming right now this is just embarrassing.


Wirus_1 at 2012-04-22 01:42 CET:

justinPirate, I know enough about Islam and Allah to know that you're not a muslim, and even your statement is not correct, where has Allah mentioned that you can't have lustful thoughts or have masturbation??! Stop your pathetic attempts to ruin Islam reputation and GET A LIFE!!


Wirus_1 at 2012-04-22 01:47 CET:

By the way justinPirate, your arabic is wrong! I checked it with google trans. and only one word was Correct which is God=Allah


wymm666 at 2012-04-23 00:29 CET:

no way... religious argument on the pirate bay? Ill be damned. (oops)


no seriously justinPirate dude, gal, w/e, muslims are religious (duh) but they're not stupid.


They 1. won't come searching for porn and post comments on it declaring themselves as muslims.


and 2. STOP MAKING Muslims look like fucking idiots you jerk. I'm not muslim or even asian, but I still completely despise hateful garbage like you.




This^... or justinPirate is being a total troll and I fell for it. In which case I will smack every tooth outta that shithole when I get the chance. Beware


ViolentC at 2012-04-23 04:55 CET:

please don't feed the trolls. your comments waste more space than the guy you're complaining about.

Ignore the idiots and post A/V/M comments please.


deathtoallorangatans2 at 2012-04-23 20:15 CET:

I wasn't looking for pr0n, I was looking for the next Family Guy episode, sorted by date of upload, and found this instead, then I noticed the comments. The Muslim guy's not all wrong. Muhammad may not be the best example, but Jesus is. (Though this Muslim is still doing a great job standing for God's will.) While it's true that pr0n is evil, it's actually -any- fornication in general that God calls a "mortal sin", meaning a sin that damns you to hell after death. (Fornication is any sort of sex between unmarried people.) As for claiming to not believe in God, it doesn't actually affect the -probability- of his existence. He either exists or not. Avoiding the few major mortal sins is the only way to stay on the safe side in -case- he exists. Fornication, contraceptive acts in marriage, divorce, scandal (trying to convince another to mortal sin), human abuse, substance abuse, murder (abortion included), major lie, and major theft. A simple list for anyone to follow, from atheists to agnostics to Buddhists to Christians to anyone at all. We all have the free will to choose our own deeds. Preachers like this good Muslim and myself can't judge you, as only God can and will, but we can warn you, and it's both our duty and honor to do so. We're like parents telling their children not to have dessert before supper so they don't ruin their appetite. We're preachers telling potential mortal sinners not to fornicate or commit any other mortal sin so you don't ruin your afterlife. A great Vatican document on sexuality is 'Persona Humana'--'The Human Person'--which can be read here: http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/cfaith/documents/rc_con_cfaith_doc_19751229_persona-humana_en.html

We won't be here forever. None of us will. We just do what we can for you while we can. In the end the choice is yours. It's always yours.


deathtoallorangatans2 at 2012-04-23 20:20 CET:

I wasn't looking for pr0n, I was looking for the next Family Guy episode, sorted by date of upload, and found this instead, then I noticed the comments.

The Muslim guy's not all wrong.

Muhammad may not be the best example, but Jesus is.

(Though this Muslim is still doing a great job standing for God's will.)

While it's true that pr0n is evil, it's actually -any- fornication in general that God calls a "mortal sin", meaning a sin that damns you to hell after death.

(Fornication is any sort of sex between unmarried people.)

As for claiming to not believe in God, it doesn't actually affect the -probability- of his existence.

He either exists or not.

Avoiding the few major mortal sins is the only way to stay on the safe side in -case- he exists.

Fornication, contraceptive acts in marriage, divorce, scandal (trying to convince another to mortal sin), human abuse, substance abuse, murder (abortion included), major lie, and major theft.

A simple list for anyone to follow, from atheists to agnostics to Buddhists to Christians to anyone at all.

We all have the free will to choose our own deeds.

Preachers like this good Muslim and myself can't judge you, as only God can and will, but we can warn you, and it's both our duty and honor to do so.

We're like parents telling their children not to have dessert before supper so they don't ruin their appetite.

We're preachers telling potential mortal sinners not to fornicate or commit any other mortal sin so you don't ruin your afterlife.

A great Vatican document on sexuality is 'Persona Humana'--'The Human Person'.

We won't be here forever.

None of us will.

We just do what we can for you while we can.

In the end the choice is yours.

It's always yours.


deathtoallorangatans2 at 2012-04-23 20:21 CET:

sorry for the double-post, my first comment wouldn't show up so i edited my spacing, then it shows up when i paste the spaced-out version. no way to delete comments that i see so..big waste of space :-(


Skyelar_May at 2012-04-24 09:04 CET:

Just Downloaded It.

Hope Its Good!

going to watch it with

my boyfriend tonight.


deaderweterdog at 2012-04-25 03:55 CET:

me personaly i love religion i one time fucked a shy catholic girl and i couldnt believe all the pent up "sin" she had just waiting to let loose the only bad thing was she bit to hard if it hadnt been for religon holding her back for so long she probly would have been more tame and would have never been my most fond sexural experiance and i cant imagian what these chicks in vails have pent up when thay have a guy trying to plesure them insted of female circumsising them(removing the clit so thay cant enjoy sex) and to everyone who has a problem with my spelling fuck you i bet im more educated than you anyway


joanmcbitch at 2012-04-25 21:08 CET:

I love that this porn parody has provoked religious debate. Though what I love more are the people participating in the debate and how they got to the debating: "I was roaming around TPB and just HAPPENED upon this religious debate about pornography and fun tantalizing sexual escapades within a porn torrent I did NOT intend on downloading swear to Allah!"


makuab at 2012-04-26 03:48 CET:

Is stewie in this?


MonstaUK at 2012-04-27 03:38 CET:

Fuck religion - in particular Islam- this site is my one escape from the daily reminder that Sharia is taking over my country. Take it elsewhere or fuck off and die!


ksher35 at 2012-04-27 16:58 CET:

@ deathtoallorangatans2


SO you think downloading stuff off here is not stealing... one of the other 7 cardinal sins.


For shame.


Also you cant see porn torrents unless you click the box to saw view porn...


2nd sin already. You are going to hell with us


rwing at 2012-04-28 17:57 CET:

comments are much interesting ,hope the movie will be better ,thnx for seeding


AAtheist at 2012-04-29 05:48 CET:

WTF? Where's Brian?


spunky7 at 2012-05-01 19:15 CET:



oneleggoalie at 2012-05-04 01:13 CET:

Orgasnised Religion has no place in human evolution. It's demeaning to the species to grovel to the insecurities of sad old men with withered intellects.


thewizardchrist at 2012-05-05 10:34 CET:

If you are on here, you steal.


If you are looking for porn, you lust.


Spare me your sermon. Just steal your porn, jerk off and cry about it to Jesus, or Mohammad, or the Captain Kangaroo for all I care. Don't push YOUR guilt on me. It is yours OWN it.




mopedkopf at 2012-05-06 02:41 CET:

dafuq xD


Yamcha67 at 2012-05-09 21:48 CET:

I'm surprised that we have a religious discussion going on around a porn video.. But I must say that I see a lot people critiquing those who follow a certain religion & prophets.. I think what you fools fail to realize is that the fundamental teachings of Islam, Christianity & Judaism are the same..


In fact If you were to say that Islam, Christianity or Judaism are evil and you belong to any one of these three faiths then It's as if you are putting down your own religion..


Personally I'm a Muslim, by no means a good Muslim.. Thats essentially why I'm here but I'm also young so I'm naturally inclined to watch porn..


But I see everyone talking about Prophet Jesus who I have great respect for, but It's a bit ironic that while people do revere him, not many people follow his own teachings..


Things we know about Prophet Jesus.

- He prayed with his face on the ground just as Muslims do.

- Jesus kept beard just as Muslims do.

- Jesus did not touch women outside his own family, Just as Muslims do..

- Jesus never got intoxicated just as Muslims don't

- We know Jesus would fast for about a month just as Muslims do..

- We know Jesus never ate swine or pig just like Muslims don't eat pork..

- We also know that Mary mother of Jesus covered her hair and body just as Muslims do..


So really I just find it funny that while you guys may claim to love Jesus pretty much all Non-Muslims fail to follow any of his teachings..


cayrikan at 2012-05-20 06:21 CET:

well if god didnt want me watching porn then why did he make me lust for women??

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