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I've got a problem, it's not really my problem, but it bothers

me to no end.

A friend of mine was confused in 9th grade and went

through one of those ´might be gay´ phases. Long story

short he went ahead and sucked dick. From his telling it was

an even trade with a gay kid. This other kid was totally gay

and I kinda think he may have pushed the envelope on this

one. This happened once or twice. (we aren't sure if it

happened twice but it certainly didn't happen 3 times)

Needless to say this was only a phase, a rather short one at

that, and is like 8 years in the past.

That's not the problem, I have no problem with

homosexuality or even experimenting, this was an honest

mistake on his part and he will say it now with a straight

face "I fucked up, dude. shoulda never sucked that cock."

The actual problem is that some people haven't forgotten. I

mean of course our whole group of friends remembers

(this is one of my best friends, but we used to tease him a

lot about it. it was pretty bad) but since we've grown up

he's had girlfriends who he has sex with and stuff like that.

The probem is that I can't take this guy to parties and stuff

because everytime I think of bringing him I'll say "dude im

gonna bring Chris to the party" "You mean sucked a dick

Chris?? hahahaha yeah man do it it'll be funny" it's not

even like I'm embarassed of bringing him to the party or

anything, I'd just rather spare him.

I've tried telling these other guys like "dude, that was a long

time ago he's not gay, man can you stop calling him sucked-

a-dick Chris every time we talk about him?" This usually

prompts a discussion along the lines of: "Dude, let me tell

you a story... you bake a loaf of bread does that make you a

baker? No. You fix your leaky sink, does that make you a

plumber? No. But you suck ONE DICK AND YOURE A

COCKSUCKER FOR LIFE HAHAHAHA" It's really gotten out of


anyway I was wondering if you guys had any advice or

ideas of how to bury this. I was thinking maybe drugging

my other friends and getting them to suck my dick, and then

I could use that to make them shut up. Idk


You have got to be motha fuckin kidding me here!


1. Kid IS GAY.


2. You are homo if your first solution is to have your 'boys' suck your dick


to equalize the scenario.


3. You fuckin kidding me??

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You have got to be motha fuckin kidding me here!


1. Kid IS GAY.


2. You are homo if your first solution is to have your 'boys' suck your dick


to equalize the scenario.


3. You fuckin kidding me??


yea i dont think the thread is still up on 420chan..but the replies had me loling.


also found out a few of 420chan cats lurk here in untitled and dutyfree of all places

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Well I have a buddy thats down in the dumps right now

because, well two things, he recently had a child but his

girlfriend died during child birth, and CPS took his child

away when her parents found weed at his house.

Over the past couple of weeks things just seem to be gettin

worse. I came to check on him one night and began

drinking a pint of morgan black rum, when he was suds -ed

out of his mind he confided in me he wanted to commit


at first i didnt think he was serious but last night he asked

me to help him get his affairs in order in a very serious tone.

So I told him ill help him commit suicide by getting him

some pills, of course I'm not going give him real pills but I

want him to take some sugar pills maybe 60 of them so in

that moment when he takes them and realizes he doesn't

want to die and what he has to live for I can tell him hes


I know its dickish but if he goes through with it I want to

get him some help.




























1. Your plan is stupid. The guy needs serious fucking

help. He needs to seek therapy, grief counseling.

You need to try and get him to hold on, and help

him emotionally. Right now, you're being a shitty


2. How the fuck do women die in childbirth in this day

and age? Does he live in a 3rd world country?


3. If he goes into cardiac arrest due to placebo effect then

you'll have the perfect crime.

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Bathrooms at JFK’s Central Taxi hold appalling, cabbies say


by Brooklyn Mark on July 7, 2010 · 15 comments



Driver Mohan Singh shows the lack of doors at the JFK Main Yellow Cab/Taxi Holding lot bathrooms which serve over 500 drivers on a daily basis and are in serious disrepair.


New York City taxi drivers put up with a lot. But even for long-suffering hacks, the stomach-churning toilets they’re forced to use at the city’s busiest airport are too much to bear, they said.


The bathrooms at JFK Airport’s Central Taxi Hold, where drivers queue up for fares, have fallen into an appalling state of disrepair. And drivers want an overhaul.


Some stalls are held together by rope or propped up on milk crates, while some partitions and doors have been replaced by curtains made from black plastic trash bags.


The stench from the pools of urine on the floor is overpowering, and hacks who want to wash up have to dip their hands into broken soap dispensers.


“It’s very disgusting,” said driver Harjit Singh, 41. “You feel like throwing up when you use it.”


“It’s a disaster,” said Pemba Sherpa, 39, a driver from Jackson Heights. “To be honest, I only use it in emergencies.”


Despite hundreds of complaints and calls to 311, drivers said the Port Authority, which runs the airport, has refused to fix the problem.


“The Port Authority goes all the time and checks it, but they don’t fix it,” said Herve Menard, 52, of Rockland County. “They put [up] plastic bags.”


The bathroom, used by as many as 200 cabbies an hour during peak times, has been in desperate need of repair for months, said Bhairavi Desai, executive director of the New York Taxi Workers’ Alliance. The PA had vowed to fix it by January, but renovations never happened, she said.


“They take the drivers for granted,” Desai said. “The least they’re entitled to is clean and safe bathrooms.”


But for hacks, the repulsive rest room can be more than just unpleasant. One driver told the alliance that a stall nearly collapsed around him. Others told the Daily News the ubiquitous pools of urine on the floor soak through their shoes, stinking up their cabs.


For many, it may be the only bathroom break they get all day. A study by the alliance found that many hacks suffer from kidney problems due to inadequate access to toilets, Desai said.


A PA official said the agency tries to “provide the best facilities for our customers, including the cab drivers.”


“But we also expect and hope that they treat those facilities with some degree of care,” said spokesman John Kelly.


In contrast, at LaGuardia Airport, an attendant at the rest room for cabbies keeps it immaculately clean, drivers said. Hacks tip the attendant, but it was unclear whom he works for.


“LaGuardia is beautiful,” said Singh. “They clean it twice a day.”


Disappointed hacks said they’re not holding their breath for a renovation at JFK.


“I hold my nose. What kind of choice do you have? You can’t pee inside the cab,” said Ilya Atanelov, a 61-year-old driver from Brighton Beach, Brooklyn.


{ 15 comments… read them below or add one }


White River Flyer July 9, 2010 at 6:42 am


In the few months this website & local dailies wrote this appalling condition of JFK hold toilet, NOTHING DONE. A response from the port authority I read gave the only apparently false defense they could think of. The cabbies did it! ha ha ha ha Toilets have to be treated with care, they said! They look like the Wreck of the Hesperas, and then the CHILLING NEWS, La Guardia hold toilets very clean, attendant cleans twice a day and GETS TIPS from cabbies. Isn’t it the old story? The MACHINE never did anything wrong, the cabbies never did anything right. Ain’t that the ticket? Someone should focus the cochroach spotlight on the PA.

STRIKE! July 10, 2010 at 3:30 pm


taxi drivers deserve this because they have no balls!! if they would just stand up for themselves and DEMAND stuff, instead of requesting then they would get it. but being pussies, its not their faults. {SOLUTION} STRIKE!!! earn some respect… being a yellow cab driver you already don’t have any rights… can’t talk on the phone, can’t use the bathroom, no relief stands…. WTF?!? THINK ABOUT IT! LOSING ONE DAY WON’T KILL YOU!

RadioFreeTaxi July 10, 2010 at 11:30 pm


For cabdrivers to be able to use a bathroom just us important than any other people who work in the office or factory. Imagine that if every office building has only one bathroom, what would be the results? Guess what, long lines, and over-flooded toilets! Each day there are at least 45000 cabdriver and limo-drivers seeking to use bathrooms. Where they park their vehicles, the city is NO Standing battle zones, so for them the City Officials has one great solutions, ticketing them, even at the CAB Stands, if he or she able find one! And here is the double standard, any Police Officers, Sanitation Workers, Mail Truck drivers, Fire Engines, have the urgent nature calls, they can Stop and use any nearby bathroom, or get a cup of cafe without any fear being ticketed. And there is NO TIME limits, but for the cabbies, even for a spit seconds is huge fines! How may years cabdrivers have this type of problems? DECADES!!! There were many articles in the newspapers and the internet, but nothing has been done! Actually, Mr. Daus did something, he posted the LIST of Cabstands on the TLC’ website! How many of you able to PARK there, if you’re lucky to find an empty spot? And the nearby officer made your day with ticket on the windshield! This is clearly showing to all of us how they care about any cabdrivers! In the offices, every big boss has their own bathroom, and the rest of the people also able to use bathrooms on every floor without a fear being ticketed! This is one of the huge difference between over-regulated cabdrivers and any other people, the City Officials could solve these serious problems for cabdrivers, just as they do for anyone else! This is so much to ASK?

Rootie Kazootie Cab July 11, 2010 at 6:49 am


Unfortunately, NYC cabbies already know ‘nothing good’ happening in their “portfolio.” Amazing! Funny, Yassky Kazootie is not “excited” about cleaning up JFK hold bathrooms. Maybe the riding public is a little sick of urine smell soaked into cabbies sneakers from using JFK bathrooms. Did you all notice that LaGuardia hold bathrooms are very clean, with an attendant that cleans 2 times daily & cabbies give tips. Would it still be clean if cabbies did not give tips? Isn’t it interesting of all those passengers and employees of LaGuardia, the cabbie has to pay to use a clean toilet [meaning would these toilets look like JFK if cabbies weren't giving 'required' tips to use it]? Recall with hotel doormen ‘tips’ were called required ‘bribes.’ However – clean bathrooms – don’t knock it.

Taras Bulba Taximeister July 13, 2010 at 9:15 am


Wouldn’t it be comical if those permanent yellow decals somehow left the cabs & wound up pasted all over the JFK main hold cabbie toilets? What will it take for Mayor Bloomberg to pick up the telephone and call the Port Authority demanding an upgrade to the JFK hold toilet area? Do all NYC cabbies have to strike for a day just for a toilet that all others get without question in their daily work lives? If cabbies strike for a day, not only do they have to make up their own money, they have to work to make up the Machine’s billionaire money. Imagine the price for cabbies to get a decent toilet condition?

Taras Bulba Taximeister July 13, 2010 at 9:30 am


Are cabbies actors? or reactors? The TLC & Machine acts & cabbies react. OR maybe cabbies are so numb from being hit with TLC & Machine cabbie demonizing & denigrating moves that they react less each time, given they work 12 hours daily to support the rich TLC & Machine. Or cabbies’ reactions are already predicted by TLC & machine & the slick response platitudes (like ‘excited’) are served up like fast & cheap pizzas coming out of the oven. In the main, it is TLC & Machine acts & cabbies react not much, not effectively. Cabbies must LEARN that the act / react scenario is NO GOOD for them. Cabbies must ALWAYS be acting, forcing the TLC & machine to react. This way the TLC & Machine will not have as much time to rat-a-tat-tat the drumbeat of sh*t regulations that weekly fall on cabbies’ heads. Cabbies must keep up the rat-a-tat-tat drumbeat of pointing out flaws in the TLC & Machine policies, procedures, regulations, and acts. I recall reading in some comment where at a meeting the commissioners and/or city councilors almost literally told Ms. Bhairavi Desai of the NYTWA Alliance to go to H*ll. They made stinky & smelly BULLY comments that were disgusting. They let Ms. Desai know what will come back when the Alliance makes justifiable complaints. Cabbies cannot fall back, they must act, act, act and let the TLC & machine react. Cabbies must stand there, as must Ms. Desai, and keep throwing those justifiable complaints out. There are thousands of them.

Taras Bulba Taximeister July 13, 2010 at 9:18 pm


ACT. Take a bunch of pics of the TJF main hold cabbie bathrooms [without any cabbies in it]. Select perhaps the 5 worst & make 100 copies of each picture. Next buy a 100 9×12″ manila envelopes & mail a set of 5 to 100 people. Write on them with a fine point felt marker. Send one env with 5-pic set to Mayor Bloomberg, write on the top pic, what are you going to do about this? Send one env to the City of NY sanitation depart, write on the top pic same thing. Send about 5 env to the TLC not addressed to any particular commissioner, that way the mail room can open it and send it on its way with everyone getting a look. Send 1 env to EACH major airline’s airport office, say on this top pic, how do these cabbie bathrooms look compared to the ones you use. Send one env to each New York City Councilor, write on the top pic, what are you going to do about this. Send one env EACH to NY Post, NY Dailey News, NY Times, Village Voice, on the top pic write: JFK main hold cabbie bathrooms, despite complaints it’s been this way for months and months. Send 1 env to Dave Pollack Chairman of the Safety Committee of what? Of TLC, of Machine, of Newyork? Write on the top pic, Dear Dave, as Chairman of the Safety Committee do you think these toilets and pools of urine are SAFE? On top of another picture, write it is embarrassing when cabbies step in the urine and their sneakers go squish, squish, squish. When you have mailed out all 100 envelopes, and don’t forget the Chairman of the New York City Transportation Board, and the Executive Director of the Port Authority. Let them all have a copy of the 5 pics to discuss. This is ACTING, in addition to reacting. It is LEGAL to do this & it is LEGAL to send them anonymously. These are informative pictures, not threatening pictures. If no immediate results of Porta-Potties trucked in while toilets being repaired and replaced, the take the 5 pics, reduce them in size onto one large photocopy and photocopy them on to LEGAL SIZE light card stock. Thumb tack them around where you can and label them the JFK main hold cabbie bathrooms never cleaned or repaired by PA. This ought to get things going. Do Dave Pollack and the Commissioners’ jobs. Honor them with rewards if they do their jobs. Hold the ceremony in the cleaned up toilets.

Surinder Cab July 14, 2010 at 7:33 pm


JFK मुख्य टैक्सी पकड़ में टैक्सी ड्राइवरों के लिए, गंदी की कुछ और अच्छी तस्वीरें लेने के लिए, नीचे मूत्र के फर्श पर पूल के साथ शौचालय को चलाते हैं. चुनें सबसे अच्छा चित्र और 5 100 प्रतियां बनाने, न्यूयॉर्क में विभिन्न महत्वपूर्ण लोगों के लिए 5 के 1 पैकेट भेजने के लिए, एक 9-12 “लिफाफा उपयोग करते हुए, ऊपर चित्र पर छोटे महसूस टिप मार्कर में लिखने,” आप कैसे इन पर शौचालय पसंद नहीं 100 लिफाफे बाहर, भेजें और NYC cabs के लिए JFK मुख्य पकड़? “फिर एक 5 कानूनी आकार कार्ड स्टॉक पर कम चित्र डाल, और. इस और अंगूठे यह विभिन्न स्थानों पर हमले तक की 100 प्रतियां सभी की ध्यान इस गंदगी लाओ करें को पोर्ट अथॉरिटी को एक जोड़ी भेज भूल जाते हैं. मत करो, और JFK में सभी प्रमुख एयरलाइन कार्यालयों. यह अनुवाद करने के लिए: http://www.translate. google.com. शुभकामनाएँ.

Anonymous July 23, 2010 at 5:22 pm


why dont all of us cabdrivers just go on strike already how much longer are we going to put up with all the bullshit we are human beings just like everyone else we need a raise and a break when it comes to being able to find a bathroom so lets stop being a bunch of pussys and stand up for ourselves and strike fuck nyc for a day and let them see how it feels to be fucked over the same way they fuck us over all the time who’s with me

SS SS Yassky Fan August 2, 2010 at 6:07 am


As a fan of “See Something, Say Something” Yassky, we know Yassky has seen the JFK taxi hold toilet pictures of the appalling state of disrepair & unsanitary conditions with urine puddles all over the floor, and we are now waiting for “See Something, Say Something” Yassky to SAY SOMETHING!

ashiq hussain September 24, 2010 at 3:31 am


there is no water to wash hand shame on them they are thinking we are not human being

Anonymous September 24, 2010 at 10:22 pm


To ashiq, cabbies are demonized by the TLC & the rest of the NYC cab business. We don’t know why because WITHOUT those in-humanely treated cabbies [who cannot even have water to wash their hands] the rest of the cab business COULD not be the billionaires they are!!! Those despised cabbies make the rest of the cab business billionaires, going on trillionaires.

Charles October 7, 2010 at 5:42 am


What’s with all the “Methyldopa” ads nested within the article??? I almost passed this article by when I did my search. Is that Yellow’s intention, that we don’t read the unpleasant articles about the business???

Charles October 7, 2010 at 5:54 am


Has the situation improved any? I drive in a smaller city, and rarely make it to NYC. Good luck with that. Any progress w/proactive strategy of “Taximeister?” Sounds like a workable approach: why is he waiting for someone else to implement it???

Charlemagne October 7, 2010 at 7:37 pm


Cabbies are waiting for the NYTWA Alliance [the union] to implement the Taximeister approach to cleaning up bathrooms at JFK cab hold. Comments that mention drugs and an instance of incredible overcharge from JFK to Queens that went unreported seems an attack by someone who cannot defend the deplorable condition of the JFK cab hold. Some TLC member or some Port Authority employee lashing back at cabbies. One comment claims taking cab from JFK to Queens was overcharged $34, and cabbie would not accept credit card, rider from JFK (Port Authority employee?) said same fare always costs $20. What would any former cabbie do in this situation, claiming to be locked in the cab, just sit in the cab until the cabbie lets you out and accepts the $20. Otherwise, cabbie will have to sit there for a long time making no money, and if cabbie calls police it will be more trouble for the cabbie. Easy enough. That is why the comment and claim is SUSPECT. Suspect complainer says he called his friend to bring him the extra money and did not bother to report it. Sounds like this might be the JFK employee who is supposed to fix the bathrooms!!! And old trick: answer criticism with shouts of “cheater, druggie.” No answer, just a stupid attack.


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