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word up to lomos too, i use mine all the time, in italy there are all these polish folks that sell shit from the former soviet union on the side of the road ,you can buy em from them for like 30 bucks plus they sell new for like 200 usd so its a good deal my pops bought like 10 and they all work perfect. ill bet theres lots of people who sell this type of shit all over erurope just got to look.

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Originally posted by hyrax@Oct 27 2004, 01:03 PM

ENO, Whats the deal with the bicycles? Looks like some street art shit since theyre all chained up


In town there's thiss group of kids who are called "Zoo Bombers". What they do is find kids bikes, abandoned kids bikes, and take them to the the top of the local zoo. Which is on a large hill. They wait till the dark hours of the day. The road down is twisty and very dark due to lots and lots of trees. So the danger risk is way up there when you consider that they're on kids bikes and haulin ass. When everyone has reached the bottom they all continue down to the city together where they ride to the same bike post every Sunday. Then, they all make an "art piece" out of all the bikes and lock them up. Eventually, the bikes pile up and the city removes them. But there's always something there. Has been for a good part of a year or so now.


Now you know...

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for fear of sounding like a retard, which im sure im already going to do with my question here, is there any reason people collect old poloroids minus the fact that they are old? do they have different features not found today in certain poloroids and shit? Because i run across old ones all the time that i can cop for people if they want me to, or if there are special ones you have to have. Just enlighten me, that would be tots like whoa....


nice flick's eno, what is that last one, it looks like a light fish flying in the sky or something...


onesecondple//////at school gettin his learn on,,,,

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Originally posted by Then Away@Oct 29 2004, 11:21 AM

for fear of sounding like a retard, which im sure im already going to do with my question here, is there any reason people collect old poloroids minus the fact that they are old? do they have different features not found today in certain poloroids and shit? Because i run across old ones all the time that i can cop for people if they want me to, or if there are special ones you have to have. Just enlighten me, that would be tots like whoa....



I collect for profit AND pleasure.


I use each of the cameras I buy, but I also sell some after I've tested them.

And yes, some Polaroids have different features/uses.


Some cameras take specific Polaroid film as well.

Be it 600 Integral, 669 Color Peel-Apart, Time-Zero Integral..and so on.


For each type of film there are at least 50+ models of cameras.

So, that's a lot of collecting.

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at the moment....my 350 reigns supreme as my favorite polaroid.


I'm still trying to get my hands on an sx-70.


rage, have you come across any 180s or 195s yet?


some dude was selling a bunch of them on ebay as a unit. one of them was a 195. dudes were coming out of the woodwork trying to get him to sell it seperate.


I haven't come across a single polaroid in any of the pawn shops and thritstores I've checked. I've even got family members looking at garage sales now.

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Oh man.


In an LJ Polaroid community a girl I talk to just got a 180 in a Salvation Army for a few bucks.

She had no idea it was worth about 200.

Then I told her why.


Never come accross a 180 or 195.

I've seen them at Photography conventions for hundreds of bucks or on eBay.

And I'm not spending that kind of money.


I've found ONE SX-70 in a thrift store (which I purchased), but they are harder to find.

I have a feeling that when a Thrift store merchandiser holds a SX-70, they have no idea how to open it... thus they have no idea it's a camera, so they probably toss it.


My favorite is the 250. It's sleek, black, and I can attatch a lot of extra equipment to it for interesting photos.

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I've got the #191 Cable release.

I can attatch my hand held flash too.


I also just hold various lenses in front of the camera, such as; close-up, wide angle, fisheye, UV...


I really want the Self Timer and Close-Up kit though.


I like my 250 because I modified it and stuck a 9v battery in there.

Shit is all pimped out.

..Electrical tape over the Electric eye for longer exposures.

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sorry i haven't kept you guys updated.

screen name problems.

and then i was away from home a bunch in the past couple weeks.

i've got it, i hope that it will be done and sent by this weekend.

one of my shots is taken, the pages are moving along nicely.


almost finished.


where am i getting fermentor's info from?

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