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Everything posted by CIPHER_one

  1. all right, i'm a big woody allen fan, and enjoy a lot of slowly-paced "sophisticated" (what?) movies. I saw a screening of Match Point at a film festival last november and I didn't enjoy it at all. The first half seemed like a silly, over the top love triangle movie, and the second half seemed like a silly, over the top murder mystery. it was like a pulp novel you get at the airport. please tell me what I missed. cuz everyone digs this movie except for me. (catch Stardust memories for a good w. allen movie)
  2. I couldn't get into Oldboy...it was really neat...but I dunno.
  3. Quasi-indie? I was pretty sure it was as indie as they come.
  4. What's up with Dirty Pretty Things ripping off the Clerks poster? DPT was great btw
  5. Well, actually you may have benn referring to Larry Clark in the first place...if so...whatever.
  6. First: No, the director is a middle aged photographer. the WRITER is a shit-head original middle-america come to the big city hipster junkie pedophile scum.. Second: He may be those things, but he makes neat movies. ex.
  7. Bringing Out The Dead was one of his best.
  8. just saw this. pretty cool, kinda dated.
  9. Albert Brooks is God. Defending your Life is amazing. The Muse even sucked, but I would watch it in a second because of him.
  10. Dark City is the best sci-fi film I've ever seen. Unfortunately the director went on to direct some real crap recently. I liked THX-1138 a lot. It's real slow moving...but really excellent visuals. I think Lucas was real young when he did it. He made a short film version of it at USC.
  11. Just saw it.. I enjoyed it. I dunno, I have mixed feelings on dude's stuff. Really nice ideas and such but...I dunno. It feels very temporary...I dunno. I did enjoy it though.
  12. This one's about Steve Buscemi as a struggling independent film-maker. And it's amazing. This one's about Steve Buscemi as a struggling independent film-maker. And it's pretty great.
  13. The work of Bryce McCloud my favorite living artist
  14. Hmmm. I dunno, I would certainly recommend it, but I have mixed feelings. It is very pleasant to watch...sure. I'm going to see his new movie, 3-iron, on Sunday. Word up to Half-Japanese.
  15. I wasn't so into that movie...it was ok. I liked this one a lot more:
  16. I dunno, that movie looked kinda bad to me. I can get into John Waters (didn't he direct?) but I'm not so sure about that one. The shot in the trailer where Steven Dorf liks the mag put me off indefinitely.
  17. touching the void? I'm assuming "USER POSTED IMAGE" means an image was posted that I can't see. Hence the confusion...
  18. Did mel gibson have something to do with the movie? Becuase it was indeed awesome.
  19. Well, sure, but the cutoms in Asia are irrelevant. If we were all in Asia I'd understand, but I don't just adapt to foreign customs if there is a foreigner in the room. Even though I think you were arguing my point.
  20. Well, to each his own man. But, I sure don't refer to anyone last name first. I'm not gonna refer to someone from a foreign country that way just to fit in with their country's customs. Not to seem argumentative, really. Just sayin'...
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