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Everything posted by CIPHER_one

  1. it's Wong Kar Wai....(not being a dick, just lettin people know)
  2. fuck yes dude! Though I'd have to disagree with that being his 'finest'. The first segment is great, the other two are lacking I thought. Stranger Than Paradise Dead Man Night On Earth Down By Law
  3. Noi Albinoi Wong Kar Wai Friends Forever (Doc)
  4. Whoa, I didn't think of that...
  5. Get rid of everything related to graffiti in that canvas and I think I'd dig it. Yes, in fact i know I would.
  6. be_hiphop...they feel fairly amateurish to me, expect for the second one. I dig it, and think you should head in that direction.
  7. I like the photos more than the paintings.
  8. I don't think you can really discount that canvas as not being a canvas simply because you don't see any....I dunno, creativity involved, or whatever. Someone could very easily discount your work by just saying "it's just some random splotches of paint. There's no substance." But you can't make a simple blanket statement like that. **This is me playing devil's advocate. Because I agree with your opinion. I guess I just don't agree with how you stated it. Although I'm not sure I know of a better way...I'll think about it.
  9. Come on man, if this sums up your outlook, theres not a whole hell of a lot some advice from Seeking is gonna do. And if characters on CD's is the limit of your imagination...
  10. Yeah, I wasn't implying that those were crap, and this is not. I can just see how you went from the animals, to the plants... And I wouldn't call animal stickers useless really...
  11. those look nice seeking. Theres an...'apparent' evolution from your animal stickers.
  12. al. that link is awesome. she's great.
  13. I had never even heard of Ray Johnson until I saw How to draw a Bunny...crazy. Seeking, those look great. Was that done on personal time? Or is it related to school or something.
  14. gorgeous dillz. chris silva is amazing.
  15. that's really great geezpot.
  16. I saw that. I enjoyed it very much. I loved the segment where he was...lecturing? a class. Rolling that chair around the room.
  17. misp not that you dont know it...but the colors on those are nuts.
  18. I have an assload of paper to sell if anyone's interested. Illford Warmtone Fiber paper. And a holga
  19. those are real neat. I'm not so into the angles and content...but they're nice shots.
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